One Holy Eternal Union

Started by redcliffsw, May 29, 2010, 08:25:06 AM

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Diane Amberg

Ok. Snippets from here there and everywhere. Please explain what the point is. Everything from Plato to Cromwell to Sheridan and Lincoln. What is the issue here? ( and on Memorial Day weekend at that.) Stringing together a bunch of quotes does not a good article make. Is this a "feel sorry for the south" piece again? Like it or not the south lost, and "To the victor go the spoils" One person quoted was even anti Constitution, which around here is treason. Red, please explain what the author means, and I'm not being a smart Alec when I say this...I really don't understand, as a teacher would say,"the main idea."


  Much as it scares me that I do.....I think I get the point Diane. It's another rant about government agression in a round about using examples of what various governments were willin to do in the past to squash dissension.
  Yeah it COULD happen again..........but WILL it? .......and what will the general public do about it?

Diane Amberg

Thanks Pam, it was too fragmented for me. Especially the anti constitution part. Every time I thought I got it, it went somewhere else. I'm just not in the mood I guess, to have to think that hard today. ::) ;)


"The American people, North and South, went into the war [Between the States] as citizens of their respective states, they came out as subjects... And what they thus lost they have never got back."

-- H. L. Mencken

Diane Amberg

And Obama acts more like an educated Republican than a Democrat.
  Ok, what did the people really lose that they never got back?     People prey on each other all the time, did then, do now. Big business is in the pockets of politicians, then as now. Money talks. So what's new? They came out as "subjects" and how might that be? That's how politics works. (That's how war ends, with winners and losers and a lot of dead people.) If you aren't making somebody mad you aren't doing your job! The 2 Bushes expanded Gov't and set the wheels in motion for some bad stuff to happen. So far Pres. Obama hasn't been able to do very much about it. If the parties continue to do nothing but neutralize each other nothing of substance will ever happen. Unless the Repubs. come up with a real viable candidate soon, they are doomed to failure again in 2012.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 29, 2010, 04:40:48 PM
And Obama acts more like an educated Republican than a Democrat.
  Ok, what did the people really lose that they never got back?     People prey on each other all the time, did then, do now. Big business is in the pockets of politicians, then as now. Money talks. So what's new? They came out as "subjects" and how might that be? That's how politics works. (That's how war ends, with winners and losers and a lot of dead people.) If you aren't making somebody mad you aren't doing your job! The 2 Bushes expanded Gov't and set the wheels in motion for some bad stuff to happen. So far Pres. Obama hasn't been able to do very much about it. If the parties continue to do nothing but neutralize each other nothing of substance will ever happen. Unless the Repubs. come up with a real viable candidate soon, they are doomed to failure again in 2012.
What did they lose?  everything.  Before, they were citizens of their soverign state.  They were sovereigns themselves.  The federals were just a co-op of states pooling together their moneies to provide a defense for the whole continent.
After the war, sovereign citizens became subjects/slaves of the Union.  The states rights were overrun, and dissassembled by removing the duly elected officials in each southern state and new ones implemented by lincolns government.  Then their rights to vote was stripped from them so they could not remove these usurpers and restore the  properly elected officials to their offices.  Did you know that the veterans, were not allowed to even erect memorials to their dead?  they were not allowed to have anything to do with honoring their fallen.  THe women are the reason why there are confederate cemetaries in the south. They paid for, worked to build, and erected all the memorials.

And as the article stated, Sherman was a butcher, war criminal.  He slaughtered  women and children as he burned everything from chicamaugua down to savanah.  His men raped the women, stole whatever was left, burned anything they couldn't take, and pillaged every inch of the land.  Razed the crops, razed the forrests, left a scorched earth.

He was no hero.  Worst kind of example of a miltary leader one could find with absolutely no honor or character.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Now we are learning some real history from Srzurich, not the indoctrination taught by the Gov't schools.

Diane Amberg

Yup, he should know....he was there.


God, save the Queen!  Real history? ::) ::) ::)

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