Prayers for Jenny Diveley

Started by patyrn, August 11, 2010, 11:29:55 PM

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I hope I'm not overstepping any privacy issues, but Rudy Taylor just posted on Facebook that his daughter, Jenny Diveley, who is pregnant, has been Medi-Flighted to Stormont Vail Hospital in Topeka tonight with complications.  Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers!


I think you're fine with it. They both have posted her, Rudy more than Jenny.

Prayers, yes.

Judy Harder

Thank you for putting this on here. I won't go to facebook until after I get back from Ruth's funeral and now I can add
Jenny to my prayer list.

God keep her and her baby safe. Comfort the family so they can be there to support Jenny through all that is to come.
God is good! God is faithful! God knows best.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Janet Harrington

Oh, how scary.  She is added to my prayers, too.


I asked Jenny for permission to post these updates (they're listed in order of occurring):

8-12; 8:14 am - stormont vail hospital in topeka, room 451. more later....thanks for continued prayers!

8-12; 9:24 am -  Thursday morning update: my water broke last night at only 27 weeks, was lifeflighted to Stormont Vail Hospital, room 451, Topeka. Baby Ethan is doing fine, still in my tummy, though still a very precarious situation. We're in the right place with a NICU and great docs....more below.

Obviously we are scared out of our minds but also know that God has this all under control. Thank you everyone for your encouraging thoughts and prayers! It does look like we'll be here until I deliver, which could be hours, days, or weeks. We have our cells, so you're welcome to call or drop us a note here!

8-13; 11:15 am -  Friday morning update: doing fine today after a must more restful nights sleep. Lost more fluid last night but that isn't necessarily a bad thing as it can mean that fluids are being replenished at a good rate. It looks like I'll be here until Ethan is born, so even with the horribly uncomfortable bed, I'm planning o...n this being home away from home for a while. More follows....

We have had great nurses and doctors here. Tonight or tomorrow morning we will get a tour and consult with the NICU team as Ethan will definitely go to them, no matter when he is born. So it's still a sit and wait game, but the more we si...t, the better off baby is. They told us yesterday that every day we are able to postpone delivery is 3 less days he'll have to be in the NICU. I miss Trent terribly and know the next few weeks will be hard as I'll probably miss his first day of kindergarten and of course all of the funny and sweet things he does each day. His Me-Maw Nancy is bringing him up to see us tomorrow, so I can't wait. But we've had tremendous support from family and friends. More...

We have always been on the other side of most difficult situations, so it is not in our natural ability to accept help, but I can tell you that as we look ahead, all of these offers of help will definitely be taken up. We still have to tak...e it day by day, but we'll kind of develop short term and long term plans. Anyway, you are welcome to drop us a message here, email us at, or call/text our cell phones at: Landon 620-330-7818 or Jenny 620-330-7828. We are at Stormont-Vail hospital in Topeka, room 451. Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and support!

Marcia Moore

Jenny -
     Just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and we are praying that everything will work out just fine for you and your new baby.  Sounds like you are in good hands and have lots and lots of support.  Now if they can just find you a more comfortable bed...

Jo McDonald

I am so glad you are getting the care you and the baby require.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart. 
Things will be fine in His plan.


Thanks for the information, Debbie.  I'm sure there are many friends who have been very concerned about Jenny's condition.  Prayers of support go out to all of their family and for a healthy Baby Ethan as he gains strength to enter this world, hopefully later than sooner!

Judy Harder

Thanks for updating us to Jenny's condition. I put her on our church bulletin, prayer list for Sunday.

I will continue to await her news. Jenny when you read this just know that we all (known and unknown to you)
are praying that God will keep you and Ethan in His arms and remember HE DOES KNOW what HE is doing.

You are strong. YOu can do what ever you must. Hang on tight and all of us will keep you company. Your room (heck Topeka) isn't big enough for your supporting fans.

God bless you all.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Ms Bear

Today I got to see a baby that was barely over 1 lb when he was born and he is now over a year old and is a chubby, bubbly boy.  He had a rough few months and the great aunt kept us informed of every ounce lost or gained, every procedure that was done and even though we had never met the mother we all kept them in our prayers.  I hope and pray that your Ethan will get stronger before he is born but know that he will be in very good hands.

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