They're Faithfully Waiting on that A-hole to Come Back....

Started by Marcia Moore, August 16, 2010, 09:58:45 AM

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Marcia Moore

     Just who is one supposed to contact in Elk County when somebody dumps a litter of puppies and their momma?  Evidently not the sheriff, as the sheriff's office was called on August 10th and it is now five days later.  So, who do you call?  The puppies and their momma are still faithfully waiting on that a-hole that dumped them to come back for them.  I hate to see the little puppies euthanized, and I hate to see them die of starvation.  In my opinion, the a-hole that dumped them there ought to get one of those two choices rather than the puppies. 
     Any ideas who to contact?  The momma and puppies are real friendly.   

Janet Harrington

I have no idea, Marcia.  I hate that.  I wish I was in the position to do something, but I am not.  Call the sheriff's office again.  It was our job when I was in that position to take care of problems.  Keep calling until either the dogs disappear or the sheriff's office comes and gets them.


Sigh,  every day people get worse and worse, cold hearted and cruel.   I like my critters more than people now days.
Seriously if i could get more remote i probably would.  
My biggest problem with people is these ass* that will just run over a animal because its there.  One of my angoras escaped one day while i was gone, and some a**hole ran her down on the side of the road.  She wasn't in the road she was in the ditch.  and they went into the ditch to run her down.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Janet Harrington

Oh, gosh, srkruzich.  That is so sad, but I know people will do that.

Marcia, I don't know if the sheriff's office took care of those dogs or not, but I did hear on the scanner that they had a dog and would the dispatcher call Julia, the vet, and see if she could hold it for them.  Don't know if it was the same thing that you reported or not.

I am such an animal lover that I totally hate going to a pet store and seeing all those puppies and kittens for sale.  Breaks my heart and I want to just take everyone of them home.  But then my big dog would not tolerate having so many animals around.  He is so spoiled and he hates, hates cats.  Have to keep him leashed when he is outside in the front or the neighbors cats would be history.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on August 16, 2010, 11:09:32 PM
he hates, hates cats.  .

That's the basic sign of a good dog. Do you have another german shepard?
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Quote from: Janet Harrington on August 16, 2010, 11:09:32 PM
Oh, gosh, srkruzich.  That is so sad, but I know people will do that.

Marcia, I don't know if the sheriff's office took care of those dogs or not, but I did hear on the scanner that they had a dog and would the dispatcher call Julia, the vet, and see if she could hold it for them.  Don't know if it was the same thing that you reported or not.

I am such an animal lover that I totally hate going to a pet store and seeing all those puppies and kittens for sale.  Breaks my heart and I want to just take everyone of them home.  But then my big dog would not tolerate having so many animals around.  He is so spoiled and he hates, hates cats.  Have to keep him leashed when he is outside in the front or the neighbors cats would be history.

A friend of mine has to constantly remind me to not get attached to livestock. (talkign about my goats) but you know goats have such a personality and they interact like pets.    
I will hunt for food and food only but have a hard time doing it.  When you kill an animal you take all that they have, this life, which doesn't continue on after death.  So killing them to just kill them is IMO unforgivable.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You might think Janet has a bad case of animal love.  I won't even look at the pet section of the newspaper where they run pictures of pets up for adoption.  I can't have another animal either.  Bud won't tolerate another one, be it cat or dog.  Right after I moved over here, Janet brought her big German Shepherd in and Bud was going to take him apart.  Fortunately, Janet intervened in time.  That might be why her dog hates cats now.

Diane Amberg

Elk county doesn't have a "no kill" animal shelter? I'm with all of you as far as animals go. Some have much better personalities than humans. I'm also very much for spay and neuter. I mean for the animals, but there are some humans....


I was sort of surprised by this.  Living in a large urban area, the county maintains many animal shelters and sponsers "rescue animals" and does testing on dead animals or those that are so ill or old that need to be euthanized.  There are pet stores all around who either sell animals or have days when a support group of some sort will bring animals to the store for customers to adopt.  R.A.M.B.O came from a pet store that only sold "rescue dogs".  I know it is a ripoff as these people go to the animal shelter and pay little or no money to get the animal and all of it shots and then take them back to the store and sell them for a lot of money.  But hey, I am happy (sometimes) with the dog, and I am sure if he thought about it, he would be happier than he already is.  Too bad the county doesn't designate someone to handle these cases, maybe on a part time basis.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


The city of Howard could sur improve in animal control.   When I lived in Howard there were large bands of stray cats that roamed from house to house where they knew they would be fed.  I had a little dog that would ocassionally run.  People would make up stories that the dog catcher waws going to get him.  The city had no dog catcher.  At that time it was up to the only police officer to address a dog problem.  Many times day and night dogs would be roaming.

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