Betting on Palin's Withdrawal

Started by Teresa, September 03, 2008, 02:59:43 PM

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The Liberals are so frustrated and really don't know how to handle this appointment of Sarah Palin.... its getting to the point that its hysterically funny... or pathetic.

Limbaugh had a good point, Why is the MSM, and the democrats trying to pressure her to withdraw or be dropped?
Dave Letterman mentioned equating her and her family with an episode of the Jerry Springer Show.
Left-wing psychos regard her as "trailer trash", in the blog world....
and the MSM is digging as much dirt on her as possible.

US Weekly magazine is owned by a huge BHO supporter. Think their biased in the cover story?

I wouldn't even use this rag for the bottom of my bird cage.

If she's so bad and inexperienced, why wouldn't they just not want her stay on a losing ticket with McCain?
She should be easy to beat with the Obamessiah right?
And I say good!

and as our partner Michael Bane said:

I believe Sarah Palin will stand tonight...the MSM has gone crazy because she's the election-changer. No modern Republican has ever won the White House without an energized gun vote, and even the morons at MSNBC know that. We'll turn out for Palin in big numbers, as will the conservative base.

The MSM has to destroy her because the gutless swine in the Democratic Party know that they've been checkmated, so they turn to their comrades in the media to do the's disgusting...

Michael B

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Magazines write articles to sell magazines. It's business. There is no doubt smut sells. There are many insecure, troubled people out in the big world who are not happy unless they can watch someone fall on their face. It seems to me that the media, of all kinds, are looking into everyone who is trying to run for anything. In some cases "it goes to character," in other cases it is spin, in other cases somebody's words are put in someone else's mouth.  A lot of people fall into the twisted logic trap...If a certain thing is so, then what else will the person do? Now I'm hearing that after the convention, Sarah Palin will have to go through "training" to learn how to campaign the Republican way. Phooey! By the time the handlers are done, we won't really know any of them! It's about the issues! 


After watching her tonight I don't think she will withdraw........ but will leave a pile of filthy, rotting, left wing and media corpses in her wake.
Go Sarah Barracuda!  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Man.... after that speech tonight there wont be any withdrawal.  How about that dig on Harry Reid?  Bet he wont be showing his face around any of the Neveda Ho Houses any time soon.... the girls at the Chicken Ranch won't let him live it down about the comment he made about Sarah Palin's speech, quote: "It was very Shrill" unquote.  One of the Las Vegas paper reported that the girls are very high on Sarah.  Poor Harry... and it was his only outlet.  The things I could tell you about this Clown!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Roma Jean Turner

  The only people going anywhere are going to be the ones trying to get out of the way.  There's a new kid on the block.  Not only is she armed, she can throw one heck of a punch.   :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Diane Amberg

I wonder if the old line Washington Republicans will try to keep her in line, and McCain too for that matter. Mavericks won't make those big business old liners very happy.


So...they're howling for her withdrawal?  Hmmmmmmmm.  Wouldn't hold my breath!  I will be voting for her...and laying down a bet that, if she walks through that 'one heartbeat' to the Oval Office, I'll be voting her in for another term!



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