Is This The Future Of America???

Started by Warph, June 10, 2008, 02:24:03 PM

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You awake each day to the Muslim muezzin call to prayer from the neighborhood mosque - as millions of Europeans already do.

Liberals espouse "diversity is our strength" as Islamic enforcers cruise the cities in their quest to shutter, or harass any establishment that is contrary to Islamic "sharia" Law.  Guns are confiscated and stiff penalties are dished out to citizens who defy the new anti-gun laws.  Women are told to cover their hair and face when in public.

You are cautious about attending public events or being part of any large crowd as these are the favorite targets of suicide bombers in their quest to exhibit violence against non-Muslims who resist conversion or surrender.  Dissent has been stifled since the Fairness Doctrine was reinstated.

A new Senator is sworn in, one of several Senators that have recently converted to the Muslim faith.  Muslim populated districts are increasingly changing the political landscape by sending more electees to Congress.

A recent ruling from the Supreme Court states sharia law does not violate the "separation of church and state." This ruling paves the way for Islamic controlled municipalities to govern every aspect of religious, political, and personal life of the local populace-- [amounting to a form of totalitarianism analogous to Communism].

The Hollywood Left gives up gay rights in favor of the much safer charms of polygamy.

As Mark Steyn [author of the New York Times bestseller "America Alone"] puts it, "The future belongs to the fecund and the confident. And the Islamists are both, while the West -- wedded to a multiculturalism that undercuts its own confidence, a welfare state that nudges it toward sloth and self-indulgence, and a childlessness that consigns it to oblivion -- is looking ever more like the ruins of a civilization."

If you think this can't happen, you haven't been paying attention to what's been happening in Europe and the UK.  Europe is almost certainly a goner, as Mark Steyn laments in his book, but America can still survive, prosper, and defend its freedom only if it continues to believe in itself, in the sturdier virtues of self-reliance (not government), in the centrality of family, and in the conviction that our country really is the world's last best hope.

The Muslims have a twenty year goal to conquer the West. They have only a short 12 years remaining until victory, as their quest started in 2000.

Wake up America before it is too late!


    The above scenario is a fictitious representation of what could be in store for America. It is not intended to be taken as a true event (yet anyway). This fictitious representation is taken from what is actually happening in Europe, and is currently taking some root in this country. Although we have not yet reached this extreme, we could in the near future if this country does not wake up, and wake up soon.

    No U.S. Congressional/Senatorial elected official, to date, has been sworn into office using the Koran.  One Congressman (Keith Ellison D-MN), showed up at his swearing in ceremony (which is conducted as a group) carrying a copy of the Koran from Thomas Jefferson's Library (Thomas Jefferson read and kept religious books from all major religions in his library, for foreign policy reasons).  After the official swearing in ceremony, he performed a mock swearing in (with Congresswoman Pelosi) in a photo-op, depicting his hand on the Koran (this is what is shown and described in our intro movie).  This was a photo-op, not an actual swearing in.  Having said that, we find the act, and symbolism, appalling.

    On March 11, a second Muslim Congressman was sent to Congress from the results of a special election in Indiana's 7th District. He is Andre Carson D-IN. Not a problem you say? Does the proverbial saying "like a snowball rolling downhill" come to mind? Think about it.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


If the muslims don't get us the floods will.  OH MY GOODNESS, EITHER WAY WE ARE HAD!!!!!!!!! :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ ;D ;D ;D


Here is a real truth! Jesus Christ was not a Christian! He was a Jew. This country was founded on freedom of worship, in fact that is what brought the pilgrims on the Mayflower. This country once had a huge following of KKK, and due to the efforts of Bobby Kennedy and followed through by LBJ, that group has now gone underground. I have known and worked with many Muslim people who were upstanding, hard working and honest. And yes, diversity is indeed our strength! We must learn from our and others' mistakes and give up these kind of attitudes. Another race, another religion or another hair color is not reason to hit the panic button! Educate yourself and pray the country is not overrun with bigots. For as sure as we lose our tolerence for others, then we are lost!


I am almost speechless. Warph what is your specific point? This post almost makes me want to rethink my position on free speech.



I am by no means a wise person, but I have observed a lot in my life. The most important lesson I've learned is that we humans fear what we do not understand. We're afraid of change because it represents the unknown. We become fearful when our norms are threatened.

I've seen a generation of leaders who fanned the flames of fear because they know most people won't take the time to educate themselves -- which makes them very easy to control. We learn to be afraid of "the other" because we have been told to by our leaders and those who wish to capitalize on that fear. And we continue to choose leaders who encourage us to be afraid because we prefer to stay in that comfort zone and let someone else do our thinking for us.

We are blessed to live in a nation that protects our freedom to worship as we please, whichever deity it may be, and the freedom to not worship at all. There was a time not long ago (and still today in some parts of the world) that Catholics were feared and considered to be evil. While part of that may be due to the church's history of persecution (and as one of the first Christian religions, it was indeed brutal to non-believers), it also may be that some simply were perplexed by the rules and rituals practiced by those of that faith. There were accusations of idol worship, secret rituals that involved blood sacrifice, etc. And just what were those nuns in those strange outfits up to anyway? Today Catholicism is considered a mainstream religion, and it's unlikely you will meet someone who views a Catholic as a threat.

The Muslim and Jewish faiths sprang from the same "family tree" and share many common beliefs. Christianity didn't get a firm hold until the Roman emperor Constantine said it was better to join 'em than fight 'em. Like many religions, both Muslims and Christians believe their religion is "God's chosen one," but the question always arises as to which, if either, is correct. Only God knows. In the meantime, both Muslims and Christians feel it is their duty to convert as many into the faith as they can. Sometimes it's done through good works, sometimes through coercion, and sometimes through bloody battle. I find it sad there are people who believe in a God that approves of using violence to bring his love to others, but history shows how we cruel we can be, all in the name of our Creator.

The internet is a double-edged sword. It serves as bountiful source of information, which leads to greater understanding and enlightenment, but it also is a disturbing source of misinformation, which feeds on fear and suspicion. Never have so many conspiracy theories been available at the click of a button. Unfortunately there are many willing to accept everything they read on the internet to be fact instead of opinion.

I, for one, welcome change into my life. While it's become a cliche, there is great truth in the words "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Even the Christian God tells us "Fear not..." So while there are many aspects of today's world that are cause for concern, I refuse to live my life in fear; rather, I choose hope and faith that good will indeed prevail.


Indygal elegant, well stated, and the feeling of most people in America.



Wow! I wish that I could write anywhere nearly so well! Thank you for your input! And thank you David for yours, all is not lost! God Bless!


It is good to see that there are those who do not succumb to sensationalism.  Indygal, I wish I could state a position as succinctly as you just did.  This is what I have been thinking, but couldn't find the words to express.  Thank you.



Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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