Cops & CPS Seize Child From Parents For Mistrusting Government

Started by Varmit, April 03, 2010, 04:12:18 AM

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Cops & CPS Seize Child From Parents For Mistrusting Government

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, April 2, 2010

A family in Williamson County, Austin have lost custody of their 7-year-old son as part of a Child Protective Services investigation because the parents taught their children to mistrust the government, an action that deemed them to be "unsuitable parents," according to charges leveled by police officers in CPS documents.

Drug reform activist filmmakers Barry and Candi Cooper recently had their home raided and searched by police after authorities claimed Cooper's voice had been heard in the background of an allegedly false police report.

"Once in the couple's home, officers discovered a small amount of marijuana and charged the Coopers with Class B misdemeanors, resulting in both their arrests. Each immediately bonded out of jail and paid a small fine. Days later, while Candi's youngest son was visiting his father in east Texas, Child Protective Services contacted the Coopers, revealing that the incident could cost them not only custody of the boy, but also their freedom on felony child endangerment charges," writes Stephen C. Webster of True Slant, who has been following the case.

On page five of the CPS case report, police level the shocking claim that the Coopers are "unsuitable parents" because they teach their children "the government is out to harm them".

On page six of the report, police accuse the Coopers of being "aggressive to authority" because they will not allow government employees to enter their house without a court order.

Despite Travis County Deputy District Attorney Dayna Blazey declaring the Coopers to be fit parents, whose children are healthy, happy and "well cared for," and stating that the kids were not at risk, Williamson County police claim the Coopers allow their children and their friends to use drugs in the house.

Ominously, police also characterize the Coopers educating their children that the drug war is evil as an act of 'mental abuse'.

"In another completely dumbfounding, ironic entry, Sgt. Gary Haston of the Williamson County Sheriff's Department — the officer whose testimony appears on the original search warrant affidavit — actually claims he observed the children "crying for no reason" as armed officers invaded their home," writes Webster. [Emphasis added.]

"He also claims that Barry "hates" his father and does not believe in church, as though this information would somehow be relevant to the CPS agents."

The real reason Barry Cooper, a former police officer and Drug Enforcement Agent, is being targeted undoubtedly relates to his work in catching police engaged in corruption and other criminal activity, specifically relating to the drug war. Cooper is the man behind the hit underground DVD, Never Get Busted Again, which teaches people how to react to police oppression and has appeared on the Alex Jones Show to discuss his work on several occasions.

Cooper dedicated a recent You Tube video featuring him and his wife to their son, in which they discussed the raid and the attempt to seize 7-year-old Zach.

"In my 19 years of experience with criminal defense matters, a search warrant for a misdemeanor charge is certainly unusual," wrote Minnesota attorney Maury D. Beaulier, who had no prior knowledge of the Coopers' case. "It indicates to me that this is a targeted investigation. It may be targeted because it is believed to be a part of a greater crime or conspiracy, or, perhaps, because there are political motivations at work."

The Coopers were unsuccessful in re-obtaining custody of their son at a court appearance on Tuesday. 7-year-old Zachary is currently under the care of his father, who has never previously had custody of the child, and Barry has been barred from any contact with him whatsoever. The Coopers face losing custody of their child entirely.

"I just don't know what I'll do if we lose Zach," Barry said. "That would be the most horrible thing to ever happen to me in my entire life."

Apparently, police now believe that parents who teach their children not to trust the government, something the founding fathers encouraged, should have their kids seized by the CPS.

This frightening new level of thought police tyranny outstrips anything we witnessed in the darkest days of Nazi Germany of Soviet Russia.

And yet we are supposed to teach our children to trust the police?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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