Books being written

Started by Jim, March 03, 2007, 12:12:41 PM

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Hello all going through the old posts and such I have noticed several people ahve talked about the yare working on books, all seem to be some sort of history book, (right up my alley), So i was wondering who all and at hte very least what type of books are being worked on around here. I find all this stuff that has happened around here in the past very interesting...I my self not being a born and bred Elk, I am working on something myself but not a book, as you can see im not a writer but would like to do a web site on the history of the old schools that no longer exsist and their activities that took place, not the school itself but the activities, sports, drama, band and such......ALSO who do i need to talk to about joing the Elk County Historical society



Jim---contact Margaret Gragg about any interest you have in the Elk County Historical Society.  She, being a retired school teacher, could probably tell you quite a bit about the Elk County Schools---clear back to the one-room school houses and the country schools. If you want more up to date information--she can give you names of others to contact.
Good luck!  Sounds interesting.

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