The Rules of Chocolate

Started by genealogynut, March 16, 2007, 08:16:00 PM

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If you get melted chocolate all over your hands, you're eating it too slowly.

Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, orange slices, and strawberries all count as fruit, so eat as many as you want.

The problem: How to get two pounds of chocolate home from the store in a hot car.

The solution:  Eat it in the parking lot.

Diet Tip:  Eat a chocolate bar before each meal.  It'll take the edge off your appetite and you'll eat less.

A nice box of chocolates can provide your total daily intake of calories in one place.  Isn't that handy?

If you can't eat all your chocolate, it will keep in the freezer.  But if you can't eat all your chocolate, what's wrong with you?

If calories are an issue, store your chocolate on top of the fridge.  Calories are afraid of heights, and they'll jump out of the chocolate to protect themselves.

Money talks.  Chocolate sings.

Chocolate has many preservatives.  Preservatives make you look younger.

Why is there no such organization as Chocoholics Anonymous?    Because no one wants to quit.

Put "eat chocolate" at the top of your list of things to do today.  That way, at least you'll get one thing done.

Chocolate is a health food.  Chocolate is derived from cacao beans.  Bean= vegetable.  Sugar is derived either from sugar beets or cane, both vegetables.  And, of course, the milk/cream is dairy.  So eat more chocolate to meet the dietary requirements for daily vegetable and dairy intake.

HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!

Ms Bear

Chocolate always makes everything better.


Very good medicine.  I use it a lot.


I don't like chocolate. It makes me sick because I am allergic to anything with any kind of sugar or sweet taste to it.. ( my Grandma and my sister and myself are the only ones in the family who have this weird allergy)
That's right.. No fresh fruit.. no pies.. no cakes.. not even a teaspoon of sugar in anything!
But it doesn't bother me because next to making me deathly sick.. I can't stand the taste of anything sweet..
I would rather eat a horse tu...................

:-X :-X :-[
Weeeelllllll~~anyway... it would taste the same to me.. :P
But believe me.. we more than make up for it in fried foods.. and home baked breads and pie crust..(that we make ourselves without any sugar)

Ye gads, but I DO love to eat real food.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I had a cousin that didn't like chocolate.  I thought he was just being difficult ~ how could anyone not like chocolate!?!?! 
Anyhow, I try to be more tolerant now.  There are a LOT of things I don't like to the point that thinking about eating them makes me physically ill.
My poor daughter-in-law developed severe allergies last year and had to stop eating anything with nuts oe nut oils in it (among other things).  She couldn't have ANY chocolate because nearly all of them are packaged on machines that also package candy with nuts.  I felt so sorry for her!  THen I found a website that has completely nut-free chocolate and sent her a bunch for Valentine's day.  Now I'm her favorite mother-in-law ~ ;D

Janet Harrington


We hope that you are not only her favorite mother-in-law, but you are her only mother-in-law.


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