Ohio Gov reassures voters 'Obama is pro-guns'

Started by Teresa, October 13, 2008, 02:03:09 PM

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QuoteFolks living here among the rolling hills love their guns, their families and their God. And they don't appreciate politicians who they think would mess with any of those things.

So when Gov. Ted Strickland introduced Sen. Barack Obama here Friday morning, he didn't just extol Obama's virtues and plans. He told voters what the Democratic nominee would not do if elected president: He would not take their guns away.

"If you are a sportsman, if you are a gun owner, if you are someone who honors and respects the Second Amendment, you have nothing to fear from Barack Obama," said Strickland, who describes himself as a son of Appalachia.

That assertion, he told the crowd, was based on "direct conversations" he has had with Obama.

Whew..........I'm so glad that we have that straight now. ::)

After all, up until this conversation we only had his previous support and public stance, his voting record, his choice for a vp, and the official stance of the DNC to go by.

After all, I'm sure that we can trust the word of a man that that made a deal to use public finance for campaign, backed out and then raised over $400 million privately; a man that denies any connection to Fannie Mae, when he was a major attorney in the lawsuit to force them to provide more sub prime loans; and a man that accepted thousands, should we even say hundreds of thousands from Fannie Mae. I could go on and on and on.. but I won't.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on October 13, 2008, 02:03:09 PM

QuoteFolks living here among the rolling hills love their guns, their families and their God. And they don't appreciate politicians who they think would mess with any of those things.

So when Gov. Ted Strickland introduced Sen. Barack Obama here Friday morning, he didn't just extol Obama's virtues and plans. He told voters what the Democratic nominee would not do if elected president: He would not take their guns away.

"If you are a sportsman, if you are a gun owner, if you are someone who honors and respects the Second Amendment, you have nothing to fear from Barack Obama," said Strickland, who describes himself as a son of Appalachia.

That assertion, he told the crowd, was based on "direct conversations" he has had with Obama.

Whew..........I'm so glad that we have that straight now. ::)

After all, up until this conversation we only had his previous support and public stance, his voting record, his choice for a vp, and the official stance of the DNC to go by.

After all, I'm sure that we can trust the word of a man that that made a deal to use public finance for campaign, backed out and then raised over $400 million privately; a man that denies any connection to Fannie Mae, when he was a major attorney in the lawsuit to force them to provide more sub prime loans; and a man that accepted thousands, should we even say hundreds of thousands from Fannie Mae. I could go on and on and on.. but I won't.

Obuma is "PRO Everything" until the election..... after that, if he wins, "PRO Everything" will start going south... FAST!

btw directtv, channel 666 in Arizona..... wonder what that means?
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Warph, I have not talked to one single fellow gun owner, gun club member, hunter, that believes for one minute that the Obama camp does not have a plan to start trying to take our guns in stages. If Obama is elected, the Democrats/Liberal/Left will have control of all 3 houses and there is no question that there will be a concerted effort to take our guns. This is one of the most critical issues that we face in this election.


I was having a conversation with some people on main street that was seriously asking me about Obama's past history and what his "gun agenda "is. They were voting for McCain for other reasons but they also had listened to Obamas in a past speech where he wanted to restrict gun ownership.. and now they said he is saying that he didn't say that. That he is for people who like to hunt...  and he supports the 2nd amendment. Well I have news for him.. The 2nd amendment isn't about hunting! And he doesn't support people carrying a firearm for protection.
2nd amendment= "A well regulated MILITIA, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms.

Although I am extremely worried and very distrusting in this area... I'm betting that there's actually no way he will be able to immediately get a gun ban passed where door to door confiscation is concerned.  I don't think that even the Democrats, who are notoriously stupid in their lust for gun control, would risk an outright ban that involved confiscation. That would be a total uprising and many many innocent lives would be lost. And they know it. Not that they might not try... but forcefully confiscating from people devastated by Katrina ..is a whole different game than trying to disarm a nation the size of the United States without consequences. This is chuck full of even more stupid that I think Obama is ready to tackle.

Rather, I think it will be a 4-step program:

1Tax the brass, tax the powder, tax the lead,.. the antis will try to 'control guns' with exorbitant taxation of ammo and on gun manufacturers and the small business man who has the FFL's.
2) A ban of future semi and auto weapons/standard capacity magazines and clips.
3) Registration of existing assault weapons and a ban on possession of standard capacity magazines ( more than 10 rounds)
4) Finally.. IF they have been able to do all of the above...then confiscation of existing firearms.

To be able to ban all guns in today's political climate is actually possible — but there will be lots of problems..and certainly isn't a slam-dunk. It will hinge on how much intelligence the Democrats can hang onto when they have total control. The Clinton ban created such a backlash that it put the Republicans in control for a decade, A new ban virtually guarantees a Republican renaissance in 2010 and sets up the 2012 Presidential elections. It's not impossible that Dems like Jim Webb and Ken Salazar 2 that are for 2nd amendment rights, move to head off a ban...it depends on how strong the Blue Dog Dems' mojo is after the election.

I personally believe that an Obama White House will NOT be able to control its Socialists leanings and will go for Assault Weapons Ban very quickly. If cooler heads prevail, the ban will come in the 2nd or 3rd year of the administration  after they have their income redistribution plans up and running...and got the sheep marching to their tune. Look for more taxation on all the items that actually make a gun go bang if their administration garners high approval ratings and/or the 2010 elections retain strong Democratic control of Congress.  They will continue to squeeze the Second Amendment out of existence without AMENDING the Constitution as our Forefather's originally intended in order to change it! America is sound asleep.  Our children, and future generations will be cursing us for what we've allowed to happen, and will continue to allow to happen. 

With all due respect, those who trade Liberty (and the Constitution) for comfort and security will soon have neither.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Illinois State Rifle Association Executive Director Richard Pearson Issues Open Letter to Nation's Sportsmen Regarding Obama's History in the Illinois Senate

Last update: 1:06 a.m. EDT Oct. 15, 2008

CHICAGO, Oct 15, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The following is the text of an open letter to the nation's hunters and sportsmen issued today by Illinois State Rifle Association Executive Director Richard Pearson:

Fellow Sportsman,

Hello, my name is Rich Pearson and I have been active in the firearm rights movement for over 40 years. For the past 15 years, I have served in the Illinois state capitol as the chief lobbyist for the Illinois State Rifle Association.

I lobbied Barack Obama extensively while he was an Illinois State Senator. As a result of that experience, I know Obama's attitudes toward guns and gun owners better than anyone. The truth be told, in all my years in the Capitol I have never met a legislator who harbors more contempt for the law-abiding firearm owner than does Barack Obama.

Although Obama claims to be an advocate for the 2nd Amendment, his voting record in the Illinois Senate paints a very different picture. While a state senator, Obama voted for a bill that would ban nearly every hunting rifle, shotgun and target rifle owned by Illinois citizens. That same bill would authorize the state police to raid homes of gun owners to forcibly confiscate banned guns. Obama supported a bill that would shut down law-abiding firearm manufacturers including Springfield Armory, Armalite, Rock River Arms and Les Baer. Obama also voted for a bill that would prohibit law-abiding citizens from purchasing more than one gun per month.

Without a doubt, Barack Obama has proven himself to be an enemy of the law abiding firearm owner. At the same time, Obama has proven himself to be a friend to the hardened criminal. While a state senator, Obama voted 4 times against legislation that would allow a homeowner to use a firearm in defense of home and family.

Does Barack Obama still sound to you like a "friend" of the law-abiding gun owner?

And speaking of friends, you can always tell a person by the company they keep. Obama counts among his friends the Rev. Michael Pfleger - a renegade Chicago priest who has openly called for the murder of gun shop owners and pro-gun legislators. Then there is his buddy Richard Daley, the mayor of Chicago who has declared that if it were up to him, nobody would be allowed to own a gun. And let's not forget Obama's pal George Soros - the guy who has pumped millions of dollars into the UN's international effort to disarm law-abiding citizens.

Obama has shown that he is more than willing to use other people's money to fund his campaign to take your guns away from you. While a board member of the leftist Joyce Foundation, Barack Obama wrote checks for tens of millions of dollars to extremist gun control organizations such as the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and the Violence Policy Center.

Does Barack Obama still sound to you like a "friend" of the law-abiding gun owner?

By now, I'm sure that many of you have received mailings from an organization called "American Hunters and Shooters Association(AHSA)" talking about what a swell fellow Obama is and how he honors the 2nd Amendment and how you will never have to worry about Obama coming to take your guns. Let me make it perfectly clear - everything the AHSA says about Obama is pure hogwash. The AHSA is headed by a group of left-wing elitists who subscribe to the British view of hunting and shooting. That is, a state of affairs where hunting and shooting are reserved for the wealthy upper-crust who can afford guided hunts on exclusive private reserves. The AHSA is not your friend, never will be.

In closing, I'd like to remind you that I'm a guy who has actually gone nose to nose with Obama on gun rights issues. The Obama I know cannot even begin to identify with this nation's outdoor traditions. The Obama I know sees you, the law abiding gun owner, as nothing but a low-class lummox who is easily swayed by the flash of a smile and a ration of rosy rhetoric. The Obama I know is a stony-faced liar who has honed his skill at getting what he wants - so long as people are willing to give it to him.

That's the Barack Obama I know.

The ISRA is the state's leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Founded in 1903, the ISRA has represented the interests of millions of law-abiding Illinois firearm owners.

WEB SITE: http://www.isra.org
SOURCE Illinois State Rifle Association

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Isn't it funny ( strange) how we hear this kind of stuff from the people who know B-HO best, but never hear of anything POSITIVE that he has done, accomplished, or been a part of.  I can't believe this creep is on the cusp of being elected dictator President!!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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