Trip through home area

Started by Buddyboy, April 04, 2009, 06:39:35 PM

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My wife and I were coming back home to Parsons from a library conference in Wichita and decided to drop down to my old stomping grounds and look around. We drove by the new addition of the library and blocked traffic awhile looking at it. Then we drove by my old houses on second and third street. The house on 2nd is now a new house across the street from a new house where my Aunt Alice and Uncle Ben lived. The house on 3rd now has lost the out buildings that were there to mark the place last time. Now it is just one big garden spot. It's funny when you see things grown up. You thought at the time they were a lot bigger. We ate lunch at the Swinging Bridge Cafe and stuffed ourselves. We were barely able to walk but we checked out the gift shop and asked to see some of the rooms. We got to see the rose and bear rooms. They are really nice. Then back on the road, but not before my wife noticed the open house sign for Trigg's greenhouse in Elk Falls. So, we had to fill our trunk with plants to bring home. I don't know if I can bring my wife back that way again. It costs too much money! HA! Last stop was to see what the Longton Cafe was and to drive by what my family calls the Gone with the Wind Mansion in Longton. We were pleasantly surprised to see all of the improvements with the park. Way to go Longton! Seriously it was so good to come back through. There is something about the place that calms my heart and gives me peace.

Diane Amberg

When we visited last June we stayed in the rose room. Thought that bear room was awfully cute. Have they fixed up any more yet?


The last time I was down that way was a beautifully warm, sunny day...and it highlighted all of the new houses in both Moline and Sedan.  I was amazed at all of the "new" construction that has occurred in the years since I last lived there.  It's interesting what people will choose for styles and colors...Really gives you a clue as to what personalities might live there.


We just got back from another trip to the area. We were doing the genealogy research thing on the way out to share the zoo in Wichita with the grandkids. We stopped off at Longton at the cemetery and went on to Moline's. Of course, we had to stop at Kirk's for ice cream. They are always so nice there. I can remember that was Crawford's and my family always stopped there, mainly so Dad could talk to Roy. This was the first time that I got to see Esther's grave. That was rough. She was such a special lady to me. I also saw Dennis Brown's and Tom Mill's those hit me hard too. There seems to be a lot more parents of classmates showing up too, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde, Mr. Williams and Mrs. Barkley. We drove around the town and it has changed so much. I still can't believe the last house that I lived in there is now just a yard. We also hit the Howard Cemetery and finally found my Aunt Eve and Uncle Bob's grave. They kept hiding from us, but we finally found them. Then it was off to the Crooked Creek Lodge. They had our room all ready for us. We stayed in what I have labeled the Jungle Room. They just called it #19. It was sooooo nice. We had supper there at the cafe. They of course they were ready to destroy our diets and did so nicely with their chocolate fudge pecan pie. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! Of course we had been there before and knew not to order the regular size sandwiches and stuff. We just split a sandwich and onion rings. The next morning we headed back to the cafe to further destroy any hope of staying on a diet. I had the SMALL hobo eggs and Ruthie had the SMALL western omelet. Not so small but OH MY GOODNESS how delicious. Everyone is so friendly there. If you haven't got there yet, which we are probably the last ones, ya got to go.
Today on the way back through we drove around again. I know it sounds corny, but it seems I draw strength from the area. The minute I see those flint hills around Elk County I know I'm home. Of course the lower speed limit helps get me ready. HA! I remember Officer Gaddy whenever I hit the county line. I think the man would of arrested his mom for speeding. HA! Anyway, I toured Grenola for Ruthie. She had never been there. We also found Mrs. Corle's grave there. Sam's mom let me stay a lot at her house. It seems there were a lot of people watching out for us, Mrs. Corle, Mrs. Wilson, the post office lady, Mrs. Huntington at the liquor store to make sure she saw us as we walked home each day, Miss Katy Knabe, Miss Sylvia FLickinger, and who we called Grandma Brace even though she wasn't our grandma. Too bad kids don't have that today. We stopped at Longton and the mowers were there. I went up and thanked them. I remember mowing the Moline cemetery a few summers and it is not a fun job. I told them how much I appreciated what they were doing. Then we stopped at the Highway 160 Diner. We tried to be good and just split three chicken fingers and cheesy fries, but they had to stick the homemade fudge in front of us. That was not nice! So we had to buy some of course. It was yelling so loudly I thought it would disturb the neighbors. HA! Well back home now and time to get back to work. Took a lot of pictures so Ruthie can load them on findagrave and some more work on our genealogy book of the Reynolds and Coxs. I know I have to get back to reality, but I sure do miss things back over there.

Judy Harder

I know someone knows the story better than I, Janet???? that Trooper Gaddy

did give HIS WIFE a ticket.

Never did hear a sonic boom, so I guess they were quiet about discussing it........but
it really slowed the drivers down.........For awhile..

He was a great Cop and nice and polite too.
Just a tid-bit I thought you should know.
I am sure the Howard bunch knows more about this.......
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

W. Gray

Was Gaddy the Kansas State Trooper who lived on West Jefferson?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Yes, I believe he lived at the corner of Pennsylvania and Jefferson in the ranch style home.

Jo McDonald

Jim Gaddy was a great guy and yes - if you deserved a speeding ticket and he was on duty, YOU GOT ONE!  My nephew Brad Troutman, knew him very well, because of that virtue of Jim's.  lol
Jim and Marvis are great people and have a nice family.

   Another great Highway Patrolman was Wendall (Red) DeLong.  He was true to his profession too.  He is now deceased.
He always reminded me of my brother, Jack, and he and Fred became good friends.

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