Christian student fights for her beliefs

Started by Varmit, July 23, 2010, 06:26:09 AM

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 Exactly Twirldoggy.......that is what I was tryin to say but you said it MUCH better and clearer.



Quote from: jerry wagner on July 23, 2010, 05:50:50 PM
Except that the counselor would be insensitive to any other belief system and likely would try to foist their beliefs on the individual being counseled.

And how is the school NOT doing that by forcing this girl to attend gay pride parades and such? 

Quote from: twirldoggy on July 23, 2010, 07:25:37 PM
Licesed professional counselors, psychologists, licensed clinical social workers voluntarily undergo classes to learn their professions. 
They pay huge amounts of money and give up many things in life to learn.  There are atheist students, gay students and many other personal belief systems and lifestyles just as there are in any professional training.  Some students do get angry, upset and embarassed about things that happen in class.  It is a part of learning and a part of becoming a professional. There is a difference between one's personal beliefs and actions and the actions taken in professional situations.  One learns early on how to differentiate and how to conduct oneself in the way that the profession dictates.   

Exactly, so why make this girl attend functions and enviroments that she isn't comfortable with? 
And just out of curiosity, I wonder if people would be as tolerant toward the school if they were forcing her to attend a NAMBLA meeting?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


A Gay Pride event is not the same thing as NAMBLA and I doubt if the University would support NAMBLA. Most people in the Gay community have a problem with NAMBLA. For those of you who do not know what NAMBLA means - North American Man/Boy Love Association.
Homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorders by the AMA in 1973 but replaced with "ego-dystonic homosexuality," which in turn was completely removed in 1986. Studies were conducted that showed that homosexuals were not anymore "messed up" than their heterosexual counterparts. We all have issues.
Equating a normal Gay Pride event with NAMBLA reminds me of the people who say if we allow gay marriage we will have to allow marriage to animals/family/kids, etc. It is not a valid argument.


  Varmit...........exposing someone to things they are going to have to deal with in their chosen career to see if they can HANDLE themselves or it is NOT forcing that thing/belief on the person. It is basically a trial by fire if you will.

A counselor has to be prepared to deal with horrible/sad/painful/sometimes totally disgusting things that have happened to people or that people have done to others.....a job as a couselor has absolutely NOTHING to do with PREACHING.

Your faith has to sustain YOU to do the job you CHOSE to do. It has to sustain YOU to deal with the horrible things you will be exposed to and "mans inhumanity to man"

NAMBLA is just one more perversion you may have to deal with.


Tdub, you say that folks in the gay community don't support nambla, really?...

..and thats just one source, I can find others.  Might I point out a rather obivous fact...nambla/male to male sexual behavior...gays/male to male sexual behavior...Hmmmm, coincidence? thinks not!

Pam, if that is the case then (and yes I will restate this question yet again) why aren't non-christians being exposed to christian beliefs, practices, and meetings?  How are they supposed to deal with christans clients?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


     That article talks about one person supporting NAMBLA and possibly another. Two people do not make up the entire gay community. I said most people in the gay community do not support NAMBLA. I certainly do not.
     You know, I actually live this gay life that you write about so often. You can talk about gay people or you can talk to one. I know I challenge your beliefs, but I'm not trying to change them. Believe what you will. I know I won't change your mind. I'm just looking for mutually beneficial dialogue.


QuotePam, if that is the case then (and yes I will restate this question yet again) why aren't non-christians being exposed to christian beliefs, practices, and meetings?  How are they supposed to deal with christans clients?

what makes you think they aren't? For that matter people are exposed to "christianity" every day just by osmosis. It's not something you can be insulated from like homosexuality/other races etc. or the things you are hollerin about. Homosexuals don't go door to door recruitin/spreading the Word. Other races don't go door to door sayin you know "have you heard the good news about bein black/brown/red/yellow/purple?"  I live 25 miles from town out in the BOONIES in the middle of what used to be a pasture and the jehovah witnesses showed up out here :P so yeah I think people get exposed to christianity on a daily basis whether they WANT to be or not.
(and just for fyi the ladies were real nice, we talked awhile, I told em they might as well keep their books because quite honestly I wasn't gonna read em, we talked gardenin for while, they felt me out about my thoughts on the state of the world and it ending in a couple weeks probly, told em I wasn't sweatin it, and why, they allowed as how I was a pretty mellow person on a spiritual level told me to have a nice day I said backatcha and we parted friends)

For that matter you don't go to a counselor because you want advice on religion (unless they ARE a religious counselor that is)

FAITH/personal or otherwise actually has nothing to do with BEING a counselor. YOUR own personal faith may help you deal and be a more EFFECTIVE counselor.


and on that note my is TOO nice a day to spend it arguin with you. So I'm off to the garden and the mower but YOU have a real nice day and I'm out of the religion business LOL Peace

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