DOD says protests are "Low-Level" terrorism

Started by Teresa, June 17, 2009, 09:22:55 PM

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Ok, I knew our government was anti-constitution, but this is blatant distortion of our first amendment!
Goes hand in hand with the power they want to give Holder to disallow 'terrorist or suspected terrorists' from owning guns.

They can say all they want about not going for our guns but I can read and all I see is obvious backdoor attempts to outlaws personal ownership of guns.

A written exam administered by the Pentagon labels "protests" as a form of "low-level terrorism" — enraging civil liberties advocates and activist groups who say it shows blatant disregard of the First Amendment.

The written exam, given as part of Department of Defense employees' routine training, includes a multiple-choice question that asks:

"Which of the following is an example of low-level terrorism?"

— Attacking the Pentagon

— IEDs

— Hate crimes against racial groups

— Protests

The correct answer, according to the exam, is "Protests."

read rest of the story:,2933,526972,00.html
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I read some more on this.... Man it fires me up!

This is exactly  WHY there is a SECOND AMENDMENT, to enforce the others. Anybody who thinks it is the job of Govt. to "enforce" the Constitution is an idiot that does not understand that the Chicken DID NOT come first. It is, instead, the purpose of the Constitution to enforce good government.

It really kind of makes me suspicious that they don't realize that every time one of these "reports" "leaks" that they are alienating and angering half the country. Is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling that the feds are trying to incite something here? I mean you go and say that Muslim extremists are not terrorists, but if you criticize or even disagree with BHO you are?
The murder of George Tiller, and the Holocaust museum shooting were both "right wing extremists" or "domestic terrorists" but the shooting of an army recruiter in Arkansas by a Muslim was justified?!?! :o

Give me a  break! If I didn't know better I'd think that the government is trying to incite some sort of rebellion in order to cause another crisis. That way they can take the opportunity to disarm us because we are "violent domestic terrorists" and seek to overthrow the government. It just feels like they are pushing a lot of buttons trying to see which one makes us snap.

Or............maybe they think they truly believe they can get away with it because Joe Average is a fat, lazy, non thinking coward.
What they have not taken into account is that while the REST of us may also be fat, and /or, lazy... we think.. and will only be pushed so far. When we have truly decided that to much is to much, these overweight, thoughtful patriots will be so pissed about having to get off the couch, sleep in the woods and drink warm beer that they will hand out an ass whooping that hasn't been seen on this continent in over 200 years. The Socialists may win, but there won't be any where near as many of them.

Ok...............*big breath*...............I'm done..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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