Harry Reid Tells Us That Oil And Coal Makes Us Sick......

Started by Warph, July 13, 2008, 08:23:25 PM

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......It makes the planet sick. We also hear that we are addicted to oil and use more than our share of the world's supply of it. It is no great wonder that only 9 percent of Americans believe the Congress that Harry Reid leads is doing a good job. That is not even to mention the brilliance and effectiveness of the Nancy Pelosi led half of it. The Speaker promised us a plan that would reduce the outrageously high $2.91 per gallon gasoline prices. We see how well that worked. Harry and Nan's genius, I fear, is just the beginning for our country. The beginning of the end of it if we are not careful.

When is the last time you went for a drive on an American highway? Did you see all of the trucks delivering the goods that are needed and desired by you and me? One of the keys to prosperity in our country was the discovery of oil and how to refine and deliver it to industry and consumers. Another is the coal fired plants that power the electric grids and keep most of the lights on in a nation that refused and still does to build nuclear power plants. When you add to that the transportation industry and the interstate highway system you have the keys to a mobile and prosperous nation. Some appear embarrassed by our prosperity and think the rest of us should be too. We are told that we take so much from the world. I am not the arrogant American so often alluded to by American-loathing liberal politicians. I would, however, enjoy listening to a politician, for a change, telling us how proud he or she is to be an American and pointing out to the rest of the world the contributions the United States of America has made to it often at great sacrifice of our blood and national wealth. Science, technology, medicine, agriculture, freedom... Yes, most importantly freedom.

We are told instead to feel bad about the vehicles we drive, the temperatures at which we set our thermostats and what we eat. Somehow, we need the rest of the world to agree that it is okay for us to prosper as a people and we need to feel bad if we do while their failed states regress. That is quite pathetic especially coming from those who hope to lead us – unfortunately in the direction of those failed nations that would be better served to copy our model rather than despise it.

We can lead the world or we can follow it. That is the choice that is given to us. Some segments of our society, it appears, will not be happy until we turn ourselves into a third world nation. Third world status is earned when the middle class disappears. When our roofs are thatched, there are no vehicles in our driveways, we are killing the squirrels out of the back yard for food and are totally dependent on aloof, wealthy politicians for our needs then we will have reached socialist liberal utopia. It will be a great achievement for Harry, Nan and comrades as the saviors of our nation, but not so wonderful for the saved.

If I hold to my Christian faith and believe in the individual rights afforded me under the Constitution of the United States, I am described as a bitter person. One who clings to his guns and faith and shows antipathy toward those who are not like me. The snootier derisively categorize me as a member of a political group, "the evangelicals." I can assure you, that my pastor does not stand at the pulpit and damn America or whisper to others about his desire to castrate someone.

Have you spent much of your life outside the United States? I spent 9 years in Europe and 3 in Asia. There is nothing there, anywhere, which can compare to what we have here and take for granted. I just heard the other day that when those people visit our country they all speak English and when we visit theirs the best we can offer is merci beaucoup. That is a load of stier scheise or as we call it here in bitter clinger country, bovine scatology. Actually, we should be as protective of our language as the Europeans and Asians are of theirs. We are not because it is not the politically correct thing to do here in hyphenated-America were we must strive to be all things to all people instead of offering them the chance for freedom and prosperity that their failed cultures could not. Our new national mission it seems is Balkanization, the elimination of anything that is distinctly American. The complete eradication of the dehyphenated-American dream.

I have a question for those among us who are bothered that English is the international language of choice for business among other things like air traffic control. Would they have preferred instead the language of the Third Reich, Imperial Japan or Mother Russia?

I will be in the backyard liberal proofing the bunker.

J. D. Pendry
Posted: 12 Jul 2008

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


That is exactly right.
I watched the video where the presidential candidate was appalled that we didn't teach our children Spanish.

This was a good article. Thanks for posting it.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I just watched the video of Barack Obama speaking in Georgia and he said that all children in this country should learn to speak another language, not necessarily Spanish. However Spanish would be a wise choice for their use in the future as most of this hemisphere speaks Spanish as well as French, Portuguese, and other European languages. It would be a wise parent giving their child a big boost upward to have them become fluent in Chinese IMO and perhaps Farsi. Any language learned as a child is easily retained and can do nothing but work to their advantage.


Here I go again.........
  1. Coal does pollute, the Earth IS slowly bein killed. Do I know how to fix it short of mankind disappearin for about a thousand years? No, all we can do is all we can do, so recycle and make as small a footprint as possible.
   2. We shouldn't be ashamed of our prosperity but we SHOULD be ashamed of our greed and selfishness. How much is enough?
  3.We should be proud of the knowledge and technology we've brought to the world, all except that nasty nuclear bomb thing and the super-bugs, think we could've done without them :P but what do I know....
  4.Faith is a great thing and it's the best part of us, there IS more than one path that leads to the same gate however.
  5.As for language, yes english IS and has been the official language of the United States since the english landed here, if you want to speak a true american language tho it's gonna have to be a native one.
  6. Knowing French, German, and Latin USED to be considered part of a good education!
We started out as a nation of immigrants pushing our ideas and beliefs on the people who were already here, maybe this is karma bitin us in the ass...................
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Diane Amberg

Anybody who has spent some time in Great Britain knows we don't speak English, we speak American.  ;D It's fun to learn the differences. OK, now where is Marinemom to help me out. I'm sure she knows them all. We all speak some French too and sometimes don't even know it.


There is a difference between English and American.  While I was in the hospital fighting infection in leg wounds, my bed was not under the light in the room and there was no other lighting.  It was too dark for the doctor to see what he was doing so he asked the nurse to find a torch.  I noticed her puzzled look, so when he turned his back I told her, flashlight.  His ancestry was not white and I think he must have been educated in England. 


Here I go again.............

Harry Reid is a dumb ass and it doesn't say much about that people that keep him in that chair.


Don't forget to add to the list our own Nancy Pelosi..  ::)

Think about it.....It's now been two years since  Nancy Pelosi told Americans that Democrats had a commonsense solution to high gas prices. Average price per gallon when Democrats took control of Congress? $2.32. Now, as the price of gas reaches another record high of $4.11 per gallon (a 77% increase in the last two years!), Americans are growing tired of Congressional leaders twiddling their thumbs while we shell out more and more of our income at the pumps.

Senator Barack Obama would've preferred a more "gradual adjustment" in fuel prices.
As Warph  posted.. Senator Harry Reid believes all fossil fuels are "dirty" and need to be eliminated.
But what they aren't offering is a solution to skyrocketing fuel prices while alternative sources of energy can be developed - and their hand-wringing is having a devastating effect on the American economy.
The Marxist policies of Comrade Pelosi and her liberal friends have never worked and will never work.  They will simply lead to the demise of this great country if allowed to take hold.

But I guess we have not given the giant socialist experiment enough time!
Reinventing the wheel and charging all of us out the wazoo takes a little while.
Got to have some safe place to dump the cash don't cha know...  ::)

It is just the relentless quest for power.  Some will say anything to grab the brass ring (not to mention your wallets on the way by).  The democrat leftist embody this on a daily basis.  Sadly many long term Republicans are in the same convoy just a little further back.
They all should be booted. There should be no such thing as a career politician.

And that's all I'm gonna say about that! :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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