Obama to appear on Fox News Wednesday - Hell has officially frozen over!

Started by Warph, March 17, 2010, 01:20:50 AM

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Obama to appear on Fox News Wednesday
By Howard Kurtz

Hell has officially frozen over.

President Obama is going on Fox News.

He must really want to pass that health-care bill.

No, he's not going to get emotional with Glenn Beck. But Obama will sit down with anchor Bret Baier for an interview that will air Wednesday on the 6 p.m. EST newscast "Special Report w/ Bret Baier."

This would be unremarkable -- the president is constantly on TV -- except for last year's White House campaign attacking Fox News as an arm of the Republican Party. Fox executives insisted there is an important distinction between its news operation and opinionated hosts such as Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. In sitting down with Baier, Obama -- who cordially greeted Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes at a White House Christmas party -- seems to be accepting that distinction.

Okay.... get ready for a bunch of BS, lies and false promises.  WHY doesn't this screwball of a community organizer understand the the Americian people DO NOT want ObamaCare.  A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds just 28% who think it is better to build on the health care plan that has been working its way through the House and Senate.  Support for and opposition to the existing plan remain at the same levels they've been at since just after Thanksgiving.  Only 35% of voters believe Congress should pass health care reform before the upcoming midterm elections anyway.  54% say Congress should wait until voters select new congressional representatives in November.  A whopping 83% said to start over with a blank page.  It's interesting to note that in a separate survey earlier this week 63% of voters said, generally speaking, it would be better for the country if most incumbents in Congress were defeated this November.  Just 27% now believe their current congressman is the best person for the job.  Let's see, approx. 53% of illegal aliens are receiving public aid.  If this health care legislation is forced through, will it be up to 100%?  Now that's entitlement.  

Poll after poll show that a clear majority of Americans just want this Bill to go away forever!  I am sooooo tired of the liberal spin from Pelosi and Reid and Obama's water-boarding of the American public.  Granted... the need for health care cost reduction and some insurance reform is there, but not at the price of having all of the rest of us suffer along with those without insurance.  The government has no place in our health care decisions or options or health insurance decisions or options.  Further, for all the waste, pork barrel spending and back-door deals that are in these government programs, everyone should be able to to be insured or on government programs without further increasing the costs for health care or health insurance for others.  

This Clown is a narcissist nut-case who is a GREEDY IDEALIST.... he doesn't give a damn about which party his butt is attached to.  I honestly believe that he could care less (once ObamaCare and Cap & Trade are passed and has his signature) if he is re-elected in 2012.  It is too bad that he hasn't the sense to drop these sorry-ass  proposed (Senate & House) bill's which are full of mandates, fines, higher taxes, and loop holes for Democrat supporter-like unions.  They are as believable as the presidents promise to televise hearings of the healthcare process.  Polls show 70 - 80% of Americans are satisfied with their health care.  It is too bad he's not concentrating to put the same effort into getting this economy working again like the effort he's put into ObamaCare and creating jobs to put people back to work and have them feeling more secure financially.  

If the Democrats do pass this Turkey and chances are good they will, November will be a blood bath for them.

Maybe... just maybe.... in the next 100 years our citizens of this country will rise to a level of enlightenment, where we can have intelligent fact based conversations on issues instead of this dribble he will try to cram down our throats Wednesday!   .....Warph

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Perfect Shot Warph....and as a matter of fact.. This IS one of my targets..  ;)

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