Missing Teresa and Kjell

Started by Janet Harrington, December 04, 2004, 04:58:29 PM

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Janet Harrington

I sure do miss Teresa and Kjell when they are gone, don't you?  I think we should tell them that they can't leave anymore.


Ah, Janet  you are so right,  the stars just dont seem to twinkle as they used to, or the moon to shine as brightly, the sun to be as warm....as the tears fall down my cheeks...BLAH BLAH  For goodness sake, girl ! that would be tears of joy !!!  Finally bliss, peace and quiet, a few moments of not listening to blonde, continuos jabber !  Count it as a blessing !  besides, when ever she goes anywhere, she always brings back gifts !   ;D   I say travel on , blondie !  So did they drive, or take her broom ?    HAHAHAHA
Naw, I am only joking !    ;) 


Gifts????????????  Did someone say gifts?????????

I say hurry home!!!!!!    ;D

Janet Harrington

Oh yeah.  I forgot about the gifts. :o :o :o ;) ;) :D :D


Shame on you all. :-[
I DID get you something.. but I am adding it to your Christmas gifts...
So you better not be quite so nasty or I will give them to someone else that would like to be my bestest friends.. :'(
And Bliss? Peace? and Quiet??  HA!!! Who is the quiet and shy one of the group?? MEEEEE~ ::) That's Who !~~!
That's right!
The one that never says anything without first letting all of you have your say, and generally agreeing with it all too  :-X I'd have to say that out of the 4 of us~ I am the nice.. gentle... quiet... innocent...shy.. reverent...wellll~~~~~ reverent is stretching it a bit.. in fact .. **kicking the dirt with my toe*** I guess I have to confess and be honest that the innocent is really not at all the tru...ahhh and ahhhuummm ~~welll~~shy is going out on a limb also... ......... :-[
Ohhh Dang It~~ I have to take it all back... and be honest with everyone...
Cause I want my Christmas presents too.. ( and I know you have them) ;D...
You DO have them.... RIGHT ??? ???
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


 ::)My point is proven !   Nothing but complete blah blah blah...continous blond jabbering.... ;)
    Girl, you re too twisted for color TV     ;D
   Glad to hear you had a good trip, I hear that they have alot of great shops there... :o Hint Hint

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