Obama Issues Executive Order Mandating "Lifestyle Behavior Modification"

Started by Varmit, June 14, 2010, 07:09:27 AM

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Still think we should "support" and "respect" this SOB?

Obama Issues Executive Order Mandating "Lifestyle Behavior Modification"
June 12, 2010 · 121 Comments
Nanny State Liberation Front

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is fond of saying, "You don't ever want a crisis to go to waste; it's an opportunity to do important things that you would otherwise avoid." Well, the Obama Administration certainly has not let the British Petroleum (BP) Deepwater Horizon oil rig crisis go to waste, using it as a smokescreen to silently assault and further diminish American citizens' personal freedom.

While the nation has its eyes and ears focused on the blame game ping-pong match between President Obama and BP top brass, President Obama on Thursday, June 10, quietly announced a new Executive Order establishing the "National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council."

Claiming the "authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America," President Obama has truly gone off the deep end this time in his most atrocious attempt to date to control every aspect of Americans' lives.

According to the Executive Order that details the President's "National Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy," the Council will be charged with carrying out " lifestyle behavior modification" among American citizens that do not exhibit "healthy behavior."

The President's desired lifestyle behavior modifications detailed in Sec. 6 (c) focus on:

smoking cessation;
proper nutrition;
appropriate exercise;
mental health;
behavioral health;
sedentary behavior (see Sec. 3 [c]);
substance-use disorder; and
domestic violence screenings.
Making matters even worse, if that is even possible at this point, President Obama will create an "Advisory Group" composed of experts hand-picked from the public health field and various other areas of expertise "outside the Federal Government."

Let's consider who the President has sought advice and mentoring from in the past:

-Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who the Anti-Defamation League calls a "Messenger of Intolerance," and

-Bill Ayers, leader of the 1960′s domestic terrorist group "Weatherman" that was "responsible for 30 bombings aimed at destroying the defense and security infrastructures of the U.S."

Now, President Obama is going to seek medical advisors who will be charged with modifying lifestyles and behaviors of those citizens he deems unhealthy? "Paging Dr. Kevorkian! You're wanted in the White House STAT by President Obama!"

Whether you are a child, a parent, a worker, or retired, the President's approximately 25-member "Advisory Group" will soon be present in every aspect of Americans' lives, as the Executive Order prescribes in Sec. 4 (b). Specifically, our new so-called lifestyle behavior modification advisors will be actively carrying out the President's orders in:

worksite health promotion;
community services, including community health centers;
preventive medicine;
health coaching;
public health education;
geriatrics; and
rehabilitation medicine.

President Obama's sweeping plan to enforce "lifestyle behavior modification" is chock full of open-ended target areas, especially when it comes to issues of "mental" and "behavioral" health, "proper nutrition," "sedentary behavior," and "appropriate exercise." The President's Executive Order is a blatant and forceful attempt to adjust the way Americans young and old think, behave, eat, drink and whatever else free will used to entitle our nation's citizens to enjoy as prescribed by the Founding Fathers.

If you are feeling stressed-out, sad, confused, hungry, thirsty, bored, or tired, do you honestly trust President Obama and his "Advisory Group" to act in your best interests?

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

 ;D ;D ;D  I'm going to send him the addresses of all of you who still insist on smoking. ;D ;D ;D  What bad habits are you defending? Some affect the general public. My own insurance company has all that is on that list available right now. "It's personal," you say. Yes, but you also know that some people don't have the sense God gave a goat and need more "adult supervision. Weight loss programs, stop smoking help, exercise recommendations, etc. Plus, my Doc has information and/or counseling available too. I have a nurse who calls about every three months or so to see how I'm handling my diabetes. It's a good program with lots of nutrition tips above and beyond what I have available elsewhere. My Gyn also specializes in domestic abuse cases. I think she has saved some lives.
  I don't know what just what this "life style modification means either", but I'm not going to jump to ugly negative conclusions so quick. It may mean no more than more public information spots on TV.
  I'd like someone to try to do something further about cellphones, texting and driving. Our  "accident while texting" has just passed our "accident while intoxicated" numbers.
The comments about Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers have nothing to do with anything and is a cheap shot.( Some of you won't tolerate anyone commenting on Bush's errors in judgement because it's over and he's no longer president... Goose and Gander? )  Why would you think the White House advisers of today would put up with either of them?  Not sure what the advisers are supposed to do. Perhaps be sure people have more information available? I have no idea what "support" and "respect" have to do with anything. Are you expecting uniformed health officers to show up at your door? Hey, if somebody offered me a tax credit if I lost weight!?...Hummm. I'll wait and see before I pass judgement.


You might think some people do not have good sense, but you should not
have the right to impose your "so-called good sense" upon other Americans
by or thru the Federal Governemnt.  Yet you, Obama, and some other Democrats
and Republicans believe many of us need supervision by and thru the Fed's.
How did you become so smart anyway?

George Washington and other great Americans never considered such scheming and
elitism.  They authored the Constitution to protect us from the Federal Government.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 14, 2010, 08:22:17 AM

  I don't know what just what this "life style modification means either", but I'm not going to jump to ugly negative conclusions so quick. It may mean no more than more public information spots on TV.
  I'd like someone to try to do something further about cellphones, texting and driving. Our  "accident while texting" has just passed our "accident while intoxicated" numbers.

You, others, and the feds have no right to dictate what i do.  Period.  Try and force it on me, i'll fight back, and it won't be pretty.  I am a freeman, and no one tells me what i can and can't do in my home or in my life.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


No mental health professional or doctor can do lifestyle behavior modification.  The simple logistics of lifestyle behavior modification for a huge population are imposible.  Elk County has very few of these professionals and could never implement a program. 


I agree that our nation needs to take better care of our health.  However, this is something that MUST be done by the individual.  It should be strictly between the person who needs help and a health care provider and perhaps a family memeber who helps with the individual's care.  There is much information out there that is very dependable and most people (especially those who are overweight) can read and take on a program of their own.  The first rule should be SELF CONTROL.  People need to stop eating oversized helpings and products that certainly aren't good for them.  People with heart problems are given proper diets to follow -- they should take the responsibility upon themselves to eat what is suggested for them, the same for diabetes, gout, or whatever else the individual has a problem with. 


Diane Amberg

Red and Steve ,frankly as long as your personal bad habits don't affect me, I don't care. When it comes to public health, yes, your life can be disrupted legally for the benefit of others. Ya start running red lights and breaking laws just because you don't like to be
inconvenienced, your rights aren't any more valuable than anyone else's.  There are laws and for good reason. If everybody had good sense we wouldn't need laws! You start dumping chemicals in the local water source because it's easier for you than trucking it away, or the runoff from your place is affecting local or water etc..well what can I say.
 Not everywhere is like where you live!   Why be mad at me?

Twirldoggy, what do you think the Pres. means ? I sure don't know.
Myrna, I agree I just don't have enough information yet to know the specifics of what is being proposed to assume anything.

jerry wagner

Sec 6 actually only provides for the council to report to the President and the respective committees in Congress on the areas of concern mentioned for contribution to healthy lifestyle... it does not specify some mysterious power to do anything and is no different than the working bodies of other president's INCLUDING Reagan who had several working on various mental disabilities.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 14, 2010, 10:35:01 AM
Red and Steve ,frankly as long as your personal bad habits don't affect me, I don't care. When it comes to public health, yes, your life can be disrupted legally for the benefit of others. Ya start running red lights and breaking laws just because you don't like to be
inconvenienced, your rights aren't any more valuable than anyone else's.
Good lord diane, you can make a leap into the absurd in 2 seconds flat.   no one was talking about actions affecting others as you started using as references.  First of all, NO ONE can tell me i can't do it.  Cause i can and it is MY choice as to whether or not i wish to run red lights or break laws.  The fact it is a law doesn't stop me from engaging in those activities.

QuoteThere are laws and for good reason. If everybody had good sense we wouldn't need laws! You start dumping chemicals in the local water source because it's easier for you than trucking it away, or the runoff from your place is affecting local or water etc..well what can I say.
 Not everywhere is like where you live!   Why be mad at me?
There are far too many laws and not for good reasons.  What good does that law do on dumping chemicals and toxic stuff, when the GOVERNMENT does it?? You don't think the Govt doesn't break the law?  Think again.  Prime example would be the City of Atlanta.  They dump raw sewage into the chattahoochie river because its cheaper for them to pay the fine than to build the treatment plants. 
And i am quite sure that is happening in every major city.  Not just atlanta.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Diane, I sure don't know what he means either.  He seems to be using the term behavior modification in the general sense.  But if he means it in the scientific definition of the term then it is silly.  No plan for the behavior modification of the public would succeed and it is impossible to implement such a plan.   One cannot force people to have better mental health or better physical health.  Medical doctors, nurses and mental health professionals have ethical standards and approaches to practice that would not allow them to do so called behavior modification.  Orwellian tactics are not the norm yet.     

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