Happy Birthday to Dee Gee and Indygal

Started by Janet Harrington, March 27, 2007, 10:41:08 PM

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Janet Harrington

On March 30, Dee Gee and Indygal are having birthdays.  I hope they both enjoy themselves.  Happy Birthday, Dee Gee and Indygal.


Thank you for the birthday wishes, Janet! Wow, DeeGee and I share a birthday....how cool is that? And rare, too, as I've not known many others who "came onto the scene" on March 30. Guess that makes us even more special, eh?


Here's wishing a Happy Birthday to Dee Gee and Indygal.  May the world continue to be kind to you so you can join us here often.


Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!  I hope it's a great day for you...  And I hope the rain stops for a bit so you can get outdoors & enjoy.


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Dee Gee

Thanks for all of your birthday wishes.
I knew I shared my birthday with other people such as Vincent Van Gogh, Warren Beatty, Eric Clapton, Celine Dion and John Astin but I didn't realize I also shared it with a person in the town where I was born a few years ago.  Happy Birthday Indy Gal.

Great things that have happen on this date United States purchased Alaska from Russia,  Texas was readmitted to hte Union and CHARLIE BROWN HIT HIS FIRST HOME RUN.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

Janet Harrington

Yeah, Charlie Brown.  I didn't know that Charlie Brown had ever hit a home run.  I thought all he did was pitch.  What would we do without Charlie Brown?


With Charlie Brown pitching, they didn't very often get up to bat.


Thank you all for your kind birthday wishes. I did have a happy day, spending LOTS of time on the telephone with family and friends who called. I'm so blessed in so many ways.

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