ATM- Questions!!!

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, February 13, 2008, 07:01:48 AM

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Hey I received this email that stated that if you use your pin number backwards the police will be notified.  You are to do this if you are getting robbed.  You will still get your money, but the police will be sent out.  Has anyone heard of this?  I was just wondering if any one knows if this works?  Please let me know.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Thanks that was interesting reading.  I did send it on to all my friends and later thought that I should have made sure that was really true.  I think that it is possible by reading that site that you posted, but congress have failed to put it into action, is that right??  You need to give me tips on looking things up like you do.  I always feel bad about posting things that are not true.  Thanks again!! :)
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


that was the way I read it, seems to me if it works the banks should do it without waiting for an act of congress.

One time our Pastor gave a sermon on gossip and spreading rumors without checking the facts first and he used internet rumors as an example (he used the old story about gossip and feather pillows) that was when I started trying to verify things before I pass them on, Of course my children are all grown up and left home so I have more time to do that than you do as a mother who also works outside the home.
here are a couple of links I have saved into my favorites that you can use to verify stuff

Rudy Taylor

This is a good discussion and I'm proud of all of you for wanting to get posted information correct.

I have been pleased with the snopes, hoaxbusters and urbanlegends websites when I hear rumors or get an email forward that needs checked out.  It has nothing to do with those sites being right or wrong --- that isn't their purpose.  Their goal is to help you get to official sources for your information. It's still up to you to determine which sources are the right ones. 

In other words, they are good places to "start" when you question whether a rumor is true, and I can't count the number of well-meaning but totally false emails I have received.

Here's a good example:  Elsewhere is a post about a proposed postal increase, and TSackett wisely included the web address of the U.S. Postal Service which explains the whole thing.  That eliminates the guesswork on the subject. TSackett took us directly to the official source --- darn it!

Angtown3 shouldn't feel badly.  We "all" have passed along information that we later learned was false.

Even this discussion is a good effort to go in the right direction.

It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

I checked with my bank when I first heard of this. Nothing thing to it, just a rumor. They told me if there was such a thing, they would have gotten the word out themselves.


Has anyone seen the new TV commercials about the companies that promise to protect your identity from theft?  They call you if someone applies for a credit card in your name, etc.  The president of the company has his SSN posted on the side of a truck driving through NY City!


I have seen that commericial.  I would never be that brave.  I have gotten things from my discover card people when there is a change on my credit report though. That is nice.  I know what is going on that way.  But I am not sure if I would trust this or not.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Ole Granny

One evening I used my Discover Card at a Quick Trip for gas, then went inside and purchased some Diet Coke.  This is something I have never done before.  Next day, Discover, called to make sure than I was the one who had made the purchases.  I never thought anything about it when making the purchases but when they explained that I had never used it for that type of purchase, it sent a red flag up.  I was impressed that they were on their toes. 
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


That is great about the discover card!!  I wish more credit cards would keep an eye on our cards like they do.  Don't you??  I just hate the thought of someone stealing my identity.  That is the biggest worry I have about paying bills online.  I do sometimes, but man it makes you worry, too.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

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