The Latest Neocon Hypocrisy . . .

Started by redcliffsw, February 20, 2017, 07:19:56 AM

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For my entire adult life I have heard D.C. politicians condemn anyone who goes to a foreign country and criticizes the president of the United States.  Say whatever you want here, they say, but never, ever, air our dirty political laundry in front of foreigners.  It's borderline traitorous, they say.  This is especially true of the neoconman warmongering class.  I received hundreds of emails from "conservative" busybodies during the Bush and Obama regimes excoriating me for my "disrespect of the presidency" every time I criticized either politician on this Web site for their reckless military interventionism, attempts to destroy the American economy with socialism, and worse.

This is yet another fascist institution that Donald Trump has apparently abolished — without his even knowing about it.  I refer to the fact that in today's news are articles about how John McCain attended one of those neocon Let's-Invade-the-World "security" conferences in Munich, Germany at which he mercilessly trashed the American president.  I wonder how many of those and National Review war-worshipping chickenhawks will criticise McCain for trashing the American president in front of several hundred foreigners in Germany.
-Thomas DiLorenzo

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