Will Justice Be Served?

Started by Wake-up!, July 08, 2021, 08:29:26 AM

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" . . . because the victims [of Boy Scout leaders] are so numerous, the $850 million will amount to between three and five thousand dollars per victim, the equivalent to a month and a half's earnings at minimum wage, a proverbial drop in the bucket. Undoubtedly, the settlement will feel like a slap in the face to those children, many of whom are now adults, who have lost their innocence to predators and the organization which allegedly protected such pedophiles."

Here is the full story; https://thefreethoughtproject.com/boy-scouts-pay-out-nearly-a-billion-for-60000-sex-abuse-victims-and-almost-no-arrests-were-made/

[Such vague reporting is problematic. The headline says approximately 60,000 victims. Yea, that's a helluva lot. But when I divide 850 million by the average $4000 payout per victim, I get well over 200,000 victims. I wonder what the real numbers of victims are? Or maybe the per victim payout number is in error?]

[And I wonder how many Boy Scout leaders have been identified as pedophiles. This article avoids that topic. And how many are a handful that went to prison? And how long are their sentences?]

[The article is so vague it is difficult to know, but I doubt justice has been served. Maybe a court will change that.]
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- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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