Prayer is needed

Started by Judy Harder, October 04, 2009, 04:53:34 PM

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Judy Harder

My friend just called me......Scotty Blackburn was air-lifted to Wichita this afternoon.
He needs all of our prayers.
A tree fell on him while he was cutting trees this afternoon.
I am sure there are others who know more...but the sooner this is out in the world
the sooner God will work His miracles.

God be with Scotty.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Bonnie M.

I am so sorry to hear that, Judy.  He will certainly be in our prayers, and Glen & Karla, also.

Clubine Ranch

Our prayers for his welfare. Keep us informed when you hear anything.


What is the most recent word on Scotty Blackburn's condition?????

Judy Harder

I am sorry...........I thought this had been told.
Scotty had a limb fall on him and knocked him out and after they air-lifted him out
to Wichita (sorry didn't hear which hospital) found that he did have some
bones broke........I know it wasn't the spine, but maybe the spurs/bones that are attached to
the spine..........Near the shoulder area.

Joe said that if he could take a shower on his own yesterday that he would be sent home.
This was told me yesterday afternoon.

So,if anyone knows more please post it. Unless I go to cafe I never hear things.......and today is a
stay at home day.

I do know that Scotty was very lucky. First report was that a whole tree fell on him......Rumors!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


The word is that Scott is home and 5 of those wings /spurs ?? on vertabraes were broke off but nothing they can do except time will heal. They say his back is one massive bruise. A lucky lad.

Bonnie M.

Thanks, Judy & Ron, for the information.  It sounds like he was, indeed, a lucky lad.

Diane Amberg

Each of those spurs is called a process (odd name) the one in the center is called the spinious process and the two outer ones are called the transverse processes. As long as they didn't break the skin when they broke he should heal fine. He's going to be one sore dude for a good while. That huge bruise is no picnic either. Large crush injuries like that take more blood out of proper circulation than one might think. Sounds like he's doing well though.


Scotty sent a picture of his back to Derek.. I saw it and it is hideously horrible.. All black and bruised.. Poor guy..
I'm sure he is going to be very very sore for awhile.
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