Most Arizona Voters Put Immigration Over Health Care as More Important Reform

Started by Teresa, July 30, 2009, 12:11:13 AM

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Fifty-one percent (51%) of Arizona voters say it is more important for Congress to pass immigration reform than health care reform. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state shows that 45% hold the opposite view and think health care reform is more important.

By a 65% to 20% margin, Arizona voters believe enforcing the borders is more important than legalizing the status of those already living here. Half of the state's voters (50%) think it is possible to put an end to illegal immigration, while 34% do not. Those results are slightly more optimistic than those found on the national level.

Voters in the Grand Canyon State still highly regard Maricopa Country Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, known for his tough immigration enforcement. Fifty-seven percent (57%) say the sheriff's policies have helped the state's image, showing little change from May. Twenty-seven percent (27%) say the sheriff's policies hurt the state's image.

As for health care, 52% of voters in Arizona oppose the reform plan proposed by President Obama and Congressional Democrats. Forty-five percent (45%) favor the plan. Those figures include 42% who are strongly opposed and 24% who strongly favor it. On the national level, 53% oppose the plan.

On all questions, there is a huge partisan gap. While 69% of Arizona Republicans and 60% of unaffiliated voters say immigration reform should be the top goal, 78% of Democrats say health care should be the priority.
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