Why does the Left Hate Israel?

Started by Warph, June 23, 2009, 11:48:33 PM

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I like how you say Egypt is a threat to Isreal, and then the next sentence, you say that Egypt isn't strong enough to invade even if they tried.  Contradict yourself much?  IT's nice to see that you actually support my argument by saying that ISreal is strong enough to beat the Arab countries,  I'm pretty sure the Arabs have figured that out too.

Your reading comprehension is also failing you.  I said Iran as not a DIRECT threat, as in, they can't invade.  Funding whomever isn't really a direct threat.  If Hezbullah didn't get money from Iran, they would get it somewhere else.  If they palestinians have shown anything, it's that they are extremely resourceful.  Sure Iran has missiles, but Isreal has ABM's, and again, Iran isn't stupid enough to attack them.

I just don't have the time to debate with you anymore, and frankly it's not worth it.  You're posts contain so much vitriol and tired sarcasm (and yes, crankiness)
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on July 01, 2009, 09:31:35 PM
I like how you say Egypt is a threat to Isreal, and then the next sentence, you say that Egypt isn't strong enough to invade even if they tried.
I love it too because if you actualy read his post you would have seen his reference to egypt allowing tunnels to be dug from their side to smuggle in arms to the terrorists which attack israel.
apparantly your reading comprehension failed you.

QuoteYour reading comprehension is also failing you.  I said Iran as not a DIRECT threat, as in, they can't invade. 
Maybe not but they can launch missles at them.  Secondly hiring thugs to carry out your objectives makes you a direct threat.

Quotee Iran has missiles, but Isreal has ABM's, and again, Iran isn't stupid enough to attack them.
????      Have you actually watched the news?  they have a psycho for their leader.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Skruzich, iread the post, and the article he linked.  Did you?  the article mentioned all the commercial goods being smuggled, and showed that the tunnels actually make Hamas stronger because it's a means to generate revenue.  The article didn't mention weapons, which are actually by in large manufactured in Gaza.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Why do they hate Israel............
That's one of the questions that has plagued me for some time ... Can't figure it out..
Most of the Jews I have known are flaming leftists and uber-libs except where Israel is concerned. in the past decade, though, even that seems to have changed.  I think part of it is a raging anti-semitism . Lenin came from a culture that came from a society in which anti-semitism was rampant in the form of open discrimination and pogroms) wrapped up in leftist "victimization" ideology. If it rained on a picnic they went and killed some Jews, if the babushka burned supper they went and killed some Jews. but they flocked to then and still do today. I will give them credit though, the "Fighting Jews" of Sobibor, Warsaw, and Auschwitz were usually formed around a core of ORGANIZED socialists.   The lefty Jews don't now know how to counter it and so go along... Palestinian rights and all that against the evil aggressor Israel is one outcome. Even though Israel is a leftist Socialist country.

The other part is the secular religion of the State that is so much at the heart of leftists - the state knows all, saves all, enslaves all - oops, strike that last part. But you get the idea.

Remember Senator Hillary Clinton promised the moon to the left-wing Jewish lobbyists in NY while campaigning for that seat, and won.
In S. Florida.... the large contingent of former North East liberal Jews have made a foothold. Just the way it goes in any aspect where there is diverse population.

I still say when it comes to Israel, there is also a large portion that know Israelis don"t need the U.S. They are perfectly capable of fighting for their own self defense when the UN/pacifist/liberal mindset says "stop" defending yourself,...bombing those Hamas strongholds in a civilian bldg. where they are used as human shields....

You know what they say...Politics make strange bedfellows, and having Israel be the "lone wolf" of the Middle East maybe is a good thing...

Unfortunately, the pendulum swings in this country with whomever has the political majority.  BHO is an appeaser, and it will take another attack to wake people up to that fact.

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