Meet the "Boomerang Generation"

Started by Warph, August 15, 2010, 01:45:18 AM

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I can't really blame them, if you want to know the truth.  I speak of the latest down-economy trend: More 20-somethings are moving back home with Mom and Dad... and happily accepting financial assistance.  So pronounced is the trend... some 41 percent of parents are giving their 20-somethings some 10 percent of their combined income....  which prompts me to offer 20-somethings tips on how to take advantage of a good situation.

Look, 20-somethings, it's only partly your fault that the economy is still a mess... most of you voted for you know who... Mr. Demagogue.... but it isn't your fault that you lack the skills to deal with it.  Your generation has been coddled like no other generation before it.... you're a bunch of pansy ass's... no offense.  Never has any generation been given so much for doing so little and that, my little friend, is your parents' fault.

It's payback time, baby.

Dr. Phil suggests your parents charge you at least a token rent.  Mom and Dad will likely assume that you'll offer a stipend of some kind.  Don't.  Your father will complain to your mother... eventually they'll get into loud arguments over the matter.... but if you hold steady, you'll likely keep living at home for free.  To that end, it will help to gripe loudly about your college loan bills.  Mom and Dad will feel guilty that they were unable to pay for all your college costs... further ensuring that Mom won't let Dad ask you for rent.  Complaining about the food is also helpful.  No matter how good Mom and Dad's cooking is.... and it surely is better than the grub you prepare for yourself.... point out its shortcomings.  In the unlikely event that the subject of rent does come up, you can use this as a bargaining chip.

That brings us to your social life.  It would be foolish to continue running up your credit cards at nightclubs when Dad's liquor cabinet is full.  Have your friends over.  Mix your own drinks.  This is sure to agitate Dad further... he and Mom will be arguing regularly by now... and cause him to mark the level in his liquor bottles with Scotch tape.  Simply adjust the tape as you drain Dad's bottles.

Another important tip is earplugs.  As you sleep off your hangovers late Saturday mornings, Dad will bang the lawnmower against the bricks under your window, figuring the least you can do is cut the grass.  Foam plugs offer the best Dad-noise-blocking capability.  

I know some people will complain that I am encouraging you to mooch off your parents.  Some will argue that everyone, including 20-somethings, must carry their own load if our country is to thrive.  Nuts to that.

The reason we got into our economic mess.... one reason it persists..... is because, like dependent children, so many have come to expect somebody else to bear the consequences of their poor decisions, irresponsible behavior, failure to plan and demands for instant, unearned gratification.  The Wall Street boys made risky decisions and the taxpayers bailed them out.  States that overspent during the good times want the federal government to bail them out during the bad times.  Our federal government is spending billions more than it is taking in and expects future taxpayers to bail it out.  

Since few adults appear to be interested in carrying their own load, who can criticize 20-somethings who are moving home to mooch off Mom and Dad?  A great recession like ours comes along once in a lifetime.  Don't let it pass without free drinks from Dad's liquor cabinet.

Make mine a double.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


lol warph,  are you saying that your generation has left this country better than you found it?  I bet back when you were 20,  you could get a job, get married, and support a wife and kids on your salary.  I have friends with college degrees that are working full time and still can't make ends meet.  You keep telling yourself whatever it is you need to in order to help you feel better about yourself, but the fact remains that our economic troubles started long before these 20 somethings were even born.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


I gotta say i am glad my kids aren't pansy ass's.  They did come home for a while, but as soon as their butts hit the door, they either paid me room and board or they did work it off. I gave them 1month free, in that time they had to earn the next months room and board through work on the place doing what ever i needed done, or they got a job and worked it.  That next month i took the money and stashed it.  After 3 months, I told them they could get an apartment and take care of themselves and went and found them a place and took all of the money they paid me for R&B and used it to secure them a place.

they learned real quick.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


as quoted:
The reason we got into our economic mess.... one reason it persists..... is because, like dependent children, so many have come to expect somebody else to bear the consequences of their poor decisions, irresponsible behavior, failure to plan and demands for instant, unearned gratification.  The Wall Street boys made risky decisions and the taxpayers bailed them out.  States that overspent during the good times want the federal government to bail them out during the bad times.  Our federal government is spending billions more than it is taking in and expects future taxpayers to bail it out. 

Warph, you point is well made.  Certainly, this is another good one. 

Diane Amberg

And then there is the very bright 31 year old who will never leave home even for a short while. She sabotages every interview she ever gets and is babied by her parents who make excuses for her at every turn like she's still 12. She has tiny little "job" two days a week. It's none of my business of course, but what a waste.


Funny and right on.  Our daughter moved out at age 23 and was happy for a year until her roommate got married.  She then went through a few roommates that weren't satisfactory and gave up her nice apartment because she couldn't pay the rent even though she had a good job.  She moved back with us insisting on paying us some rent and took over most of the household duties while still maintaining her full time job.  Upon meeting her future husband, they chose to rent a condo and eventually married and now have a nice house of their own.  She has never asked us for money.  Just recently, they had a serious and expensive plumbing problem and were trying to decide on a small loan or use a credit card.  It took me hours to convince them to borrow the money from me, interest free and worry free.  She has stated before and even when all this took place that she never wanted to owe me money for anything.  Our son, at age 23, moved out and has never looked back.  He is now married and they will have a child in a few weeks.  He has never asked for money unless it was a really short term thing (paid back in a few weeks) and does not believe that his parents owe him anything.

We are truly blessed.  We would never hesitate to help them when they need it and they know it, but to take advantage, never.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I have always provided shelter and/or assistance if it were needed.  None of my daughters have ever thought it was a free ride to live at home.  They might have had to come home at one time or another, but they were soon on their way again without any prodding from the parents.  Not so, one of the husbands.  He would have lived off us forever if our daughter hadn't put a stop to it.  When asked her marital status she now says, "Happily divorced for 25 years".  Now I am fortunate to have daughters that are there to help me whenever I need help.  And a son-in-law close by that will do anything I ask of him and things I don't ask.  How could it be any better than that?

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