WALKER, Will H. - b. February 19, 1878 - d. June 19, 1927

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Howard Courant
June 23, 19


Will H. Walker, Register of Deeds of Elk County, Found Dead in His Home, Sunday Noon

Sunday, June 19, at noon, when Mrs. Will Walker came home from church, she found her husband lying dead in the door of the bath room, at their home in Howard, with blood oozing from a wound on his forehead.  She quickly called for help, and the near neighbors hearing her screams, came running at once.  It was quickly found that Mr. Walker had shot himself and had likely died instantly.  The revolver, a .32 calibre, was found where it had fallen from his hand.

Mrs. Walker had as usual, gone to Sunday school at the Christian church and had stayed to the preaching services.  Mr. Walker had, as it appears, performed the act very soon after she had left the home.  Several of the nearby neighbors had heard the shot, but had not paid any attention to it.  Being fired in the closed room, it had not made a very loud report.  Dr. Grimmell and Dr. Harner who is also coroner, were sent for and they at once decided that the facts were about as above stated.  A note which he left is in the hands of Mrs. Walker, but so far as is known it did not give any reason for the act except that he had been suffering with severe headaches, and that he couldn't stand it any longer, and asked her to forgive him for doing as he was doing.

Will Walker was a quiet, unobstrusive man, always pleasant in manners and had not an enemy in the world.   It is a matter of surprise to nearly everybody that he was a sufferer from any ailment, as he never complained or spoke of any illness.

He was elected Register of Deeds on the Republican ticket in 1924, and was re-elected last year, both times having no opposition at the polls.

The funeral services were held at the Christian church at Elk Falls and a great crowd of friends and neighbors attended.  The Masonic Fraternity attended in a body and had charge of the burial at the cemetery.  The county officers were honor pall bearers.  A male quartette from Howard sang, and Rev. Newton Hill made a short talk and read the obituary which is published below.  Rev. W. B. McKinney pastor of the Christian church of Howard assisted in the services.

(condensed version)

William H. Walker was born February 19, 1878.  His parents came to Elk County in the year of 1871 and to Elk Falls in 1885.

He prepared himself for the barber's trade and followed that trade successfully for many years in Leon, Howard and Elk Falls, Kansas, and until he was chosen for the ofice of register of deed for Elk County.  In this office he served the public until his death, having been re-elected for a second term.

He served as a member of the city council of Elk Falls, and also was elected director of school district No. 15.  He was actively connected with the Elk Falls band and orchestra many years.  He was very much interested in everything that promised to better conditions in the community where he made his home.

He married Miss Gertrude Ruthruff, March 14, 1901.  To this union wre born two children, Audine, now Mrs. Sherbenau of Neodesha, Kansas and William H., Jr. (age 17).

The deepest sympathy is felt for the stricken family and relatives. His mortal remains will be laid to rest near the graves of his parents in the Elk Falls cemetery, where we will strew flowers year after year in remembrance of his faithfulness and friendliness.

The funeral services were arranged to be held in the Christian church of Elk Falls, the service being conducted by a long time friend of the family, Newton Hill, who officiated at the wedding twenty-six years ago.  Elder W. B. McKinney of Howard assisted in the service.  There were many beautiful floral tributes, appropriate music by a male quartet from Howard and many manifestations of grief and sympathy by a large number of friends in attendance.  At the grave the impressive ritual service of the Masonic order was given, and the casket was lowered to its final resting place.

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