Longton Has A Questionnaire For Its Citizens

Started by CCarl, January 13, 2023, 12:10:00 AM

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It is three questions about "addressing dilapidated and blighted properties". The City Council wants to know what you think. I hope that, by reference to citizens, the City means to include 1) owners of land in the City who do not reside in the City, and 2) resident Aliens who have their papers [excluding martians].
It is two pages, with a nice white tail deer header, and lines for you to write on. I do not know how to import it to this Forum, so you will need to contact City Hall if you want the actual questionnaire. The three questions are below. I encourage everyone to let City Hall know EXACTLY how you feel, no matter how you feel. Have fun!

Here are the questions;
1) Is there a public concern about improving blighted properties in city limits?
2) If you feel there is a public concern to improve blighted properties, do you think the current ordinances in place are suitable? (You may review ordinances at www.cityoflongton.com or call Bonnie to request a copy 620-642-2225).
3) Provide any other details or concerns you have about blighted properties.
Use the back or more sheets of paper, as needed. Please return you questionnaire to city hall – P.O. Box 18 Longton, KS 67352.

The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.


What a hoot, huh? One of my previous posts touched on this, and there is more to come shortly. I'd say someone at the City could be reading this Forum.

Here is my reply to the questionnaire. There should be no need to send it to the City. The City needs to come out of the Dark Ages, become transparent, and post to this Forum. Then, just maybe, a real dialog can be started. So I hope, but not expect.

Answer to 1) There are NO blighted properties in Longton. This is a rural community. What you see is typical in rural communities across many of these States, where regulation and taxation have sucked the wealth away. The 'blighted' label is used purposefully to paint a negative view in the responders' minds. Do not be deceived. On an honest questionnaire, the first question would be, "Do you feel areas of Longton are blighted?" Then the questionnaire would define 'blighted'.

Longton is a small, diverse population of many poor people, living the way they choose, often on property that they own. Most of us are struggling to make ends meet. That is not a blight. That is a way of life. To call us a blight is a back-handed compliment. Thank you!

I doubt that there is a public concern. I doubt there is much, if any, concern from City Council. I have seen the property that four of the five members own. I have no doubt that the Mayor's California eyes sees displeasure everywhere she goes in Longton. I have no doubt this questionnaire has been created at the Mayor's pleasure.

There are a few residents that keep their yards clean, neat, and sterile to the Nth degree. And some of them probably have their noses in the air that neighbors are not held to higher yard standards. I know a few have complained to me about my yard. Nosey neighbors need to love their own yards, and not worry about others' yards.

The term 'a public concern' suggests that a majority of people, i.e. the 'public at large', has a problem with junk cars, junk metal, old homes, vacant or not, burn piles, etc. I doubt the Longton public has a singular impression. I do not doubt that the mayor will try to skew the results of this questionnaire by having all her admirers respond, trying to create the image of a 'public outcry'.

Answer to 2) Many of the ordinances that I have read violate individuals' and families' Rights of private ownership. Living in the 'City of Longton, Inc.' does not remove or alter those Rights. Those ordinances need to be repealed, not strengthened or added to. Our property is ours to care for as we see fit, not as our neighbors see fit, and not as ANY government sees fit.

Answer to 3) Under law, not color of law, the City's jurisdiction is pretty much limited to the public sector of the City, i.e., the roads, water lines, sewer lines, and public buildings and parks. Our taxes are way too high, and our services almost nil relative to the amount of taxes we pay. The City government needs to apply its inflated budget to the legitimate public sector areas (above) that the residents of Longton have authorized it to maintain. The City government needs to stay off private property, and out of the affairs of private land owners. Maybe that (re)direction would get our roads repaired. Ya think?
The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.


I certainly would love to have that questionnaire...but I think my recent post probably answers question #1 
 and #3.  I'd have to look into the ordinances to answer further.

  My question is how could anyone have ever even known that this questionnaire exists in the first place without some sort of notification that reaches all owners?  People don't generally spend their days checking on City of Longton's website.

Why is it not being mailed out or emailed?  At least then, there would likely be more feedback for them to consider if a high percentage of people filled it out.

Is there a deadline to answer the questionnaire?

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