Started by frawin, July 20, 2010, 06:12:32 AM

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This is a better article on China's growing energy consumption. To those of you that think we should send more jobs to Foreign countries, the US has created more jobs in Foreign Countries over the past 18 years than we have in the US, in fact we have reduced jobs in the US. The Bill Clinton Trade Agreements have resulted in massive trade deficits for the US. Hillary was on the Board of Directors of Walmart and the Walton's were Clintons biggest supporters for his Presidential runs. China is building automobiles at an ever increasing rate and the end result is going to be higher energy costs for the US.


Sigh, and these so called "alternative" cars that run on electric are not going to solve the  problem.  Was looking at them and most of them have a range of 240 miles before a recharge which takes 8 hours.  This country is far too big to rely on that.  And as soon as fuel prices go up so goes the LP and CNG as well.  I can see this country losing a lot of its forrests too when this happens. 

Maybe coal will start to come down in price and be used more by folks for heating.  who knows.  I do know if electric goes up, we're going to be screwed. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


The elecrtric cars are  very bad for the health of the driver and passengers.


We need to start with a Cylinder Tax. Give notice that effective sometime in the future we will start charging a Cylinder Tax on passenger vehicles including pickups. . No other country in the world has the number of 8 and 10 cylinder vehicles that we do. Tax everything over 6 cylinders and give tax breaks for less than 6 cylinders.


Frank, My PU has 8 cylinders but only hitting on 6, so what tax should I pay ? :)


Jarhead, your rate would be based on the 12 Cylinder rate as it would be that inefficent on fuel. Trade it in for a wagon and team of mules and you will get a bigger tax break.


Won't work Frank. Them mules would be belch'n and fart'n and first thing you know Al Gore would be on my arse for messing up the ozone


Ron, the reason those Mules won't work for you is you and the Mules are all 3 to stubborn. Let's see how many agree with me.


Quote from: frawin on July 20, 2010, 09:43:56 AM
We need to start with a Cylinder Tax. Give notice that effective sometime in the future we will start charging a Cylinder Tax on passenger vehicles including pickups. . No other country in the world has the number of 8 and 10 cylinder vehicles that we do. Tax everything over 6 cylinders and give tax breaks for less than 6 cylinders.

Wait a min now.  TAx???  Another TAX??  Aren't we screwed enough with TAXES?

Why not instead of taxing the crap out of us, and sucking every dollar out of our pockets, look at the reality of it. The best idea i have heard to date is the hydrogen fuel cells.  First of all, a true fuel cell, will power the car with a clean fuel.  The by products of hydrogen is  water and oxygen, both of which are "GASP" clean!!!!    Secondly, the water produced by the combustion can be collected and guess what??? Be used to produce more hydrogen!  WOW amazing isn't it! :) So you could literally have a 5 gallon tank on the car that will propell you 500 miles or more per tank including the O2 you capture from the combustion process.

Now the neat thing about this idea is that it can be adapted to all current vehicles.  And lets say give incentive of a 50% rebate on all conversions.  Now once this is done, you will have two things that will happen.  first you will end up with a immediate decrease in oil consumption, and two your air standards will immediately improve. 

Well the only problem is that if we can just fuel our vehicles at the water spigot and a box of baking soda, they can't make a massive profit off of us, nor will the govt be able to tax the crap out of us on every gallon of water we use.

Personaly right now, i am looking into attaching a H0 Generator to my blazer and tweaking it so that i can maybe start up the vehicle on gas and then switch over to H0 once it has built enough pressure up to operate. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Steve sounds good and it may be coming but it is still not here.

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