Al Gore's House Boat

Started by Teresa, August 08, 2008, 11:00:07 PM

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Here it is, his 100ft house boat:

Michelle Malkin is playing a "Name that Boat" game at her website:

My entry is the S.S. Do as I say, not as I do.

The official name is "Bio-Solar One,". Yes, he named his boat "BS-1" ;D

Pajamas Media reports:
QuoteThey claim the engines are bio-diesel fueled and Gore can expect to use about two gallons an hour to cruise Center Hill Lake. With a 500 gallon capacity Gore won't need a refill for "two or three years" though he admits having "no clue" about where he could get bio-diesel at the lake.The Hurricane Marina dock doesn't sell it.

Mr. Hypocrisy claims "This boat is going to be the Toyota Prius of the houseboat business,"  "It is the most eco-friendly houseboat anywhere in the country and is going to revolutionize the houseboat industry. People are increasingly worried about high gas prices and this is the answer." "Bio-Solar One" will create 40-50% less carbon emission and use half the fuel of other similar houseboats. "Gore will consume a lot more fuel driving to and from the lake than he will ever use cruising on this houseboat,""

Exit Question:
Is the jet ski on the back "bio-fueled" as well?
To me it's just more of the status-quo "the rules don't apply to me because I'm special" BS.....
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Uhmm he has a bigger boat in chattanooga tn.  Its docked by the chicamauga dam.   Lets put it this way.  The boat is 160 feet long i think and has radar sonar and all kinds of goodies. 

You ought to see his rental houses.  he gets a whoppin 500 a month for slum housing. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


yeah..he is card to draw to alright...This boat will help reduce the carbon bomb crater Mr. Gore calls his home.  He is even thinking about selling his mansion to a corporation. This will absolve him of any responsibility and then he can blame an "evil corp.

ANY diesel engine will use 'bio diesel' (french fry grease) BUT it burns at the same or GREATER rate that regular diesel so how he is going to double fuel hours per gallon is a mystery to me.

I have a friend that makes and runs bio-diesel in his trucks and farm equipment. His words were that he gets about 10 to 20 percent less mpg than with regular diesel, depending on the vehicle and how it is driven. The savings is only in the cost per gallon area (which I'll admit is a considerable savings.) Why don't the fast-food chains wise up and start selling the oil instead of giving it away...

I bet Al Gore  burns more fuel on one cross-country tree-hugging book tour than my Ford truck.
What Mr "Bore" always leaves out in his carbon footprint calculations is the contingent of Secret Service agents that we the taxpayers are funding. There are probably 5 other boats around the houseboat when he is onboard.

Hannity and Colmes had a segment on this also.. its just routine man, Nancy Pelosi doesn't fly like us "common folk", she has been flying around "on our dime", in an USAF jet.
Their both like a frickin gnat in my ear.  >:(
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The second website listed on my original post gives you links to all his homes...yep...he is sumthin'.  ::)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on August 08, 2008, 11:11:37 PM
yeah..he is card to draw to alright...This boat will help reduce the carbon bomb crater Mr. Gore calls his home.  He is even thinking about selling his mansion to a corporation. This will absolve him of any responsibility and then he can blame an "evil corp.

ANY diesel engine will use 'bio diesel' (french fry grease) BUT it burns at the same or GREATER rate that regular diesel so how he is going to double fuel hours per gallon is a mystery to me.

I have a friend that makes and runs bio-diesel in his trucks and farm equipment. His words were that he gets about 10 to 20 percent less mpg than with regular diesel, depending on the vehicle and how it is driven. The savings is only in the cost per gallon area (which I'll admit is a considerable savings.) Why don't the fast-food chains wise up and start selling the oil instead of giving it away...

Thats pretty kool if he can do it.  You just need lye to do it.  You can turn dead animals as well as french fry grease into biodiesel, and with the animals you also get blood meal and bone meal to boot.
Uhmm fast food chains aren't giving it away anymore.  All mcdonalds restaurants have a basement in them. They installed 1000 gallon grease tanks in them and all grease just runs through pipes down to the tank. They sell the grease to rendering plants now.  The trucks pull up by where the deliveries are made and hook up hoses to the outlets on the side of the building and the pumps ares started pumping the tanks out.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I'll be danged.. I didn't know that about McDonald's.. I knew they had to get rid of it of course, but didn't know how.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Yup, that's true. Ours has done that for some time.


We all waste energy now and then and some people can afford big yachts, jets, so on and so forth they deserve it they earned it. I am a big believer in conserving  and not wasting our resources. But isn't there some irony in the fact that a lot of the celeb's and Al Gore that endlessly preach conservation waste energy on yachts, private jets, big houses with no one in them, but then they think that buying carbon offset erases that waste. Wouldn't we be better off if we all did the most we can to conserve and leave the carbon offsets to businesses. There is just something to the whole carbon offsets that doesn't sit right.



Quote from: dnalexander on August 09, 2008, 10:06:08 PM
We all waste energy now and then and some people can afford big yachts, jets, so on and so forth they deserve it they earned it. I am a big believer in conserving  and not wasting our resources. But isn't there some irony in the fact that a lot of the celeb's and Al Gore that endlessly preach conservation waste energy on yachts, private jets, big houses with no one in them, but then they think that buying carbon offset erases that waste. Wouldn't we be better off if we all did the most we can to conserve and leave the carbon offsets to businesses. There is just something to the whole carbon offsets that doesn't sit right.


Its pretty much why no one takes him serious and no one wants to bother with this carbon offset theory.  Why do we have to pay to allow someone else to do what they want. sorry but if its good for the goose its good for the gander.   Thats one reason i am absolutely against kyoto and dread obama getting the whitehouse. he'll sell our futures to china and third world countries.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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