What is it with these Liberals?

Started by Warph, November 24, 2008, 03:39:37 PM

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I'll come right out and admit that I understand Islamic terrorists far better than I do American liberals.  After all, once you realize that young Muslims are taught by their religious leaders that our nation is militarily powerful and technologically advanced because we cut a deal with Satan, you can see where they'd be upset with us.

But what is the deal with liberals?  How to explain their mushy heads?  Was it something weird in their baby formula?  Were they potty-trained when they were too young or, more likely, too old?  Are their chromosomes slightly out of whack or is it simply something in their DNA?

I'm serious.  Why else would liberal Americans so resent the United States having more influence in the world than, say, Luxembourg or Lichtenstein?  Why do they seem to have no rooting interest in capitalism prevailing over all the other isms?  Do they think that the reason they live so much better than the typical Russian or Turk is because they, themselves, are intellectually superior?  Fat chance!

Why is it that liberals seem to believe that recycling cans is an important issue, but defeating terrorism isn't?  Why do they put so much stock in the blathering of Al Gore and Michael Moore?  Why do they regard secondhand smoke as a bigger menace than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and that kook from North Korea?  What is wrong with these people?

Why will the same folks who'd call a cop if someone set foot in their front yard be so unconcerned about 20 million illegal aliens setting up camp in their country?  And why will the same saps who work themselves into a tizzy if some small town sets up a Christmas tree in the public square defend a church's right to provide a sanctuary for foreign nationals who have no business being in our country?

Liberals would like to see us cut and run from Iraq.  Is it because they enjoy seeing the American military lose?  For them, Vietnam was positively rapturous.  Their holy trinity consists of Jane Fonda, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. 

They keep insisting that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11.  Okay, maybe he didn't.  But what they refuse to acknowledge is that we are at war with Islamic fundamentalism.  Hussein may have had had nothing to do with the USS Cole or the first bombing of the Twin Towers or the attacks on our embassies and our Marine base.  So what?  Germany and Italy had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor.  It's the mission that matters, not the venue.  And our mission is to destroy Hamas and Al Qaeda and all the rest of the Islamic vermin.  If they wish to fight us in Iraq and Afghanistan, so be it.  Better to fight them there than in Chicago, Seattle or New York, Phoenix or Howard, KS.

I'm aware that liberals will tell you that the Islamics hate us because we're over there, violating their sacred turf.  But if that's the case, why are they killing civilians in Holland and Bali, Indonesia and the Philippines, Russia and Spain?

If we're not at war with Muslim terrorism, why do I have to remove my shoes before I'm allowed to board a plane?  And if we are at war, why can't airport security concentrate on Arabs of a certain age and quit behaving like a bunch of politically correct fatheads?

There's no getting around the fact that next to the liberals in the Senate, academia and the editorial offices at CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times, the biggest left-wing dunces are to be found in Hollywood and San Francisco.  These villages are filled with a bunch of idiotic clowns who, when they're not busy getting drunk, shooting up, boinking everybody and behaving like spoiled brats, can be found yammering about global warming and poverty in America. 

Oddly enough, those are two problems they could actually do something about.  Assuming that carbon emissions actually have an effect on the earth's temperature, might it not be beneficial if these clowns stopped chugging around in Hummers and limos, stopped heating and cooling houses slightly larger than the palace at Versailles, and grounded their private jets for the foreseeable future?

As for poverty, the plain fact of the matter is that the only poor people these folks ever encounter are maids, gardeners, nannies and waiters.  Well, if these overly pampered nincompoops were really serious about eliminating poverty in America, all they'd have to do is pay higher wages and leave bigger tips!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Sure seems like most of the so-called conservative Republicans lend a hand to liberal issues at times.  Can not understand why anyone would call Republicans "conservative".

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