And Divided We are......

Started by redcliffsw, July 09, 2010, 12:12:16 PM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2010, 08:46:10 AM
Hey! Nobody I know of teaches that premarital sex is acceptable!

Try any public school that hands out condoms to 6th graders.  Try a society that no longer places a stigma on unwed mothers.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2010, 08:46:10 AM
But there are sick twisted people out there that prey on the unfortunate insecurities of young girls AND the fact that kids get caught up in the moment, (both sexes) and there is still, after all these years, bad information that floats around the kids world about how pregnancy happens. Now there is this stupid thing with the girls sending racy photos over their phones. What is up with that?

insecurites?...please...try a society that has sexualized girls from the moment they exit the womb.  Have you seen the clothes that are made for girls these days?  As for racy photos...blame the parents!  If they had raised their children the way they were supposed to it wouldn't be an issue.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2010, 08:46:10 AM
The 60's with the free love reputation, and that's all is was, a reputation, is long over. An awful lot of kids weren't having the free sex they  bragged about!

Maybe so.  But it did spawn a generation of morally bankrupt individuals that set a tone in this country of a mindset compeletly lacking of anything Biblical.  This mindset carried over to the 70's and resulted in the horrific decision of Roe v. Wade.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2010, 08:46:10 AM
As far as taking prayer out of schools, you can thank one person for that. I don't know how she gained such a huge influential following and I've always thought that individual schools should have the chance to decide for themselves. It's harder in areas of greater population because there are so many different religions represented. But I'm sure it could be worked out if the parents would get together and talk.

Actually, we can think thousands of people for that, namely, the silent christians that allowed it to happen.  As for the different religions involved, I don't care about them.  We were founded on Christian beliefs, not any other.  So there shouldn't be any other prayer considered.  For some children this may be the only time they hear about the gospel of the only true God.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2010, 08:46:10 AM
Why shouldn't the little Elk County schools have prayer if they want it.? There are so few of you and if you are all cookie cutter versions of each other, the way some of you say why not allow prayer? There is nobody there to get upset or have their feeling hurt.

Unfortunately, the State and federal gov't (which governs how our schools are run and which have teachers and school adminstrators tucking their tails) doesn't agree.  BTW, when has anyone said that we "are cookie cutter versions of each other"?  That is a low blow and insulting.
This country HAS turned away from God.  Being "spritual" isn't the same as being Christian.  Who decides what is "immoral"?...God.  Compare the actions of this country as a whole over the last few decades to the Biblical principles given to us by God, you'll find the two do not match. 
I do not care how long pornography has been around, that doesn't make it right.  As Christians not only should we not have any part of it, but we should be fighting against it.

Deviant lifestyles...let me clarify...homosexuals, trans-genders, cross dressers, swingers, drunks, drug addicts, "players", so forth.  As for God allowing these things to happen, no.  These are choices that people make.  Thats really the beauty and the hell of it.  God gives us free will and the ability to chose, but also the responsiblity to suffer the consequences of those choices.  It doesn't matter how "good" a person is in their actions and thinking, they cannot be a christian and agree with the homosexual lifestyle.  It goes against the laws of God.

As for the influences of other cultures, no one is saying that is neccessarly a bad thing.  Only when that influence begins to erode the thing that truly made us who we are.  Immigrants are welcome so long as they assimilate to OUR culture. 
If you want to learn what the Founders thought about God and how we as a nation should be governed then read some of their writings on the subject. 

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full."
Matt 6:5

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
Matt 6:6

"And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words."

that's the kind of prayin I learned to do and my children were taught to do so you see it doesn't MATTER what SOMEbody else says I can or can't do because I can do it anytime I want to anywhere I want to. You can talk to God/Jesus/Buddha/Krishna/Goddess anywhere anytime so spare me the diatribes against the "People who took that right away from us" bull.

and more evil cruel things have been done in the name of progressing the cause of "God" and "His Divine Gift of this magnificent land" than I care to expand upon to people who don't want to hear it. People in glass houses should not throw stones and that goes for ALL of us.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2010, 08:46:10 AM
Hey! Nobody I know of teaches that premarital sex is acceptable! But there are sick twisted people out there that prey on the unfortunate insecurities of young girls AND the fact that kids get caught up in the moment, (both sexes) and there is still, after all these years, bad information that floats around the kids world about how pregnancy happens. Now there is this stupid thing with the girls sending racy photos over their phones. What is up with that?
The 60's with the free love reputation, and that's all is was, a reputation, is long over. An awful lot of kids weren't having the free sex they  bragged about!
These 60's teenagers are the ones who bred and raised children in thier own image who took it even further, and bred and raised another generation in their lower morality image.  Its self perpetuating.
You can't expect a generation to climb high in anything including morals if you don't set the bar high.

QuoteAs far as taking prayer out of schools, you can thank one person for that. I don't know how she gained such a huge influential following and I've always thought that individual schools should have the chance to decide for themselves. It's harder in areas of greater population because there are so many different religions represented. But I'm sure it could be worked out if the parents would get together and talk.
It was simple. People never thought it could happen.  They never thought people would stoop that low.

I don't understand "deviant" lifestyles and I'll never agree with you on homosexuality. Several people who are friends felt as you until they had a homo sexual child of their own. They were very torn about it. Several families were destroyed by it, a couple asked God for guidance and learned to accept it and have done very well, and one close friend never did tell his parents. They both died not ever knowing their son was gay. He has a permanent boy friend  now and they are very happy, gentle, well adjusted contributing members of their community. I figure if God lets them happen it can't be all wrong, even if it's hard to understand.
God allows things to happen, right or wrong.  He himself says its wrong so it cannot be good.  

om 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
knowlege means of ethical and devine knowlege, and reprobate means unfit.

Quotewhy were the boarders left open for so many years and so many immigrants of so many countries allowed to come here? The would be no Muslims or Hindus,Shinto,Tao or anyone else if we hadn't let them in.
So the country would grow.  Now we have to limit the immigration so that it doesn't get overcrowded.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

 Varmit my comment was not meant to be insulting at all. You are all very similar and mostly do and like the same kind on things. All small towns are like that. Very little diversity and most like it that way.That's just the way it is, not a meant to be a cut at all. I could tell you exactly who said it, but I'm sure she wouldn't want to be quoted in this context. But part of it was the fact that its nice to come home to where people are all alike and you pretty much know how they think about things. And I didn't say it, she did so don't start on me!
  I'll worry about a stigma on unwed mothers when there is a stigma on unwed fathers! When they used to send girls "away" to have the baby, I never knew why the fathers weren't sent away too. They just went on, life as usual.
I'm not crazy about schools handing out condoms, but I'm told they have to go to the nurse to get them. I wish the parents would do their job so the schools wouldn't be forced into feeling they have to.  Haven't many men's rooms had condom machines for ages? Who made that decision?( Not until recently have a few public ladies rooms had condom machines.)  What's to keep any kid from buying one there just as they always have...or should have. How about going to the drug store just as they always did? Embarrassed? Too bad. Having to tell their parents they are involved in a pregnancy ISN'T embarrassing? The girls clothes I agree, but if the parents of the girls that dress inappropriately were doing their job the girls wouldn't be allowed to buy flimsy stuff ,much too tight,and they wouldn't sneak them off to school with them in a back pack  and try to change into them there. Dressing your kid is not my job. But why preachers and ministers and parents would let them show up in church like that is beyond me. (Boys too.) Sounds like a good subject for a sermon.
  Steve, I know the borders were left open so the country could grow, but many didn't /don't want any diversity within that growth, so why are we now complaining that particular groups are "taking over" or changing the ways of this country? We let them in! It's our own fault! You want an all Christian country, don't let anybody else in. No diversity wanted? Then why were they let in?  What did people expect them to do, sit in a ghetto and not have children? Learn to "keep their place" like women are supposed to do?
As far as setting the bar high do it! Don't let the local girls do a car wash in a bikini! That's generic, I don't mean your girls.
I agree girls are sexualized much too soon and all the stuff on TV and the sexy ads don't help. Perhaps if the parents aren't up to it it's time for the grandparents and great grandparents to take a stand! They are the ones with the memory of history and can measure change. Speak up !


Quote from: pamagain on July 10, 2010, 09:50:28 AM
that's the kind of prayin I learned to do and my children were taught to do so you see it doesn't MATTER what SOMEbody else says I can or can't do because I can do it anytime I want to anywhere I want to. You can talk to God/Jesus/Buddha/Krishna/Goddess anywhere anytime so spare me the diatribes against the "People who took that right away from us" bull.

So long as that prayer isn't led by a God fearing public school teacher?? spare me the diatribe about how we can pray whenever or wherever we want.

As for the evil done in His name you're right.  That doesn't mean that it came from Him, or was of Him.

Diane, I guess I misunderstood your comment. I apologize.
As for unwed mothers, I see what you're saying, the guys that get these girls pregnant are just as much to blame.  However, if the girls were raised properly then it wouldn't happen.  Same can be said for the guys.
As for the clothing issue, have you tried to buy girls clothes recently?  I have a 6yr old daughter and I can't believe how difficult it is to purchase tasteful clothing for her. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

No, I haven't had to buy kids clothes in a long time. All the kids in my life are grown up and no little ones coming along. Perhaps some of the moms on here can help.They tend to buy more of the clothes than the dads. Most of the kids I see are OK but every now and then I spot one. Like the girl who got caught by her Mom at Newark night. On the one hand it was funny, but on the other hand she could have been in real danger if someone was on the prowl. She's probably still locked in her room!


I'm curious as to what your solution would be concerning these things you consider immoral - pornographers/those who watch porn, homosexuals, underage pregnant girls, etc.


QuoteSo long as that prayer isn't led by a God fearing public school teacher?? spare me the diatribe about how we can pray whenever or wherever we want.

as usual you missed the point............WHICH was........I am perfectly capable of prayin for are my kids....we don't need to be LED by ANYbody........ERRRRGGGOOOOO...........I can pray WHEN I want...HOW I want.....WHEREVER I want.

QuoteAs for the evil done in His name you're right.  That doesn't mean that it came from Him, or was of Him.


just because SOME think it "right" doesn't make it OF or FROM Him either.


QuoteHowever, if the girls were raised properly then it wouldn't happen.  Same can be said for the guys.

uh.....yeeaahhh......riiigghhhhttt. NOT

QuoteAs for the clothing issue, have you tried to buy girls clothes recently?  I have a 6yr old daughter and I can't believe how difficult it is to purchase tasteful clothing for her.

I have a 7 year old and 8 year old ain't that hard.


Quote from: pamagain on July 10, 2010, 03:18:55 PM
as usual you missed the point............WHICH was........I am perfectly capable of prayin for are my kids....we don't need to be LED by ANYbody........ERRRRGGGOOOOO...........I can pray WHEN I want...HOW I want.....WHEREVER I want.

No Ma'am,  didn't miss the point.  I understand that a person can pray whenever he or she wants to.  Thats not the issue.  The point I was making was that a school offical cannot lead a prayer, not a teacher opening her class for the day, not a principal during a graduation ceremony, not a coach before a game.  As for not having to be led in prayer, are you saying that your family never says a prayer before a meal, at a funeral, etc?  That each of you says your own?  Not judging just curoius?

Quote from: pamagain on July 10, 2010, 07:36:57 PM
uh.....yeeaahhh......riiigghhhhttt. NOT

I have a 7 year old and 8 year old ain't that hard.

Actually, my statement was exactly right.  Tell me, when were the rates of unwed teenage mothers higher, nowadays or 50 years ago?

As for the clothing issue, I guess that depends on a persons idea of tasteful.   

Tdub, I don't have time to get into it right now, gotta go to work. I'll address your question later.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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