
Started by Teresa, May 23, 2005, 06:12:25 AM

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I want to apologize for neglecting the poll part  of this forum.
I will try to do better and if ANYONE has any questions that they want posted... feel free to take over once and awhile and either send the question to me and I will post it as a poll...or put in in a general poll question.

Dang, is it just us or is everyone feeling like there is more work to get done than there is day.?!
We have been busy and have had some circumstances pop up that has made our  "forum time"  limited. The summer is going to be busy, so I do good to get my e-mail done ( I get about 100 or so personal e-mails a day, and some have to be answered personally)...And my massage business is busy busy busy. Which is wonderful, as that is my first love as far as the business world is concerned.
Our new exporting business Halloway's Mercantile will be officially opening this week, so that is going to hopefully keeping Kjell and I hopping with taking and shipping out orders.
With his Norwegian work with the police department, and all the Cowboy Action Shooting stuff to do every day..he is up to his ears in computer work, so his time is zip when it comes to personal computer time.

**Taking a breath**~~well now that I got all the excuses and whining out of the way, I will proceed to check out the forum and try to do some posting early this morning before my day of massages start..

Hope everyone's summer is starting off good and all you locals enjoyed the rain we got last night.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


results not excuses.... is what my band director used to always say (well, the big banner in his room at least) :D

i hate being busy, its always stressful (unless i'm busy with my car) lol


Quote from: Teresa on May 23, 2005, 06:12:25 AM
I want to apologize for neglecting the poll part  of this forum.
I will try to do better and if ANYONE has any questions that they want posted... feel free to take over once and awhile and either send the question to me and I will post it as a poll...or put in in a general poll question.

Dang, is it just us or is everyone feeling like there is more work to get done than there is day.?!
We have been busy and have had some circumstances pop up that has made our  "forum time"  limited. The summer is going to be busy, so I do good to get my e-mail done ( I get about 100 or so personal e-mails a day, and some have to be answered personally)...And my massage business is busy busy busy. Which is wonderful, as that is my first love as far as the business world is concerned.
Our new exporting business Halloway's Mercantile will be officially opening this week, so that is going to hopefully keeping Kjell and I hopping with taking and shipping out orders.
With his Norwegian work with the police department, and all the Cowboy Action Shooting stuff to do every day..he is up to his ears in computer work, so his time is zip when it comes to personal computer time.

**Taking a breath**~~well now that I got all the excuses and whining out of the way, I will proceed to check out the forum and try to do some posting early this morning before my day of massages start..

Hope everyone's summer is starting off good and all you locals enjoyed the rain we got last night.


Quote from: mtcookson on May 23, 2005, 09:51:22 AM
results not excuses.... is what my band director used to always say (well, the big banner in his room at least) :D

i hate being busy, its always stressful (unless i'm busy with my car) lol



hmm... the smilies are a bit off... both : D and :laugh are the same... i liked the real laugh one :(


I don't get it.
From either of you.....
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Well, I just don't understand at all.  But maybe it is because I am the mother of a crippled dog, (at least for now), and trying to work and trying to help my mother and trying to keep the husband happy and just trying and trying and trying.  Seems to me the forum has slowed down.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 08, 2005, 08:27:22 PM
Well, I just don't understand at all. But maybe it is because I am the mother of a crippled dog, (at least for now), and trying to work and trying to help my mother and trying to keep the husband happy and just trying and trying and trying. Seems to me the forum has slowed down.

Seem to you??????????????????????
Seems to me too!!!
But heck... we are all trying trying trying to do everything.. and my a/c quit so put that crappy happening in your pipe and smoke it!
I hope it gets fixed soon.. my clients will melt on the table.. if I don't melt before they do ...
I am going to the lake to sleep.. The camper a/c runs on a generator....

( and you have ALWAYS been the mother of a crippled dog it seems to me..) :'(

Yikes.. husband is ready to go.. got to get to the truck before he leaves me for the a/c camper.. LOL
night night ~~
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


clients melting? now that is being relaxed... :laugh:

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