Old Pictures and Uniforms

Started by Jim, February 15, 2007, 08:37:33 PM

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Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I would love to get a hold of some of that stuff you was talking about the bag and the pictures and stuff, I will contanct those people mentioned above along with the few people i have. I ahve more things and info on Howard High, I dont seem to get much or even find it on North and South Elk. you can send things to me at the school or to my home address




Actually my old band uniforms etc have been disposed of a long time ago. I probably should have kept them, but then and even now you say to yourself as you are cleaning out old stuff like that..
"WHY??!! Why am I keeping this old stuff? " And with that I usually toss it.. especially when I am in a real cleaning out mood.

Like my old wedding gown ( from the 1st wedding  ;) :D) Mama told Sherri and I that she sure wasn't going to store them anymore and I damned sure didn't want it.. so??? Out it went. It was all yellowed anyway and still in the brides bag but I don't think in this day and age anyone would have wanted it.

Now Why did I get off on that tangent? I swear I am loony as an old crazy hen sometimes. )

Sorry everyone...**walking away and mumbling to myself**
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Teresa says, "I swear I am loony as an old crazy hen sometimes".

Ta Ta says, "Yes, you are".


Well, It takes "loony" to recognise and know "loony"..
If the shoe fits~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

bowie boy

Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 16, 2007, 10:15:10 PM
Teresa -

Maybe you could get an "old" band together - you on your clarinet and Janet on her trumpet. Certainly that would be worth a picture or two.  ;)

A concert featuring the two of you????? :laugh:
i could play my trumpet ???
''If guns kill people, I can blame misspelled words on my pencil'' - Larry The Cable Guy

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