POTPOURRI from the Howard paper

Started by Janet Harrington, September 16, 2006, 08:16:24 PM

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Janet Harrington

The thing about the 10 years ago, 20 years ago, etc., is that our Editor really doesn't have the time or the information that he needs to do that.  When we got those items it was because Janice Sinclair and her husband, and I think Jo Marcic were working for the paper and they had the microfilm to look those things up.  The microfilm is now at the Howard library and they are only open Mon. Wed. and Friday from 2 to 5.  What hours!!!!  Anyway, to get those things in there someone would have to spend time looking that stuff up and writing it up because the library does not have a microfilm reader that will print.  As for the Howard news, it would take someone calling people and I guess no one in Howard wants to dedicate any time to do that.  That is how Pat McAlister gets the Moline news.  She calls everyone.


YE-S-S! I could get on my soapbox about that microfilm reader in the Howard Library.  I would dearly loved to do some research there, but let's just say that machine leaves a lot to be desired. Now I guess I had best button my lip, before I get into more trouble. :-X :-X :-X


Quote from: Lois Morgan on September 21, 2006, 07:19:17 AM
Now I guess I had best button my lip, before I get into more trouble. :-X :-X :-X

Like me ?? ???     (((ducking my head and slipping away))))
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


No, Teresa, I was not thinking of you at all, when I wrote that.  It's just that I have so many negative things I could say about that microfilm reader, that people may take a negative attitude about me!!   But I will say this much..........there would probably be more Howard News from the past on this site, if the library had an acceptable microfilm reader!!!   I have tried my best to be very tactful about my feelings on that "machine!!!!".  H-m-m-m, I wonder if anyone on the library board has ever tried using it??????



I know for a fact that a couple of years ago, Neva Walter was on the board, but whether she still is now, I could not tell you.  Someone recently said that Lois Markley was on the library board, but I do not know that for a fact.  

Janet Harrington

Neva Walter, Jim White, Lois Markely maybe, Sandy Small, Robin Haines, and I'll think of the rest later.


My Mother and Grandfather both worked for Tom Thompson!   When  he  quoted my Mother , he refered to  her as SOFY   DANIELS!              My grandfather was  Brice E  Davis and my motherwas Hattie Davia Crismas!     


Clad Thompson was known as Pip Daniels long before he went to work for the Kansas City Star.  He worked for  his dad at the Courant.   He was referred  to as Pip Daniels.  My mother worked at the paper at the same time.  She was Sofy Daniels.

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