Independent Greg Orman's Plan for Good Government

Started by Wake-up!, September 25, 2018, 08:41:06 AM

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OLATHE, KANSAS – Greg Orman, independent candidate for Kansas governor, and his running mate, State Sen. John Doll, released the first of eight detailed policy proposals Thursday that are part of the campaign's Problem Solving Platform. The title of the proposal: "Making Government Work For The People Again."

According to Orman's campaign, the number one priority is to ensure that the Kansas state government works for the people first.
"​What we've had in Topeka is a government dedicated to serving itself and shutting out Kansas citizens from the problem-solving process," said Orman.
"We Kansans are at the cusp of reclaiming our state from further damage by political tribalism and nationally driven agendas, and we can and will become a shining example of what a state can do when its public and private sectors, and most importantly, its citizens pull together to build a better future."

The plan outlines four major priorities that include over a dozen promises and targeted reforms. These priorities are to:
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    Create a government that serves and listens to the people;
    Create an accountable, transparent government;
    Reclaim the government from special interests; and
    Create a culture of involvement, innovation, and common sense.

"I will employ a collaborative and open approach to leading Kansas into the future that ensures our government is working for the people, not special interests or national party agendas," says Orman.
"We will leave behind the political animosity and partisan gridlock that has been holding us back for far too long. I will focus on the following four priorities to make sure that the government of Kansas is working for the people again."

From legal and political battles over the school budget to misappropriation of highway funds to voters being illegally purged from the voter rolls, the Kansas government has had no shortage of problems over the last few years. And it has attracted national attention.

Orman's campaign says his Problem Solving Platform will address many of the challenges that have emerged as a result of special interest-driven, party-first politics in Kansas, including needed reforms in economic development, health care, education, and more.

On the election reform front, Orman is calling on
- Political parties to reimburse the state for their own primary elections if Kansas is going to continue to use closed primary elections;
- Additional state funds to help upgrade county election equipment and provide funding to audit and inspect voting machines; and
- A constitutional amendment to establish a nonpartisan independent redistricting commission.

Greg Orman officially launched his campaign for governor in January. He previously ran a competitive race against incumbent US Sen. Pat Roberts (R) in 2014, but fell short of a win. Now, he faces a tough race against multiple candidates running for the state's top office.

And here is what Greg Orman says he will do for rural Kansas.
His detailed plan for rural kansas is here;

Greg Orman will support economic development in rural Kansas. The state of Kansas has a long track record of agricultural leadership and rural Kansas has historically been a backbone of the state economy. Rural Kansas has also been a backbone of the family culture in Kansas and offered an unmatched quality of life to its citizens—rural Kansas is a treasure that offers people the ability to build a special life for themselves and their families.

Unfortunately, rural Kansas has struggled in recent years as the agricultural landscape has evolved and as an increasing number of Kansans have migrated to urban areas or out of state. This migration is threatening the financial stability of rural areas as it becomes increasingly difficult to sustain basic services as population levels drop. These problems will not be solved by merely defaulting to the typical political "fixes" of tax cuts and subsidies which are very blunt instruments. Rural Kansas needs—and deserves—greater focus in supporting it in building its economy.

Luckily, rural Kansas has numerous assets that it can use to build its economy through growing current industries and creating new industries. Doing this will support rural Kansans with jobs and will help pay for the basic infrastructure needed to support their quality of life. In addition, we must also innovate to improve the delivery of basic services and housing for rural Kansans that will be required to retain and attract workers to rural Kansas. Rural Kansas has the opportunity to participate in our changing economy and to prosper while also maintaining the quality of life and values that make it unique.
For Kansas to succeed, rural Kansas must succeed

Greg will eliminate barriers to agricultural production and profitability for Kansas farmers and support them in ensuring that they have adequate water resources. The Kansas agricultural sector is an example for the nation but we need to do everything in power to support it in building its leadership position and ensuring that it has the resources—particularly water—required to flourish

He will also ensure that the digital and innovation infrastructure is in place to support new industries, enabling rural Kansas to become a hub for digitally based companies. The digital economy offers a unique opportunity for rural Kansas since it opens the door for work to be performed remotely. We need to ensure that we are fully equipped to take advantage of this opportunity and encourage new businesses in these areas.

Additionally, he will leverage our natural advantages in wind and solar. Kansas has the opportunity to leverage its resources to lead in solar and wind. To achieve this, we need to focus on enabling our supply of solar and wind both from a generation and a transmission and distribution standpoint and explore opportunities to spur demand of this power.

Finally, he will ensure that the social infrastructure is in place to support rural Kansas. If we cannot sustain and improve the quality of life in rural Kansas, then we will not have the workforce needed to capture the economic development opportunities that it has before it. We need to create solutions in a number of areas ranging from solving the rural housing gap to explore using new technologies to support the efficient delivery of basic services such as education and healthcare. By doing this, we can ensure that rural Kansas never has to forego opportunities for lack of talent to pursue them.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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