People who hurt children!!!

Started by Teresa, February 16, 2006, 11:36:39 AM

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Mother, boyfriend accused of torture...

The couple are charged with abusing her 3-year-old son; the boyfriend is also charged in connection with the burning of the boy in a scalding bath.

On the Main Street Home page of this forum.... you can read this!

I am a person who tries to accept anything that adults do as long as it is with both parties consenting and as long as no one is hurt in the process.
I am a very forgiving, loving, and giving person, who tries to understand both sides of a situation.. I try not to judge, and I believe that opeing up your mind to all that is around you is a doorway to learning and growth.

Unless something is done to a child.! Or an animal. >:(
Then Katy bar the door.....This is where I draw a huge black line!!
Because I have no conscience or any problem turning into someone who see's only revenge and darkness.

Since "the Stumper"...( Danny ..aka..Snakehater) was raised by me..(the QUEEN of Stumpers) I will only say this ..and spare you all the mile long dissertation and all consuming hated feelings I am feeling when I read or hear of things of this content.......

I only wish that they would take these 2 people who hurt this poor angel of God... Put them in a room with me.....with a big pot of scalding water..... !
The water would only be the 2nd hitch of what I would do...... !
And afterwards.. I do believe I could sleep at night....

I know that  sounds revengefully militant and it is totally un-God like...
But I guess that is because I am human.. and not yet "as God is"...all forgiving and all loving.

For the love of heaven I hope that these 2 people and every single other person out there that is hurting children get what is coming to them 10 fold!

**sorry if my passionate feelings offended anyone.. if they did...
To bad!**
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


My heart hurts.. aches and cries...............................................................................................
These  poor precious children..
I look back on raising my own children..and today I look at Ashley and there is not anyway..even in the darkest recesses of my mind.. can I imagine ever of hurting her.. Heck.. I can't even swat her without getting sick to my stomach..
I didn't hardly spank my own kids. Danny usually didn't need it.. and Derek needed enough for both of them..  ;D
but unless it was a " Have to get my point across"  I always found other measures. The reason being.. that I found that spanking usually meant that the parent was frustrated and had been pushed past the limit that they were losing control.. sometimes more than the child.
I am not against spanking.. but lots of hugs and kisses have to follow after the fact, so the lesson is learned in it's entirely..and the security of love is still there because of it.
Just my opinion..

( But my feelings for the people and those like them, in this article, and the punishment that should be handed out...
Stands rock solid firm.


He's only 3.

He has been taken from his mother, Amber K. Pierce, because she and her boyfriend have been accused of torturing him. And he is undergoing painful treatment for third-degree burns, which prosecutors say the boyfriend inflicted.

But Sabrina Perez-Glatt, a Wichita social work director who has investigated child-abuse cases, said the public should feel assured that the boy is getting plenty of nurturing in the hospital burn unit where he is being treated.

Because of his traumatic injuries, he will need all the caring and security he can get -- for a long time to come, said Jim Snyder, a WSU psychology professor who focuses on child and family issues.

The boy is being treated at Via Christi Regional Medical Center-St. Francis Campus, but because of privacy laws, the hospital said Thursday, it could disclose only that he is in fair condition.

Police have said that the boy suffered burns on his arm and on 9 percent of his lower body from being intentionally held in scalding bath water for an extended period.

His mother, 23-year-old Amber K. Pierce, made her first court appearance Thursday. She listened as a judge read the felony child-abuse charge against her and her boyfriend: that they "did... intentionally torture" her son. Police have said the boy had a "multitude" of injuries besides the burns.

On Monday morning, police went to the boy's home in the 500 block of South Oak. Police said an 18-year-old man intervened to get medical help for the boy.

His mother remained in jail Thursday in lieu of a $100,000 bond. She faces a March 1 preliminary hearing.

In a court affidavit, she said she has been unemployed for one year and receives public assistance.

As a result of the case involving her 3-year-old son, her three other children have been taken into protective custody.

Her live-in boyfriend, Rex L. Wells II, 24, has also been charged with attempted second-degree murder. That charge alleges that he caused the boy to suffer life-threatening burns. An alternative charge accuses him of aggravated battery. He also was being held on a $100,000 bond and faces a March 1 preliminary hearing.

The couple's relatives have declined to comment. For that reason and because the boy has been removed from his mother, it's not clear whether he has close family at the hospital to comfort him.

But Perez-Glatt, who heads the field practicum program for the WSU School of Social Work, said her experience tells her that the medical staff, social workers and police involved with the boy are nurturing him all they can.

Such cases often hit a nerve with the public, she said.

"Burns are particularly heinous because everyone knows how painful a burn is.

"Burns are far more purposeful because you have to hold a kid down to really burn them to that degree."

Sadly, she said, social workers too often see evidence that parents have burned children as punishment for toilet-training issues.

As with Perez-Glatt, Snyder didn't know all the details of the boy's case. But from his viewpoint as a psychologist, he expected that the boy will have a lot to overcome considering the traumatic nature of the injuries.

Stress hormones triggered by such injuries can cause lasting neurochemical changes in the brain that challenge a child's ability to develop cognitively, he said.

The other potential risk for someone injured as seriously as the boy, he said, is "developing a view of the world that other people are not trustworthy." That could make it harder to develop relationships.

Fortunately, Snyder said, "kids are very resilient." And much of the boy's challenges could be overcome if he is placed in a "predictable, caring environment" with someone skilled at providing it.

Snyder and Perez-Glatt stressed that the boy's case is extreme.

Yet it reminded them of all the other cases of abused children whose situations are not as extreme -- but still sobering and still worthy of concern.

"You don't see the ones who don't make the news," Perez-Glatt said, "who unfortunately suffer in silence."
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I think I read somewhere that the 18-year-old who "intervened" is the younger brother of the 24-year-old boyfriend.

If that's true - what a very brave youth!

I know some would say he "ratted out" his older brother (whatever the relationship), but I know it takes a special kind of courage to turn in someone like that. I think today so many people would say "not my problem, not my child" and look away.

That 18-year-old needs prayers and congratulations.


You are very right..   when we were listening to it on the TV..
Kjell said, "What a brave thing to do .. most people wouldn't have done a thing.."

Tonight on the news, there was another 11 month old that died at the hands of a girls 24 year old boyfriend...
** :'( shaking my head**  Poor little helpless babies...
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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