Socialism, Republican-Style

Started by redcliffsw, September 28, 2009, 05:49:33 PM

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Socialism, Republican-Style

"Socialism!": the rallying cry of Republicans opposing the "stimulus" bill just signed by President Barack Obama. It was also, late in the game, the rallying cry of John McCain and his supporters last fall, especially after the Joe the Plumber incident. They are undoubtedly correct that this law, and Obama's plans in general, are leading us ever further down the road to serfdom, although from an economic standpoint it's at least as much fascist as socialist – not that the distinction matters greatly for the two are the same in principle.

While it's good to see some actual GOP opposition to government growth again, it's very difficult to take it seriously. Here, for example, is just a sampling of the socialist programs and policies instituted and/or supported by a significant number of Republicans, with Ron Paul frequently being the lone exception:

Social Security. Republicans may not have started this program, and occasionally they will speak of its insolvency, but they seem to have no real problem with its continuation. The best we get out of them is Bush's stillborn plan to give those of us forced into Social Security the option of diverting a small portion of the loot stolen from us into various government-approved investments. Given the current state of the stock market, we should be grateful that this plan never got off the ground. Imagine the bailouts to all the individual Social Security "investors" who expected to get ever-increasing returns on their investments! Name the last Republican who spoke of abolishing, rather than "shoring up" or "reforming" Social Security.

Medicare. Not only does the GOP not suggest ridding us of this blatantly socialist takeover of the health care system; but George W. Bush, with the support of many members of his own party, pushed through Medicare prescription drug coverage, the largest new entitlement program in four decades. Again there is talk of "fixing" or "saving" Medicare but none of ending it – all while Republicans try to convince us that they, and they alone, are standing between us and the Democrats' plans to nationalize health care.

Yes, we have welfare "reform," but where is welfare repeal?

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