BARACKMAN, Fred Colfax - b. April 14, 1874 - d. October 9, 1930

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Howard Courant
October 16, 1930

Fred Colfax Barackman was born near Carthage, Missouri, April 14, 1874, being the youngest of six sons of Kinnard H. and Mary Barackman.

When six weeks old, he came to Elk county, (then Howard county), Kansas, with the family, the father and eldest son having came a few months earlier and secured a farm a few miles west of Howard, and where Fred grew to manhood and continued to live until his death.

He attended the public school at Union Center, and on October 25, 1904, he was married to Miss Charity Bogue of this community, who preceded him into the Greater Life in February 1925, since which time he lived alone on the farm.  He became a member of the Presbyterian church of Howard a number of years ago, following the evangelical campaign of Rev. and Mrs. Geo. L. Rose.  For many years he was a member of the Presbyterian choir, and his splendid tenor voice will be greatly missed, as he heartily enjoyed singing and was always ready to assist in the choir or any community chorus.  He was a member of this Masonic fraternity and in earlier years was a member of the Knights of Pythias.

Early Thursday morning, October 9, he passed away at his home, and in the same room in which he slept the first night after his arrival in this community, when a very young babe.  He had been in his usual good health, and earlier in the evening had motored to Severy with the male quartette where they sang at a public concert.  He was in unusually good spirits, and on his return to Howard, expressed himself as having had an enjoyable time.  He was found in his bed, and it is believed he had passed away without pain or struggle.  His age was 56 years, 5 months, and 15 days.

He is survived by three brothers, John P. Barackman of Moscow, Idaho; J. B. and Wm. S. of Howard, and a number of nephews and nieces.  His passing is universally mourned, for he was a good citizen, a kind and generous neighbor and a true loyal friend.

The foregoing obituary was read at the funeral services of Fred C. Barackman, held at the Presbyterian church Saturday at 2:30 conducted by Rev. A. R. Griggs, pastor, assisted by Rev. Wm. C. Chappell of the M. E. church.  The Presbyterian choir sang an anthem arrangment of "Remember Now Thy Creator in The Days Of Thy Youth," Over Just Beyond the Hilltops," and "Lead Kindly Light,"  Mrs. Griggs at the piano.

The pall bearers were: Frank Andrews, Carl Alexander, D. L. Mullendore, Leonard Courtright, Rex Tarwater, H. A. Gilmore and John Garison.

The Masonic Fraternity had charge of the services at the grave.  The attendence was very large, more than could get in the church.  The flowers were beautiful and profuse, several exceptionally fine wreaths and special pieces among the offerings.  Altogether it was a most beautiful, appropriate and impressive service.

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