Young Girl Drowned (Vada Blizard)

Started by genealogynut, February 16, 2007, 11:53:04 AM

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The Courant
June 28, 1917

Miss Vada, Daughter of Sheriff Blizard, Drowned Tuesday Evening

Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Barber, Andrew Scully, the Barber children, Vada Blizard and Marjorie DePew, went to Elk river near the Joe Harris home.  The girls ventured in the water beyond their depth and called for help.  Mr. Barber and Sculley plunged in to help them, but neither being able to swim, or at most but little, and having all their clothes on, instead of helping any, at once found themselves in a dangerous position.  Bud Barber, a young boy of 16, and a fair swimmer managed to assist the DePew girl and Adelaide Barber out, and also his father, who was unconscious; but Vada sank and was drowned.  The alarm was sent to town, and Dr. DePew who happened to be near the scene of the tragedy, recovered Vada's body, but she had been in the water for near twenty minutes and could not be resuscitated.

Sheriff Blizard, the father, was at Oak Valley on official business when phoned for and arrived home in the course of an hour or so.  The little body was brought to the undertaker.  The sad affair prostrated the family and fairly stunned the whole community, for Vada was a beautiful young girl of 14, of lovable and loving disposition, almost worshipped by her parents and sisters and admired by all who knew her.

The funeral was held at the Baptist Church today at 10. a.m.  The entire city mourns with the sorrowing family.

Janet Harrington

In case you don't know the family, Frank Blizard was the father of a woman named ????? Marrs.  She married Bob Marrs that owned the land just west of town and the house on tope of the hill.  I can't think of her first name.  Someone will, though.  I didn't know she had a sister that drowned so that was interesting to me.


The last Mrs. Marrs that lived out on the hill was named Dorothy.  She moved to town after her husband died not too many years ago.

Janet Harrington

Yep.  That's the one.  She was the daughter of Sheriff Frank Blizard.


I was so surprised!  But I learned something new.  Bob and Dorothy had a son, Carl.  He is abt. 3 years older than I.

Janet Harrington

And Carl is a professor at a college in another state.  I have his business card, but it is at work.  I'll get it Tuesday and share that infor with you.

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