This is One Dumb Sick Clown!!!!!

Started by Warph, December 08, 2009, 12:58:07 AM

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Ahmadinejad Reportedly Claims U.S. is Blocking Return of Mankind's Savior
Monday, December 07, 2009
Fox News

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims the United States is attempting to thwart the return of mankind's savior, according to reports from Al Arabiya, a television news station based in Dubai.

Ahmadinejad reportedly claims he has documented evidence that the U.S. is blocking the return of Mahdi, the Imam believed by Muslims to be the savior.  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:   :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:   :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:   :laugh:  :laugh:  

"We have documented proof that they believe that a descendant of the prophet of Islam will raise in these parts and he will dry the roots of all injustice in the world," Ahmadinejad said during a speech on Monday, according to Al Arabiya.

"They have devised all these plans to prevent the coming of the Hidden Imam because they know that the Iranian nation is the one that will prepare the grounds for his coming and will be the supporters of his rule," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying.

Ahmadinejad continued the rant by claiming there have been plots by both the West as well as countries in the East to wipe out his country, according to Iranian news Web site Tabak.

"They have planned to annihilate Iran. This is why all policymakers and analysts believe Iran is the true winner in the Middle East," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by the site. He also alleged that foreign nations seek to control Iran's oil and natural resources.

"In Afghanistan, they are caught like an animal in a quagmire. But instead of pulling their troops out to save themselves, they are deploying more soldiers. Even if they stay in Afghanistan for another 50 years they will be forced to leave with disgrace — because this is a historical experience," Ahmadinejad reportedly said.

"They know themselves that they need Iran in the Middle East, but because of their arrogance they do not want to accept this reality. They are nothing without the Iranian nation and all their rhetoric is because they don't want to appear weak."

Click here for more from Al Arabiya:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


...and we're supposed to sit down and negoitate with this whack job.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.



Another very sick islamic Clown:

Sheik Tells Children the Story of Palestinian Female Suicide Bomber Wafa Idris, Concluding: Allah Willing, We Will All Become Like Wafa Idris  
Following are excerpts from a TV children's show, in which children learn about Palestinian suicide bomber Wafa Idris. The show aired on Al-Quds TV on December 1, 2009.

TV Host: There used to be a girl, who was a student at medical school. She lived in a refugee camp called Al-Am'ari. the Al-Am'ari camp, my dear children, is located near the city of Ramallah in occupied Palestine.
[Wafa Idris] went to the commander of the resistance, and asked to carry out a martyrdom operation. What, a girl carrying out a martyrdom operation?! She said: I want to carry out a martyrdom operation, just like any young man in the resistance. Obviously, the commander hesitated at first, because this was the first time such a thing happened. Since the beginning of the Intifada, no Palestinian girl had carried out a martyrdom operation. But Wafa insisted, until she managed to convince the commander that the Zionists would not pay attention to a girl. Usually, they only inspect the young men. So the commander agreed. In light of her determination, courage, and persistence – he agreed.

So he set out. The moment she set foot on the road, she remembered something. What was it? Not a family member or a relative. She remembered that she had not fed the doves on the roof. Quickly, she climbed to the roof. As soon as the doves saw her, they began flapping their wings. From among the doves, Wafa took a white dove in her hands. Its wing was broken two days earlier. Wafa stroked it gently and said to it: Don't worry, white dove, peace dove. Tomorrow, you will be able to fly again. You will return to your nest in the Old city of Jerusalem. Tomorrow, the skies will open up before your wings, and you will fly over the Galilee, Nablus, Jenin, Bethlehem, and Hebron.
Wafa went to her work as usual, but obviously, she took a day off, and left. Why? Because the time for the heroic operation had come.

Boy: Where was the operation?

TV Host: In Jerusalem. On her way to West Jerusalem, everything she saw encouraged her to commit martyrdom.

Second boy: Wasn't Wafa afraid among the occupiers? Didn't she hesitate?

TV Host: Of course not. She wasn't afraid, and she did not hesitate, because she placed Allah between her eyes and in her heart. She would always remember Allah and would crush her fear. If fear wanted to come near her calm and peaceful heart, she would get ready to enter Paradise, knowing that she would be among the living, who are sustained [by God]. Who are they? The martyrs.

Today, Wafa will not treat the wounded in Ramallah. Why? She will go to Jerusalem, and there will be many dead and wounded there, but not from among the Palestinians. They will be from among the Zionist soldiers.

Wafa fulfilled her wish by successfully carrying out her martyrdom operation. The result was that she killed an Israeli soldier and wounded about a hundred. Why was Wafa martyred? So that the flower of the homeland would not wither.

Third boy: When was she martyred?

TV Host: Wafa Idris was martyred on Sunday, January 27, 2002. She has become a role model for any Palestinian girl who harbors the spirit of self-sacrifice, national sentiment, and love of death for the sake of Allah and in defense of the homeland.

Young girl: I want to become a doctor like Wafa, so that I can help the wounded.

TV Host: Allah willing, we will all become like Wafa Idris. We will treat the wounded, and Allah will grant us martyrdom.


Islam (which means "submission") is the religion of 1.2 billion of the world's 7 billion people. Mohammed introduced it to the Arabic world in 622 A.D. and at the time it brought order and vast improvement to warring tribes where drunkenness, gambling and primitive life-styles held back any progress.

Judaism and Christianity had little impact upon these people except for the portions of Judaism and Christianity Mohammed learned from friends. He modeled the Koran (the Muslim Bible) partly after the Bible and for 500 years greatly improved the quality of life and order and decency as they entered agolden age of learning and progress. They were the leading civilization, says Will Durant, for several hundred years until acruel Mongol leader came forth and destroyed much of the progress they had made.

The Islam we see today has degenerated to become adangerously sick and deadly force affecting all the world.  From an early religion that emphasized order and mercy, Islam now is seen for chaos and murder in the form of terrorism.  Jihad, holy war, is declared on all who do not honor Allah.  Great rewards offer incentives for suicide bombers and terrorists.  Little children became suicide bombers and countries, even Saudi Arabia, offered $20,000 to $40,000 to families whose children succeeded in killing innocent people on buses or in crowded areas of Israel.

We've heard of the 72 virgins and wine offered as rewards in Paradise to martyrs.  Muslim scholars now debate whether the original promise meant 72 angels or white raisins, but pressure is to name the 72 virgins ever present to please the martyr, even to promise he will spend eternity "constantly aroused, nevermore unaroused" by constantly aroused virgins.  That's sick.  Sex has become the heavenly reward.

I haven't found yet what reward comes to girl suicide bombers or women.  That leads to more deadly acts and atrocious deaths by terrorism wherever the opportunity strikes —even at Fort Hood and the World Trade center.

It is a sick religion that encourages hatred and violence toward others not of their own kind. It is a sick religion where clerics in Mosques help
promote and plan the terrorism, as did acleric in New York who planned the earlier attempt to explode trucks loaded with explosives in the World Trade Center.

It is a sick religion that inhibits and denigrates womanhood.  It is a sick religion that cuts off the hands, ears and noses of those caught stealing or committing a crime.  It is a sick religion that cuts off the heads of women caught committing adultery, as if there will never be repentance or redemption.  It is a sick religion that circumcised women, bordering on mutilation, so that they would not be tempted to be prostitutes.  It is a sick religion that only educates women through the first few grades.

Christianity has had its moments of sickness.  The Dark Ages of superstition and Inquisition, the distortion of Christian ethics that fed the Ku Klux Klan for acentury and encouraged hundreds of years of warfare, even among Christians.

In Greenville, S.C., asecret worship place was raided where so called ministers from another state came in to lead in snake handling and poison drinking.  They took apassage from Mark 16:18 and distorted it to mean we should handle snakes and drink poison to test our faith.

Healthy religion does not live in fear or hatred.  Healthy religion sees something good and potentially eternal in all human kind.  Healthy religion builds up, enhances, encourages, repairs, edifies.  Healthy religion is positive, not negative.

We celebrate Johnny Mercer's 100th birthday.

He wrote agreat song years ago which said, "You've got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negatives, latch on to the affirmative and don't mess with Mr. Inbetween."

Would that all major religions (and political groups) look to the positive and not the negative.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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