Started by momof 2boys, April 24, 2008, 04:58:18 PM

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momof 2boys

While taking a shower last night, my youngest son yells to me, "Mom hurry come here.  I think I have a tick on my tentacles."  I lost it!!  LOL!!! 

It was a tick, and it was removed with no problem. lol  :laugh:

momof 2boys

Just thought of something the older son said.  One morning as I was rushing around trying to get everyone ready for the day, then trying to make myself presentable for work, my oldest says, "You know, I sure am glad I'm not a girl.  I don't think I could handle all you have to do in the day."  So true!!!!  ;)


Kids... hahahahaha

I wish I had of written everything down that my kids had said.. plus Ashley.. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

momof 2boys

My youngest son turned 9 today.  Brings tears to my eyes, because when I look at him I still see that darling little angel I brought home.  I see the little boy, that when he was three years old and would do something he shouldn't have, he would come running to me and look up into my eyes and say "I la lu".  He knew how to work me then and still does.  No matter what he will always be my baby. 

There is just something special about the mother-son relationship!! Both of my boys are very close to me.  They talk to me about everything.  I hope this continues, because the teenage years are approaching ( my oldest is 12), and those years scare the heck out of me!!!


I  have always been very close to my sons.. and we still are. I was the mom that lots of the kids would come to "to talk". Boys and Girls... but mostly the boys.
I have had people ask me what I think is the best way to be the kind of  parent that their kids trust and can really talk to.. about everything! And when I say everything, I mean everything. ( Some times I wondered if I really needed to know all those things that they were doing and with whom.. but......... they were very comfortable in talking to me.. and I was very comfortable ( for the most part) in listening and talking back.

The best thing you can do is
#1... Don;t ever forget what it was like being young. I never lied to my kids about what I did growing up ..and the lessons I learned from the good things and the bad things. And even though some of the stuff they did drove me crazy and I could see it was dumb and young. You guide and help them to make good decisions and hope that they continue to talk to you so you can be in tune with what is going on.
#2..NEVER! and I mean NEVER act shocked at what they tell you! Listen and give them 150% of your attention..
If it a subject that is making it hard for you to breathe...just keep your cool and listen .. There is time after they are done talking to gently talk and add suggestions and to talk it over with them what is going on. If you freak out and over react..or get all mad and start screaming and accusing.. they will never talk to you about anything again. *Why would they?*
Just to be screamed at and have someone freaking out? I know that I wouldn't.

The reason I was the mom that the boys talked to was because I stayed calm and cool.. and I listened and didn't judge or freak out. But I DID talk seriously to them and let them know what they were embarking on had consequences etc.

But good for you Gina and all those moms and dads that listen as friends and parents.
I always told my kids that when push comes to shove.. you can only trust your family..and no matter how hard the pushing or shoving got from the outside.. , parents .. would be there with unconditional love and support.

***one more thing***  Listen to all the kids talk when they are together at your house or at the lake etc..
You will learn more than you ever thought you wanted to know when all the boys are together. They talk more than girls and if they are comfortable with you being" around back and forth in the house  in their company".. they will talk about EVERYTHING ..
That will keep you up to the scoop ..  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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