Unregistered vehicles/abandoned

Started by David, August 13, 2010, 07:37:38 PM

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Quote from: kshillbillys on August 14, 2010, 04:45:13 PM
Maybe the weed department and road and bridge department are out fixing/working on all of the other complaints going on...Just sayin...There's a LOT of county to be taken care of...
I've seen a lot of lawn care service workers yards and guess what? There's are grassy and full of weeds and not mowed down short to the ground! They have to work and take care of others' yards so they don't have the time for their "own"...
Yes, Johnson grass is a noxious weed...Anybody with it on their property is supposed to spray it and eradicate it or be subject to fines. Even ones living south of Howard, looking down on everyone else.

P.S. This does include pastures!
I can't see down the hill because of the height of the overgrown brush and trees.  We haven' even started on that.  We should start two new threads.

Diane Amberg

There is a "weed office?" Seriously?  I'd be worried about rats too.


To ADP  Pep electric.  You should be ashamed Sir over your blind attacks and your judgmental attitude.  You should also be ashamed of your language that you used.  My children read these forums.  Are you upset because I might have captured a picture of the landfill in your yard...
You missed my point entirely, but I forgot your I.Q. is only three, let me break out the construction paper and crayons for you.  If you will scroll up you ignorant close minded bastard you may see my point.  It is obvious to me that you are a spoiled little rich kid who has never had to work for anything.  MY POINT WAS, THAT IF THE CITY WAS GONNA PUSH FOR ANYTHING IT SHOULD BE FAIR AND EQUITABLE ACROSS THE BOARD.
You dumb Bastard; the city doesn't work that way.  It works for your lazy butt living on daddies money.  I have fought for everything in my life and you are nothing but a nuisance needing a swat.
If we are gonna make this city clean, then lets clean it all up, not just the poor, I want the County yards clean, the City yards clean, fairness across the boards, But is not about fairness with you, it is what you are entitled to from Daddies money.  I know you Peppy Le Pew and if it wasn't for your beautiful and intelligent wife and Daddies money you would be prostituting yourself just to get a bed at night.
I will pray for you friend; someday you might find the wisdom and understanding for your fellow man and truly have a grasp on reality.
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.


I am most sorry if I have been unkind or rude in any fashion.  I am just a man who tries to see reason and I will not tolerate personal attacks from anyone!
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


David...very well said Sir, outstanding!!

ADP, you know maybe...just maybe the two, count'em two folks we have hired as the "weed control office" are working their butts off taking care of the entire county weed issue.  People have called and complained because there were guys in the road and bridge crew (and yes that includes weed guy) still at the shops doin maintance on the vehicles.  So we basically stopped doing that.  How do you think the complainers would react if they saw the crews preforming yard maintaince on the shop yards?  They would say that the crews should be out and about working on the roads, and you know it. 

And maybe, just maybe the crews could get a hell of alot more work done if people that owned pastures and property would keep the trees, bushes, out of the ditches on the property that they owned. 

Oh, and speaking of "making things better" and "civic responsibility" and "doing the right thing" I don't see you volunteering to help fix anyting up?  Or help the Weed dept. by doing a little spraying or weed pulling around the yards?  Maybe if you were on the crews "you could bitch or complain or call foul but you.." aren't.  And since its "your civic responsibility" to leave your property better then when you bought it, quit complaining about the cigarette butts on the sidewalk.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


OMG! ROTFLMAO! That is funny as hell! Great job, David and Varmit!

There are noxious weed departments in every county of this state and as far as for rats, there ain't that many around. We eat 'em down here!



Diane Amberg

Forgive me for being an outsider but truly I have no idea what the complaint is. You either have a law about about weeds and tall grass or you don't. If you do, then if you aren't compliant you can be cited and fined. Is the problem because they only respond to complaints and that doesn't seem fair to those were complained about?  If other properties have  not had a complaint they are left alone? Are absentee landlords supposed to hire someone to keep vacant properties cut and weed treated?  Are others being cited now? Is citation something that starts in August because of the Johnson grass? What are the duties of a "weed office?"  David, can you appeal?
 As far as rats go we deep fry'em and serve them to unsuspecting tourists as musk rat. (that's a joke folks!)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 15, 2010, 10:35:12 AM
Forgive me for being an outsider but truly I have no idea what the complaint is. You either have a law about about weeds and tall grass or you don't. If you do, then if you aren't compliant you can be cited and fined. Is the problem because they only respond to complaints and that doesn't seem fair to those were complained about?  If other properties have had not had a complaint they are left alone? Are absentee landlords supposed to hire someone to keep vacant properties cut and weed treated?  Are others being cited now? Is citation something that starts in August because of the Johnson grass? What are the duties of a "weed office?"  David, can you appeal?
  As far as rats go we deep fry'em and serve them to unsuspecting tourists as musk rat. (that's a joke folks!)

All the weed law is, is a revenue generating stream.  Its only enforced when the county needs money.  And like david says, if he's gotta comply so does the county offices, and business owners.  IMAGINE IF they applied the unregistered abandoned vehicle law to some place like Harrods??  GASP can you imagine the fallout!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Harrods? Like the Casino? It must not be.They wouldn't tolerate it for a moment.

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