Animal Totems

Started by Teresa, November 27, 2007, 10:24:07 AM

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I saw a post of Diane's about her relating to an otter in herself...that I thought I would expand on.
I don't know how many of you are familiar with "totems".. but I have incorporated the belief into my spiritual journey  and connected with mine many times in my life. This will be quite lengthy, but I will try to keep it to  the point. ( I will post at the bottom what each animal represents so you all can find what your totems represents..)
It might be fun to share what we each feel is our animal guide/guides.

A totem can be the symbol of a tribe, clan, family or individual. Native American tradition says that each of us is connected with nine different animals that will accompany each person through life, acting as our guides.  Different animal guides come in and out of our lives depending on the direction that we are headed and the tasks that need to be completed along our journey in this lifetime.

Native beliefs go on to say that a totem animal is one that is with you for life, both in the physical and spiritual world.  Though people may identify with different animal guides throughout their lifetimes, it is this one totem animal that acts as the main guardian spirit.

With this one animal a connection is shared, either through interest in the animal, characteristics, dreams, or other interaction..

Your animal guide offers you power and wisdom to you when you "communicate" with it, conveying your respect and trust.  This does not necessarily mean that you actually pet or spend time with this animal, more that you are open to learning its lessons.

For some, knowing what is their totem animal is almost an innate process.  It's as if they've always known, inexplicably drawn to the animal or having a special feeling for the animal's energy. For others, they wonder how to tell what their animal totem is.

You can ask yourself these questions if you're wondering what your animal totem is:

*~ Have you ever felt drawn to one animal or another without being able to explain why? 
    This could be animal, including birds and insects.

     *~ Does a certain kind of animal consistently appear in your life?  This doesn't necessarily have to be a physical appearance, it could be represented in other ways such as receiving cards and letters with the same animal pictured over and over, unexplainable dreams of a particular animal, watching television and seeing the same animal featured time and time again, or, actually having the animal show up.

    *~When you go to the zoo, a park, wildlife area, or forest, what are you most interested in seeing?
    *~Are there any animals that you find to be extremely frightening or intriguing?
     *~Is there a particular animal that you see frequently when you're out in nature?
     *~ Have you ever been bitten or attacked by an animal?
     *~ Have you ever had a recurring dream about a certain animal,
        or a dream from childhood that you have never been able to forget?

       *~ Are you drawn to figurines or paintings of a specific animal?

The totem itself is a symbol that represents this animal. 
This could be any number of items - a crest, a totem pole, an emblem, a small figurine or anything else that depicts your animal guide.

Animal Characteristics & Meaning

Alligator.....    Maternal, revenge oriented, quickness, aggression, and basic survival instincts.
Ant ....   Group minded, determination, patient, active, and industrious
Anteater ...   Lethargy, curiosity, nosiness.
Antelope ...   Active, agile, jumpiness, and willing to sacrifice
Armadillo ....   Safety oriented, grounded, and has boundaries
Badger......    Courage, aggressive, healer, having problems relating to others, and energy conduit
Bat....    Rebirth, longevity, secrecy, initiation, good listener, and long life
Bear....    Industrious, instinctive, healing, power, sovereignty, guardian of the world, watcher, courage, will power, self-preservation, introspection, and great strength
Beaver ...   Determined, strong-willed, builder, overseer, and protector
Bee ....   Organized, industrial, productive, wise, community, celebration, fertility, defensiveness, obsessive nature, and enjoys life
Buffalo .....   Sacredness, life, great strength, abundance, gratitude.
Bull ....   Insight into the past, fertility, rushing into things without proper preparation.
Butterfly ....   Metamorphosis, transformation, blanace, grace, ability to accept change
Caribou......    Traveler, mobility, preference to be nomadic, adaptability to adversity
Cat....    Guardianship, detachment, sensuality, mystery, magic, and independence
Cheetah.....    Swiftness, insight, focus, nourishment and mother figure
Cougar ......   Leadership, loyalty, courage, taking responsibility, foresight
Cow....    Swift, insightful, and focused
Cobra....    Swift and decisive
Coyote.....    Stealth, mischief, trickster, intelligent, clowning around, ability to recognize mistakes.
Crab....    Good luck, protection and success
Crane.......    Solitude, justice, longevity, independent, intelligent, and vigilant
Crocodile....    Ensuring your emotions are displayed accurately/appropriately
Crow.....    Justice, shape shifting, change, creativity, spiritual strength, energy, community sharing, and balance
Deer ....   Compassion, peace, intellectual, gentle, caring, kind, subtlety, gracefulness, femininity, gentleness, innocence, and seller of adventure
Dog.....    Noble, faithful, loyal, teaching, protection, and guidance
Dolphin......      Kind, salvation, wisdom, happiness, playfulness, prudent, capable of deep emotion, and happy.=
Dove ....   Cross-world communication, spirit messenger, peace, gentleness, love
Dragon......    Longevity, richness, prosperity, infinity, wisdom, power, and fiery
Dragonfly.....   Flighty and carefree, strong imagination, higher aspirations.
Duck....    Water energy, helper of seers, can clearly see/deal with emotions
Eagle...    Divine spirit, sacrifice, connection to creator, intelligence, renewal, courage, illumination of spirit, healing, creation, freedom, and risk-taker
Elephant .....   Strength, power, affection, loyalty, royalty, and wisdom
Elk.......    Strength and agility, pride, majestic, independence, purification, strength, and nobility
Falcon......   New beginnings, adventure, passionate, and leadership.
Fish....    Graceful, slyness, open-minded, quick to change one's mind.
Fox....    Cunning, agility, quick-witted, diplomacy, wildness, feminine magic of camouflage, shapeshifting and invisibility
Frog....       Water energy, cleansing, rebirth, sensitivity, medicine, hidden beauty, peace, adaptability,
poor character judgment  and  power
Gazelle.......    Aggressive
Giraffe......    Communication, intuition, attaining the unreachable, seeing the future
Goat.......    Surefootedness, stubbornness, independence, diligence, lack of foresight
Goose.......    Self-demanding, reliable, prudent, rigid, vigilance, parenthood, and productive
Gorilla.......    Family-oriented, intelligence, strength, environmental protector, keeps peace through aggression
Hawk.......    Messenger, intuition, victory, healing, nobility, recollection, cleansing, visionary power, and guardianship
Horse.......    Freedom, stamina, mobility, the land, travel, power, and freedom
Hummingbird....    Messenger, timelessness, healing, and warrior
Jaguar.......    Chaos and shape-shifter
Lion.....    Family, strength, energy, courage, guardian and protector
Lizard.......    Conservation, vision, self-protection, hidden defenses.
Llama......    Comforting to others
Lynx ......   Keeper of secrets, guardian, listener, and guide
Monkey......    Ability to change the environment, health, success
Moose.....    Headstrong, longevity, steadfastness, and wisdom
Mouse......    Scrutiny, order, organizer, and an eye for details
Opossum......    Diversion, strategist, and deceiver
Otter.......    Playful, friendly, dynamic, joy, helpfulness, and sharing
Owl.......    Deception, clairvoyance, insight, messenger,
Ox........    Sacrifice, chastity and self-denial
Panther......    Protection, hidden emotions, introspection, caution, careful decisions
Parrot.......    Communication, beauty, guide for wisdom, mockery, thinking before speaking
Peacock ......   Immortality, dignity, and self-confidence
Porcupine.....    Innocence, companionship, and trust
Prairie Dog.....    Swiftness, industrious, constructive, preparedness
Puma.....    Companion on journeys to other worlds, grace, silent power
Quail ......   Group-work, team play, creator of harmony and group tolerance, protectiveness (especially toward children)
Rabbit.......    Fear, timidity, nervousness, humility, rebirth,
Raccoon......    Curiosity and cleanliness
Rat.....    Fertility, stealth, scavenging, intelligence, enjoys luxury
Raven......    Introspection, courage, self-knowledge, magic
Rooster......    Vanity, likes to be showered with gifts and attention, early riser, settling for nothing less than the best
Salmon.........    Proud, intense, confident, wisdom, inspiration
Seagull.......    Versatility, loud, easy-going nature, creativity, laziness
Seahorse......    Confidence and grace
Seal ......   Love, longing, dilemma, active imagination, creativity
Shark.....    Hunter, survival, and adaptability
Skunk.....    Reputation, presence, and strength
Snake.....    Impulsive, shrewdness, rebirth, transformation, initiation, and wisdom
Squirrel.....    Planner, organizer, gatherer, hoarder
Stag......    Lord of the forest, masculine power of regeneration, signs.
Swan....    Grace, balance and innocence, soul, love, beauty, of the self
Tiger.....    Strength, valor, power, and energy
Turkey.....    Generosity, life-giver, and sharer
Turtle.......    Nurturer, shy, and protecting
Weasel.....    Strength, energy, ingenuity and stealth
Whale.....    Wisdom, provider, intelligence, and kindness.
Wolf ....   Loyalty, perseverance, success, intuition, loyalty, and spirit
Woodpecker..... Sensitive, protective, and devotion
Zebra....    Agility and individuality
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I wonder if my elephant collection indicates that the elephant is my totem.  I looked it up.  Seems to be everything I am.  See for yourself.


I've never thought of this before.  I tried to reflect on the questions before I looked at the list and decided that mine must be a squirrel ~ but I wasn't going to admit it until I saw the explanation.  My family already thinks I'm a little 'nuts'.   ::)

Now I'm going to go through and see if I recognize the "nine different animals that will accompany each person through life, acting as our guides."

Judy Harder

I like all animals..........and spend a lot of time watching insects...............
they are so busy and just keep at it till they get it done.

Ants (when they are outdoors) fasinate me. Butterflies and Hummingbirds are another
and then there are the cute (to me) tree frogs and Owls that I like.........used to collect
owls....but ran out of room, now I just admire from afar.

This is a neat topic........thanks Teresa
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Jo McDonald

I feel sure that mine is the eagle.  I have felt this for many, many years...also horses,small dogs,and  butterflies. They will light on my shoulders, arms, or the back of my hands when I am sitting outside, reading or just doing something without to much movement, and will stay until I brush them away, when coming inside...... hummingbirds, and fish.
  Very interesting reading and great to have some knowledge of this aspect of life.

  Thanks, honey.


My totem is a bear, or more specifically, the Native American glyph drawing of a bear. Others would be the cat, the crane, the hawk, the horse and, strangely enough, the opossum. I also have two other bird totems that weren't listed: the blue jay and the cardinal.

There's no doubt in my mind that you're a squirrel, Joanna! LMAO.....Ouch! Hey, that hurt!


I believe I must be a coyote with a streak of fox.. Everybody has to be something in this world. ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Roma Jean Turner

I know my primary totem is the Hawk, I've known that for several years.  Secondary probably the Monkey.  In Chinese Astrology I am a Double Wood Monkey. It does seem to fit.   I like to look my animal encounters up in the Animal Speaks book by Ted Andrews.  I bet you have that one too Teresa.


Yes I do have that book. It is excellent.
I have a very large silver gray wolf always at my left side.. I have had him with me for years and years. ..
and I also have a squirrel who is constantly running a-muck. But he does guide me to stock up and hoard food items and supplies. My family says I could start my own grocery store.. LOL

I was with a friend of mine who does lots of psychic work and a bunch of us girls were all out having a few drinks and just gabbing girl talk and all of a sudden  Shirley says.. " Ok! Who in the hell has the squirrel that is darting back and forth all over the place?"
I sheepishly said it was me.. and she said she figured it was because she could actually see it tear around and then end up back by me.  I thought that was so funny and I get a hoot out of it every time, when I start to panic because I get down to having only  10 cans of each vegetable and I don't have an extra 25# sack of flour on my shelf.. ( just in case)   ;D

The last few years I have had several "gifted" people tell me that they see a quail setting on my shoulder.. and once it was on the arm of the chair I was setting in. These came from different people at different times, so I have to figure that they were probably correct and spirit has brought to me another animal guide to help me though this journey.

So many branches that connect our tree of life ....... an so little time to explore them all. :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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