Patriotism...A Dying Art

Started by Catwoman, June 11, 2009, 01:17:35 PM

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Oh LORD, please help us.  LOL.  And don't call me sir, my father was sir.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


So, question for all you Patriots out there (remember; just asking the question to find out your opinions; not because I necessarily think this way)...
Do you think that Patriotism is less apparent in the young because we're not teaching it in schools?  Do you also think that the older generation isn't as willing to share their views with the young?  Take Steve's comment for example,
Quote from: srkruzich on June 12, 2009, 10:19:34 AM
I'll tell those passe young punks to kiss my lilly  white arse when they disrespect my country, my flag, and my patriotism, and stand my ground no matter what when they try to remove my right to tell them to kiss my arse.

God Bless America, and if you don't like it youngsters, you know what yall can do!
Should he be trying to teach youngsters about patriotism instead of just blowing them off as passe young punks?  Normally people, especially kids, laugh at something because they don't understand.  If you just yell at them or say mean things to them, then you just become a "wacko old military guy".  Whereas if you stop and take the time to TEACH them why you have the respect you do, then maybe they actually LEARN to have respect themselves.  Just because a kid doesn't take his hat off during the National Anthem doesn't mean he doesn't have respect... it means that no one has taken the time to teach him why that is important!
I think a lot of the older generation blame things on the younger generation, when it's actually the older generation who doesn't have the patience to TEACH anymore.  Yes, things have changed and the youth of the country are learning about computers and programming and technical stuff in schools... so in my opinion, it falls on the older generation to make up that generation gap and help to teach the youth about things like Patriotism.


I can only speak for our school but we start each day by saying the Pledge...All the kids are expected to stand, even the JW's, although they aren't required to say the Pledge, due to their religious practices.  I always stand off to the side and remind the kiddos to put their hands over their hearts and our Principal reminds the kids all the time about looking at the flag when they recite the Pledge.  For my part, I try to incorporate as much patriotism as I can in every part of the subjects that I teach.  Not a hard thing to do, when you stop to consider everything that has gone into the making of this country...There isn't a subject taught that doesn't have someone in its past that was working for the betterment of this nation.


The POA is relatively new to our country.

I'll bet Abe Lincoln's teacher did not make him stand and say the oath.


The IRS is also new to our country, relatively speaking, but I still pay taxes.  'Nuf said.


Which do you suppose is more patriotic?  Paying taxes or repeating oaths?


Both are equally important...One lends itself to the maintaining of a nation and the other lends itself to the spiritual building of national pride.  I would rather not have the tax issue, personally, but I am willing to fork it over when I see the good it does for the little kids I teach that desperately need the help.  No one is ever required to say the Pledge...You are guaranteed the right, due to our Constitution, to be or do whatever it is that best suits you.  I, thank God, am allowed the right to say the Pledge...And stall tall while doing it...Without anyone's by-your-leave to do it, too.


I really hate when people start dictating what is patriotism. He didn't wear a pin, he didn't salute the flag, he didn't face the flag. For the most I find those "indiscretions" are dictated by our life experiences. I always have felt a sense of appreciation for the traditional. I love history, cultures of all kinds. Last year I posted many links to proper respect for the flag etc., which I found many of you and myself "violated." My point is I try not to complain too much if people violate my sense of patriotism. I do try to find ways to include them in mine and learn their ways of celebrating their love of this country. Sure there are many people that don't show their patriotism, but I have learned new ways to celebrate my own as well as, had converts to my ways of celebrating. Just because we are the best place on earth to ever exist and I would not want to live anywhere else, that does not relieve us from trying to perfect o ourselves to an even higher level. So if we complain an bitch that doesn't mean we don't know how good we havve it, it just means we know we can always do better.



QuoteI really hate when people start dictating what is patriotism. He didn't wear a pin, he didn't salute the flag, he didn't face the flag. For the most I find those "indiscretions" are dictated by our life experiences.

This is a very good statement. Just because a guy/girl doesn't go around beatin his/her chest TALKIN about what a great patriot he/she is doesn't mean they aren't the person you are gonna want on your side when the doo hits the fan. It's been my experience that the quiet one is the one you can count on while the one with the mouth just fades away and leaves you to handle what they generally started.

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