Just cause I don't want to..........

Started by pamsback, June 03, 2009, 08:19:31 PM

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Yes, I read this post before I got read back up on the Tiller thread, and I can see why you posted this.  I just want to make sure you're not throwing ALL of us that do attend church and organized religion into the same pot... or that you feel like your judgement of those people is different than their judgement of Tiller.  (And I also wonder that some of those people quoting the Bible actually belong and regularly attend organized religious services?)

I am NOT one to criticize anyone else's religion or church.  I hate it when people speak badly of the Catholic church, when they haven't even attended a Mass or really even understand what/why we believe, so I never judge others' choice of religion, either.  Like I said before, as long as they are believing in something greater than themselves, there's worse options out there.  In my opinion, that's really what's wrong with the world these days... people are so wrapped up in themselves and their own wants/needs.  Really, that's what the basis of "belief" is... that you're not "IT" and there's something/someone better, greater than you.


  I have found wisdom in so many different places Tobina that it ain't even funny, the SAME wisdom...in faiths and practices that never HEARD of each other to start with. That's where I find my God and found out its the same as EVERYbody elses.


That's why it gripes me so much when people continue to bash each others' religions!  Just because someone doesn't go to the same building, or say the same words, or practice the same ways... doesn't mean you don't both believe the same things!  And just because you can (or can't) quote scripture doesn't mean you don't believe what it says.  A lot of people throw Bible verses around... or verses from any religious books... or sayings from worldy and smart people... but if you don't LIVE IT, it doesn't mean squat.


   All we can do is TRY to live it........sometimes we do sometimes we don't..hopefully more often than not we do.

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