Unregistered vehicles/abandoned

Started by David, August 13, 2010, 07:37:38 PM

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Diane Amberg

Steve, I'd never argue with you about this but I thought the whole idea was for the bees to be self sustaining and eat their own honey during the winter.  Do you harvest it all?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 25, 2010, 10:02:31 AM
Steve, I'd never argue with you about this but I thought the whole idea was for the bees to be self sustaining and eat their own honey during the winter.  Do you harvest it all?
They will. We are in a honey flow right now so they will be filling up the hive from now til october.  the honey on there now is surplus.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Soooo... from what I've gathered over a conversation I heard about the city wanting some property cleaned up, this "blight" law apparently has some sort of grandfather clause as it was claimed one person in question didn't have to clean up (or more so weren't going to get in trouble for not "cleaning") as they were grandfathered in. I believe the person mentioned happens to be on the city council... might be interesting to look in to. ;)


Quote from: angtown3 on August 24, 2010, 01:47:41 PM
I see that you see this as a hand out.  I use the same food program that the schools use.  So that means that if parents get free or reduced lunches then they shouldn't have had kids? Really!! I use this program not only to make a little money, but wouldn't you as a parent rather know what type of food your child is being feed?  If I wasn't on this program, I wouldn't be required to feed a veggie, fruit, meat, milk, and bread at every meal. I could feed PB and J every meal. I do this as to let parents know that I care about their child, not to make money. I have raised my fees every year.  And they are no where close to anything in Wichita or bigger towns. 

When did I EVER say that parents w/children on free or reduced lunches shouldn't have kids??  As far as my kids go, they get a good breakfast and a good dinner, if lunch is a little skimmpy so be it.  My kids are active, healthy, not obese.  I don't expect others to pay for my children, and I don't want to pay for someone elses.  Regardless of what the requirements of the program are, feeding PB&J at every meal, that wouldn't make for a very good child care provider. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Angie,I'm not sure how your food program works but is it surplus that has already been paid for? If it is, then it might as well go to you as anyone else. Some senior Centers have the same, as I read in the papers about what day is "come pick up your commodities day". Don't Senior Centers also have reduced lunches and such too? Hasn't the Gov't always bought food? and redistributed it? I remember as a kid at school, the big silver cans of peanut butter, huge blocks of cheese and butter and I don't know what else. Even UD had the cans of peanut butter in the dining hall. That was LOOOONG ago though!


Related  subject:  The schools in Chillicothe Missouri have a problem with parents not being paid up with the childrens' food accounts.  So for those children who go through the lunch line and have no money, the school gives them half a peanut butter sandwich and no drink!  They are made to sit at a table together with all those who are eating a half peanut butter sandwich. I don't know how the schools are getting by with this, and shame on the parents. 

Diane Amberg

I guess it beats getting kicked in the butt. A shame though.


I am appalled at this. Somebody is making money on this situation, you can count on it. That was the purpose of school feeding programs, that no child should go hungry! Half a PB sandwich is not enough to maintain a growing child, much less to nurture them in an environment for learning. As far as segregating the non-payers from the rest? For shame!!!!


I never understood why parents have to pay forlunches in the first place.  I mean, not only did we have to purchase school supplies for our kids (in exceeding audance), pay an enrollment fee and  textbook rental  fee (we were informed that in order to save money, in several classes they wouldn't have textbooks).  Plus, the school gets money from the state (i.e. tax dollars). 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

An enrollment and textbook rental fee?

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