Sex-ed program sparks grizzly effect

Started by Varmit, July 16, 2010, 08:19:57 AM

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Varmit -

That's the problem. He didn't make the decision to be gay. He wanted very much not to be and was angry with the world as a result. In school he was teased relentlessly and unmercifully by his peers. They wanted nothing to do with his "kind" and were very blunt in telling him so. No friends.

His tendencies? The way he talked, walked, pictures he drew, pictures he looked at, what he liked, what he didn't like, what he played with, how he played with them, what photos he tore out of magazines, what pictures he kept in his "hidden" places.

He's the one the made me realize some people are created different. Who knows why and for what purpose?


  That is the result of the herd mentality of most humans Mom. Can't deviate from the norm and not have the herd turn on you cause you upset the status quo.

   I saw the same thing growin up with a couple kids and it appalled me then, then when I got to be an adult I worked with a few and realized they are just people like everybody else except for what they do and with whom and figured like that was THEIR business just like MY sex life was MY business.

   I hate cruelty...........and that's what that was....heart-breakin soul shatterin cruelty. I am ashamed I didn't know enough then to stop it.



I just can't buy into line that people are born gay.  Even if you take God completely out of the picture (which is impossible) and look at it from a scientific viewpoint, it makes absolutely no sense.  There is no reason for it, and in fact is counterproductive to the continuation of the species.  And if it were something that a person is born with, and has no choice in the matter, then how do you explain a person that goes from a gay lifestyle to straight? 

If the child exhibited the behaviors you say (violence towards others, arson, as well as how and what he played with, pictures he kept etc) I would look closer at his home enviroment.  The behavior patterns you mentioned are often indicators of some form of abuse.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 17, 2010, 07:13:18 AM
Varmit -

That's the problem. He didn't make the decision to be gay. He wanted very much not to be and was angry with the world as a result. In school he was teased relentlessly and unmercifully by his peers. They wanted nothing to do with his "kind" and were very blunt in telling him so. No friends.

His tendencies? The way he talked, walked, pictures he drew, pictures he looked at, what he liked, what he didn't like, what he played with, how he played with them, what photos he tore out of magazines, what pictures he kept in his "hidden" places.

He's the one the made me realize some people are created different. Who knows why and for what purpose?

You know thats the lamest excuse for being violent.   first of all, kids are mean.  I have seen it happen just because they have a big nose, or wearing jeans that were too short, being poor, being rich, being anyway different from the main crowd.  

What he sounded like is that his environment was a major problem and the "powers that be" labeled him as gay and then he assumed the role.  I've seen i don't know how many boys raised by a all female house have effeminent personalities, and that is ONLY because they have no male role models to show them how to act.   Granted this is not a constant, but it is a major factor as it is what happens today.  

Lets get to the violence,  i have pointed out that you can have a big nose, or a funny name.  HOW ONE ACTS around the kids determines the continued reaction of the kids.  IF you get all angry and upset, their going to yank your chain constantly.
I used to have kids all through my kid years used to pick at me with my name.  They used to call me cruiser.  It didn't take me long to capitalize on that and change their actions almost overnight.  I would just laugh and start singing


You're going to fly away,
glad you're goin my way
I love it when we're cruising together
The music is played for love
cruisin is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin together.

You see, it immediately got half the kids singin along and everyone laughing.  One problem i have noticed is that kids no longer have the ability to resolve problems.   Used to be couple guys get into a fight, we would knock each other silly until one quit and then it was over with, and we would go on having resolved the problem.  Now days, the adults send you to therapy to suppress your feelings of frustration and agression and all that does is build up inside and it comes out 100 times worse than if you just let em scrap it out.

Goes back to a phrase,   "quit yourself like men"   Well todays society has emasculated, psycholocially castrated boys so that they cannot become men, and essentially you end up with effeminate men, or you end up with very violent men who have suppressed the aggression so long it comes out in a burst of violence.  

And when you have adults telling kids its ok to be gay, then you end up with the effeminate ones that are so confused that they think they are and submit to the indoctrination that is being laid on them.

As far as a 7 year old being gay, sorry but no they aren't.  They haven't even come into their sexual nature.  They have no understanding of the concept.  

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteAnd if it were something that a person is born with, and has no choice in the matter, then how do you explain a person that goes from a gay lifestyle to straight

That's easy - they're choosing a different lifestyle.  ;)

As far as being born gay - I wasn't there. I didn't meet this child until he was 7, and at that time he was gay. He was adopted as an infant into a very loving, Christian family. That adoption failed when he tried to kill his little sister. Social services were very involved in the families he lived with. There was no abuse by them. One of his school principals, in describing a conversation with him, said all of a sudden there was an aura of pure evil emanating from the student.


Couple of problems there Mom..

First, Social Services have a very long track record of being very wrong.  As seen by the numbers of foster children that suffer abuse that goes overlooked.  As well as the number of children that are taken from good homes because of a perceieved "abuse" (ghild was spanked or sent to bed without supper etc).

Second, "aura of pure evil"...from a 7yr. old...give me a break.

Third, "...they're choosing a different lifestyle."  Exactly, homosexuality is a choice.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Unless at sometime in the past you had a moment where you chose not to be gay you really don't know what you are talking about.
Did you choose to be straight? When you were an adolescent did you have a moment when you thought' " hmmm. gay or straight? Which one should I be?" Nobody chooses their sexual orientation. I was 11 years old when I knew I was gay. It was not a choice. What 11 year old would choose to be ridiculed, despised and spit upon by society? As for as people going from gay to straight I don't buy that. There are a lot of homosexuals out there who cannot accept who they are because it has been beat over their heads that they are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG and they want to appear "normal". So they go through programs like Exodus which claims it can change gay people to straight. They are indoctrinated to choose being straight. And that choice goes against their true nature.


QuoteThat's easy - they're choosing a different lifestyle.  Wink
That was a joke.

It's possible there are some people that choose the gay lifestyle.

In my experience, though, gays are that way because that's how their inner self feels.
It's not my place to judge them right or wrong, or try to change them. You can't change the inner self.
My task is to love them as people of God, to find and respond to that of God within them. That's what I'm supposed to do with everyone I meet, gay or straight.

Yes, Varmit - abuse happens in foster homes as well as birth homes. My daughter was an emergency adoption because she was being abused in yet again another foster home. She had been abused in her birth home and her previous adoption. There is no doubt abuse happens in all kinds of homes. However, the young man I'm talking about was NOT abused in his foster or adoptive homes. Birth home before adoption or foster care? Who knows.

QuoteSecond, "aura of pure evil"...from a 7yr. old...give me a break.
At least two people have felt that aura. I'm one of them. It really rocked and scared me. The boy was 10 or 11 at the time. I tried explaining it to my husband at the time, but he didn't feel it so there was no comprehension. It wasn't until just a couple of years ago that the principal and I were talking. I was actually relieved to find someone else that knew what I had felt; I think the principal was also relieved to know he wasn't alone.

Diane Amberg

Varmit, there has been a lot of research being done on the genes of families who have multiple homosexual members and they have found some oddities on several of the chromosomes. Unfortunately these studies take a lot of time because genes come from both parents and there are so many variables. The results so far aren't good enough to make a statement about.  But perhaps some day they will learn enough to find out what oddity there is that turns on homosexuality and at what age. As it is now it seems to be at many ages, some much earlier than I would have ever thought.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 17, 2010, 09:25:51 AM
That was a joke.

It's possible there are some people that choose the gay lifestyle.

In my experience, though, gays are that way because that's how their inner self feels.
It's not my place to judge them right or wrong, or try to change them. You can't change the inner self.
My task is to love them as people of God, to find and respond to that of God within them. That's what I'm supposed to do with everyone I meet, gay or straight.

Yes, Varmit - abuse happens in foster homes as well as birth homes. My daughter was an emergency adoption because she was being abused in yet again another foster home. She had been abused in her birth home and her previous adoption. There is no doubt abuse happens in all kinds of homes. However, the young man I'm talking about was NOT abused in his foster or adoptive homes. Birth home before adoption or foster care? Who knows.
At least two people have felt that aura. I'm one of them. It really rocked and scared me. The boy was 10 or 11 at the time. I tried explaining it to my husband at the time, but he didn't feel it so there was no comprehension. It wasn't until just a couple of years ago that the principal and I were talking. I was actually relieved to find someone else that knew what I had felt; I think the principal was also relieved to know he wasn't alone.

That sounds like demon possession to me.  and yes it is possible for 7 year olds to be possessed.  I wouldn't doubt that it could have happened being that he was in the foster system which is a tool of satan to destroy families.   I have no use, no good thing to say of dfacs, or srs or whatever you wish to call them.  All they are doing is warehousing children.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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