TURNER, Joseph Henry - b. May 23, 1848 - d. May 24, 1900

Started by Roma Jean Turner, October 12, 2006, 08:13:12 PM

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Roma Jean Turner

     Joseph H. Turner was born May 23, 1848 in Morgan county, Ohio and died at Kirksville, Missouri, May 24, 1900, aged 52 years and 1 day.  He grew to manhood in Ohio, but removed to Iowa while still young.  While there he worked at the carpenter trade and later was an engineer on one of the pioneer roads running into Kansas City.  He removed to Elk county, Kansas in 1874 where he was married to Nancy E. DeWitt, who with three sons survive him. Since living here he has taught in the public schools, held several public offices, done real estate and abstracting business and for the past seven years has been cashier in the Moline State Bank which position he held at the time of his death.  He early professed Christianity, being for many years a member of the Christian church.  He was a prominent member of the I.O.O.F. lodge which order he held in great affection.  He passed from an active business life with the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, firm principles in his hear.
     The writer's personal acquaintance with Mr. Turner dates back but a few years, but it has been an intimate acquaintance ripening into a warm friendship.  As his Pastor, many times he has confided to me the struggles of his early manhood to make his way in the world and of his effort to live in accord with teachings of the Master.  Deeds, not words, were considered by him as the true test of character.  One of the most practical addresses I have ever heard was that given the young people of Moline about three years ago on a successful life.  He has been a patient sufferer.  It seemd God's way of preparing Brother Turner for the change that awaited him.  Of late especially has his hope seemed bright for the future, not upon his own merit, but because of his hope in Christ.  A faithful husband and father, a useful citizen has gone out from among us and we shall miss him.  Let us take up the work assigned to us, bear patiently our trials and patiently await the summons that must come to each of us.
     The funeral of Brother Turner took place Saturday afternoon at the M. E. Church.  Mr. Hill of
Elk Falls conducted the church service and at its close the Odd Fellows' ritual service was read.  A large number of friends looked for the last time into the face of their friend and Brother and then followed his remains to the cemetery, where the burial service of the Odd Fellows was read-the closing scene of the sad rite for the dead.   N. Hill.

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