Unregistered vehicles/abandoned

Started by David, August 13, 2010, 07:37:38 PM

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Ang, that IS taking a handout.  When you enter into a business you accept the fact that there will be certain expenses you'll have to pay.  If your foodbill cannot be budgeted within your monthly expenses then it needs to be cut or your fees raised.  It is not the responsibilty of the State (i.e. taxpayers) to make up your short fall.  The same can be said about farm subsidies.  If a farmer can't afford to farm on what he makes then he needs to find cheaper ways of farming...or a new job.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I see that you see this as a hand out.  I use the same food program that the schools use.  So that means that if parents get free or reduced lunches then they shouldn't have had kids? Really!! I use this program not only to make a little money, but wouldn't you as a parent rather know what type of food your child is being feed?  If I wasn't on this program, I wouldn't be required to feed a veggie, fruit, meat, milk, and bread at every meal. I could feed PB and J every meal. I do this as to let parents know that I care about their child, not to make money. I have raised my fees every year.  And they are no where close to anything in Wichita or bigger towns. 

I can't win for losing with you guys so it doesn't matter.  I am not getting my point across so it doesn't really matter.  I was trying to say that why if someone doesn't agree with what you all say on here, they are called names! That is what I am getting at.  Now you can start calling me a names if you like! As for the honey thing, I would have quit a long time ago, if you aren't making money. What are your expenses?  Are there really many?

And we get no subsidys on our farm.  But SZ thinks that farmers make LOTS OF MONEY!! I wish we seen that!!! Guess we don't raise the right crops or animals or something! ;D
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Recomended Reading; The Five Thousand Year Leap W. Cleon Skousen
Ang, you have my appologies.  I am only mean spirited to the mean spirited:  The wall that the unfair or cruel do not want to run into.  So if I offend you, know that I speak only for those who are afraid to speak for themselves!
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.


We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to Samuel Kercheval, July 12, 1816
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.


My 2cents here lived in new mexico paid 12 dollars ayear for tags moved here paid 136 .As for farmers  .was in oil business in 1988 paid 4 dollars abarrel no help for us but at set in cafe ,listen farmer getting big money not to grow crops .That list that Mark came up with  was a eye opener


Mark is a smart kid.  Listen to him.  I am not about entitlements though I have seen some really hard times.  I think this says it best;
I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.


Quote from: angtown3 on August 24, 2010, 09:48:57 AM
Well, I don't know but we don't drive around in F350's to the max.  We run a cattle business. Yes, we grass them, put up the hay to feed them (and if you know anything about that it isn't cheap!), feed them corn in winter and the hay, and we get no subsidies!!  Plus, I run my own business, too!! And if we break even on selling cattle we are doing lucky! Have you priced any cattle pellets, hay, or anything of that nature???
didn't say everyone did run around in them.  I do know what feed costs.  pellets i bought not long ago i think they were around 8.20 or so a hundred. Corn is cheap at 6.50 a hundred and hay is anywhere from 25 -40 a bale unless you bale it yourself or have someone bale it on the halfs. 

QuoteAnd are you going to complain that me running a daycare, I get reimbursed for some of the amount of lunches that I feed the kids?? Is that taking hand outs? To me that is not, as my food bill surpasses the amount every month that I get!
Why don't you charge for it???? You shouldn't be having to be funding the food.  that doesn't make sense. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: angtown3 on August 24, 2010, 01:47:41 PM
. I do this as to let parents know that I care about their child, not to make money. I have raised my fees every year.  And they are no where close to anything in Wichita or bigger towns.  
thats nobel and understandable but it is the parents responsibility to feed the children.  Like you said your still  lower than any place else, and come on now, you could increase the price enough to feed the kids and it will still be low enough.  

QuoteI am getting at.  Now you can start calling me a names if you like! As for the honey thing, I would have quit a long time ago, if you aren't making money. What are your expenses?  Are there really many?
first of all i'm not callng you any names.  to answer your question on the honey costs, oh yeah theres a lot of expense. staring off theres  240.00 for hives to put the bees in , 120 for the bees, extractor another 500, misc tools to do the job another 350 for 2 people,  multiply the 350 dollars per hive starting fee times 20 for the first year, 7000.00 plus feeding them through the winter, approximately 1 -2 tons of sugar @.68 a pound  then building 50 - 100 hives for next years bee increase, cause we'll split the 20 into 60 hives, plus next year we'll be feeding 40+ hives so 4tons of sugar.  

Get the idea on the cost?  The goal is 1500 -3000 hives in 8 -10 years.  If we manage it then we'l be bringing sugar into moline on a railcar probably.  i'm probably going to have to make a run back to Georgia or mississippi to buy lumber to build hives, since i can't get reasonably priced lumber here.  
i'll be buying a foundation mill to make my own foundation in a year or so instead of having to pay a dollar a sheet.  I'll just use our own wax we produce thus cutting the cost down to like a nickle a sheet.  

You see, the startup cost is  high right now, but... as we produce, we will take the profit and buy equipment to cut costs and increase our profits.  On wood for the hives, we are using pine right now, but when we get enough money we'll buy cypress or cedar wood which will last far longer than the pine.  

And the honey industry gets no subsidies even though its under agriculture and farming and the market is controlled by the packing plants out there that refuse to pay a decent price for honey.  Along with that, we have to compete ith the chinese crap coming into the country at .35 cents a pound which is contaminated with some serious chemicals and makes people sick.  But your packing plants won't stop importing it cause it makes more profit.  Then they also take HFCS and mix 40% of that with 60% honey and sell it as pure honey.  so when folks go buy suebee honey or golden acres honey or any other brand in the stores, they aren't buying honey, they are buying contaminated honey with corn syrupin it.   The ONLY place you can guarantee you get good 100% pure american honey is from your local bee keepers.

But with all that stacked against us, I know how to make a profit.   Its marketing.  You'll start seeing some of our marketing skills in play soon hopefully, we are putting together the first harvest this year.  It won't be much i think about 500 -1000 pounds but it is the first of Osage hills Honey.  :)

QuoteAnd we get no subsidys on our farm.  But SZ thinks that farmers make LOTS OF MONEY!! I wish we seen that!!! Guess we don't raise the right crops or animals or something! ;D
I know farmers don't make tons of money. it all depends on what you produce, weather, ect markets ect.  Give you an example... Packing houses this year for honey are telling beekeepers they are only paying 1.30 for honey. they are also telling us that we had better jump on it cause its going lower in the winter.  so many honey farms are selling at 1.30 a pound. I say WTH??? IF honey is expected to go lower, (and pigs will fly too) then why is the honey packer buying it at the higher price now.  Why aren't they waiting til it drops.  No they know this for a fact, that honey is going to skyrocket in the winter cause there is going to be a major shortage for clover honey and they are trying to warehouse as much as they can get so they will have it to sell this winter.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


How can the shopper tell if the honey is from China? 

Here is a related story about being in business:  As a counselor one checks with the insurance company to see what is covered and how much.  The insurance companies would actualy lie to you about coverages in order to get you to take their client.  Then not pay anything on the bill.  One company did it so much  that I stopped taking any clients from them.  That would make many people very angry as the company was promoting choice and led the client to believe they could have any provider!!  Yes they could have any provider as long as they paid the whole bill.


Quote from: twirldoggy on August 25, 2010, 09:14:52 AM
How can the shopper tell if the honey is from China? 

You can't without testing it, its much easier to find pure honey by going to your local honey producer.  They do not mix it.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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