Longton News

Started by Judy Harder, April 30, 2008, 10:31:39 AM

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Steve Edwards makes the best pulled pork I have ever tasted! His baby back ribs are also delicious!

I'm not sure of his hours, but I do know he's open Saturdays!

Diane Amberg

I'm getting the place in Longton and a place near Elk Falls mixed up in my mind. One had great barbecue and the other was along the main drag on the right side. Lots of closed stores along there. Had good food. When we were out there in '95 we had a hard time figuring out who was open at what time on which day. We stayed at the Silver Bell and had to drive a pretty good ways to find food.


Just runs in the family. Ha! Ha!

Judy Harder


The food situation does take spurts here in Longton.
We are so small and the work-force (well people would rather drive than work locally) and
it seems that the owner/operator would like to make a living at the cafe and when
things happen, they give up and close and it takes time for a new owner to be found.

I am a little leary about all 3 of these new ventures opening. I just can't see them making much money.

We seem to be geared around the school and all the activities that happen there. I think the expensive gas
may have a lot to do with how well they do.

Am thinking that more people will be staying home and eating out here, instead in Independence, or Wichita or Bartlesville, etc.

Just keep a good thought for us all.

The Longton Cafe is next door to the grocery on one side and the bar and grill on the other............right across the street from the post office.....IT can't get any more centralized.......LOL.
The pizza parlor is on the same side as the p.o and next door to the senior citizens building; all in the same block.

Steve Edwards place is not on the highway, and I don't know the names of the streets in Elk Falls to tell you how to get there, it isn't hard to find.
But, it is behind a house in what once was a garage...and don't let that bother you........Steve does have room and good good food.

Which ever motel you stay at will have the hours and directions to each place.

We can get city-slickers lost...........but, sooner or later we will find you>>>>>>>>>>>LOL........now when it IS someone we want to lose, it just doesn't seem to work.

Bad pennies always return....LOL......just had to do this.
Hope to visit with you when you are here.

Most days I am at the cafe at noon. Good trip.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Thanks Judy! I might see you. We'll be around the area of course, but I don't know quite where we'll be at mealtimes.

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