Flying Saucers in Elk County II

Started by W. Gray, August 29, 2007, 08:29:32 PM

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W. Gray

The topic Flying Saucers in Elk County was started in mid July and received comments for a couple weeks.

My uncle had told of seeing a flying saucer somewhere in Elk County and had run to get under his truck to get away.

A number of people on the forum responded they had seen what they thought were flying saucers, unexplainable bright lights, etc., in Elk County all sometime in the 1970s.

Delphos, Kansas, in Ottawa County, is 194 miles northwest of Howard and thirty-eight miles north of Salina.

The Delphos flying saucer sighting was featured on the History Channel this evening.

The sighting in November 1971 at 6:30 p.m. on a farm was accompanied by blinding lights, left a strange circle on the ground, broken trees, etc.

The family had one blank film left on their Polaroid and took a photograph.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Roma Jean Turner

Great to hear about this.  I have been to a number of UFO Conferences over the years but I have not heard of this. Thanks

Rudy Taylor

I'm so glad Waldo started this thread because I've see lights in the sky that are indescribable
and nobody has ever given me a good explanation of them.

Over the past 10 years, I've seen them three different times. One of those times was over
Elk County. The othe two times, they were in the northern part of Montgomery County.

They look like a formation of bright lights, then they separate really fast and reappear someplace
else in the sky, but in the same general vicinity. As I recall, there are 4 or 5 lights.

I've heard they might be jet fighters with their landing lights on, and their turns might give
the illustion of bouncing lights.  I have never heard noises to accomopany the lights.

I've also heard they might be flares dropped by military airplanes. But that wouldn't explain
the lights bouncing around, disappearing then reappearing maybe 10 minutes later.

My wife and I haven't told many people about this because we don't want to be labeled
as nuts.  But now that I've passed age 60, I figure I'm nuts anyway ... so what the heck.

Are we the only ones who has seen such lights in the northern skies?
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Jo McDonald

My cousin and his wife - Francis and Irene Workman lived north of Elk Falls on the river road in the 1970's.  Irene and Worky told Fred and I this story of an UFO.  Late at night they saw this brilliant light and it came over their house, hovered for quite some time.  Their home was built into the side of a hill, this object went to the top of the hill and and set down just back of the tree line.
Francis was determined to go up there and look, but Irene was just as determined that HE WAS NOT.... he didn't,  that night, but the next morning they both went up and the ground had a huge circle indention in it and the earth around it was not disturbed.
  It definitely made believers of them -- that was an UFO they had observed.


Jo, we used play Canasta all night long with Worky and Irene at their house, which was really a neat place. I loved the area that was a spring in the rock inside the house. My sister and her husband Marion Jacot were friends with Worky and Irene and the 6 of us played Canasta many a night all night.  Those were the good old days, they were a real hoot to be with.

Ole Granny

Small world.  My mother and father were friends with Workman's too.  Guess that makes sense since they were friends with Marion and Charlene too.   It was a neat house. 
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

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